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Note that this will be scheduled as one call (same dial in number and AC room) to facilitate participation for those that are involved in multiple sub-teams, but there is no obligation for WG members to attend all three sub-team meetings, unless you would like to. However, if you are not a member of a sub-team but would like to join, you are encouraged to participate as an observer to allow ample opportunity for the sub-team to progress in its work. 

Mp3 Data Sub-team

Mp3 Privacy Sub-team

Mp3 Purpose Purpose Sub-team

Transcript Data Sub-team

Transcript Privacy Sub-team


Transcript Purpose Sub-team

AC Chat


Apologies: Tjabbe Bos, Holly Raiche, Benny Samuelson,  Iliya Bazlyankov


On audio only: Beth Allegretti

Reference Documents

15.30 – 16.15 UTC Data Sub-Team

16.15 – 17.00 UTC Privacy Sub-Team

17.00 – 17.45 UTC Purpose Sub-Team


Charter Questions:

Throughout this three-phase process, the many inter-related questions that must (at minimum) be addressed by the PDP include:

Users/Purposes: Who should have access to gTLD registration data and why (i.e., for what purposes)?

Gated Access: What steps should be taken to control data access for each user/purpose?

Data Accuracy: What steps should be taken to improve data accuracy?

Data Elements: What data should be collected, stored, and disclosed?

Notes, Action Items, and Outputs

  • Roll call will be taken from Adobe Connect room
  • Reminder, please complete / update SOIs
  • Action Item: Members of each sub-team to submit comments / edits to draft responses (linked below) by the end of this week in view of finalising input by next week's meeting. 

Data Sub-Team

  • Draft Responses: Data Sub-Team - Questions template - updated 26 April 2016.doc
  • Objective to complete the template to provide input to the full WG
  • Questions to be answered circulated to the list earlier today in the form of a template
  • None of the sub-teams exists in isolation
  • Possible area for discussion: work plan and order of questions - especially with regards to question 1 (users & purposes), question 4 (what data should be collected, stored and disclosed) and question 5 (what


  • steps are needed to protect data and privacy


Coexistence: What steps should be taken to enable next-generation RDS coexistence with and replacement of the legacy WHOIS system?

Compliance: What steps are needed to enforce these policies?

System Model: What system requirements must be satisfied by any next- generation RDS implementation?

Cost: What costs will be incurred and how must they be covered?

Benefits: What benefits will be achieved and how will they be measured?

Risks: What risks do stakeholders face and how will they be reconciled?



Apologies: Tjabbe Bos, Holly Raiche, Benny Nordreg, Benny Samuelson,  Iliya Bazlyankov


Audio Only:




For the latest versions of the check lists and summaries, please see


Membership of the sub-teams:


Purpose sub-team


  • ). Does the data team have an opinion on the order of how these should be covered and/or synced up. 
  • What data, what users, what privacy - could be order of approach. Others suggest that purpose should be dealt with first.
  • This is really a venn diagram - a large set of possible data, a subset of data for each user/purpose, and a subset of that as permitted by laws in each applicable jurisdiction. (not a perfect description, but the point is that all are inter-related)
  • Submit comments / edits to draft responses by the end of this week in view of finalising input by next week's meeting. 

Privacy Sub-Team

  • Draft Responses: Privacy Sub-Team - Questions template - updated 26 April 2016.doc
  • Which documents are most relevant - some documents may be important, but not necessary the most relevant to the WG deliberations
  • How to differentiate between personal and company data? Personal & sensitive data are considered together - sensitive data may also apply to a company.
  • Identifying documents that are most relevant, not ranking these in order of importance. 
  • Encouraged to provide input by the end of the week in view of finalising template by next meeting. 

Purpose Sub-Team


  • discussion  during this call.


  • Responses were updated to correct A29 references and to add A29 3/2013 and Green and White papers to the list.


  • If additional docs suggested by Kathy are not already on the purpose team's inputs list, add then and copy summaries from privacy team summaries. 
  • It was noted that the team needs to ensure that the A29 docs listed as most important are those directly relevant to purpose. (It is believed they are.)
  • Additional input documents are welcome at any time during the PDP, but we do need to wrap up this input inventory this week to return to full WG mode and the PDP WG's work plan


  • Remaining assigned summaries to be added to consolidated summaries PDF.  Note: A29 3/2013 summary was in fact already submitted and added to consolidated PDF last week.
  • Volunteers asked to take a look at the consolidated purpose team summaries (posted to mailing list and also on wiki at as noted above) to identify any


  • lengthy excerpts that need


  • abbreviating or bullet points added to tie


  • the excerpt to its relevance


  • in answering the charter question addressed by this team
  • Team members may also wish to cross-check the list of input documents to ensure that the end user's  expectations, fears, reactions, etc, are


  • encompassed within inputs identified


  • . (For example, the  Individual Internet User purpose described in the EWG report and the blog post by Carlton Samuels.) If not, note this as


  • an input gap.
  • Team will continue discussion on email list and come to conclusions about answers to questions by Friday of this week for discussion with full WG


  • .
  • Submit comments / edits to draft responses by the end of this week in view of finalising input by next week's


  • meeting. 

Reference Documents

For the latest versions of the check lists and summaries, please see

Membership of the sub-teams:

Draft Responses - see links above for each sub-team

Charter Questions:

Throughout this three-phase process, the many inter-related questions that must (at minimum) be addressed by the PDP include:

  • Users/Purposes: Who should have access to gTLD registration data and why (i.e., for what purposes)?
  • Gated Access: What steps should be taken to control data access for each user/purpose?
  • Data Accuracy: What steps should be taken to improve data accuracy?
  • Data Elements: What data should be collected, stored, and disclosed?
  • Privacy: What steps are needed to protect data and privacy?
  • Coexistence: What steps should be taken to enable next-generation RDS coexistence with and replacement of the legacy WHOIS system?
  • Compliance: What steps are needed to enforce these policies?
  • System Model: What system requirements must be satisfied by any next- generation RDS implementation?
  • Cost: What costs will be incurred and how must they be covered?
  • Benefits: What benefits will be achieved and how will they be measured?
  • Risks: What risks do stakeholders face and how will they be reconciled?


