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Members: Harish Chowdhary, Paul Hoffman, Ramanou S. Biaou, Paul Hoffman, Wes Hardaker, Jaap Akkerhuis, Geoff Huston, Kazunori Fujiwara, Fred Baker, Paul Muchene, Shinta Sato, Mohit Batra, Benno Overeinder, Davey Song., Mukund Sivaraman, Mallory Knodel.




Statement of Work

Testbed for Resolver Software (Paul Hoffman) 


Report on the Conclusion of the Modern Resolver Behavior Work Party


Remote Participation:

Phone bridge: +1 866-780-9216

Participant passcode: 4927450 

Upcoming Meeting:

 16:00 UTC

Previous Meetings:

RSSAC Caucus Resolver Study Teleconference Call on 06 December 2018

RSSAC Caucus Resolver Study Meeting at IETF103 on 06 November 2018

RSSAC Caucus Resolver Study Teleconference Call on 03 October 2018

| 07:45-09:15 UTC +1 (local time) 

IETF 104 | The Hilton Prague | Verdi Boardroom 8th floor 

Action Items:   

    Joao Damas to share a document on different experiments with Resolvers 
    • Paul Hoffman to continue working on the test bed.

    • Paul Hoffman to

  • provide an update on different tests during the next teleconference.
  • Staff to share a Doodle poll for the selection of the next teleconference in 2019. 

    • start a general discussion on the list about what to test.

    • The next meeting will be at IETF 104 on Monday, 25 March 2019 from 07:45 - 9:15 local time in Prague. Remote participation will be available.

MeetingsMeetings Notes

Wednesday, 03 October 2018 Teleconference Callteleconference

Tuesday, 06 November 2018 Meeting IETF103

Thursday, 06 December 2018 teleconference

Monday, 14 January 2019 teleconference

Tuesday, 19 February 2019 teleconference


Thursday, 06 December 2018 Teleconference Call

Monday, 14 January 2019 Teleconference Call

Tuesday, 19 February 2019 Teleconference Call