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ICANN Accessibility Taskforce Meeting

Date: Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Time: 18:00 - 19:00 UTC (for the time in various timezones click here)

Meeting Number: AL.TF/MT.0915/1


How do I participate in this meeting?  

English Conference ID = 1638

Adobe Connect Meeting Room:


Recording: EN

Transcript: EN

Action Items:   EN      

AC Chat Transcript :  EN  


Dial out Participants: Jorge Carcavallo, Maureen Hilyard, Joly MacFie, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Harold Arcos, Olivier Crepin-Leblond, Siranush Vardanyan, Alan Greenberg, Greg Shatan, Jahangir Hossain

Apologies:  Gunela Astbrink, Judith Hellerstein

Staff: Silvia  Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco, Laura Bengford, Joe Catapano, Christopher Mondini, Terri Agnew

Call Management: Terri Agnew



  1. Welcome, Attendance, Apologies  (5 mins)
  2. Any Updates.   (20-30 mins)See August Action Items (5-10 mins)
  3. List input 
      1. proposal by Jorge Carcavallo => 

        Dear Friends:

        What do you think about launching a worldwide online and press campaign MAKE YOUR NAME ACCESSIBLE stimulating web accessibility asking all the ICANN ecosystem and partners to participate.

        Maybe it can be launched at #ICANN54


  4. Discussion of design elements for the new Wiki  ( input and suggestions re this ws an Action Item from the last meeting) 
    1. Brief Review of our last F2F Meeting  - Buenos AiresSunday, 21 June 2015 at 17:30 ART
      BUENOS AIRES 2015 WORK  

      Recording and Transcripts in all languages are available at:

      Adobe Connect recording:  AC Chat Transcript: EN  Action Items:  EN

       The BA Agenda:- 

      1. Stock Take Survey  - Analysis with Diane Schroeder, Sr. Director, Administration and Talent Management  (30 mins)
      2. Accessibility updates from various members  (10 mins)
      3. Next steps 
    2. Activities since our last Meeting and follow up of any Action Items (listed from the BA Meeting listed below)  or Matter Arising 
    3. Accessibility Tools and Reference, Activity or Articles Updates  Needing to be listed on the wiki page even when sent to email list? ==> Wiki Page  see Accessibility Tools
      Specific Follow ups - 
      1. New Wiki Space for ICANN Wide Community has been et up and now need design and population with data. The link to the new workspace for the Cross-Community Committee (formerly known as the Accessibility WG) at:  it is not yet Public .
        1. Input at time of Agenda update had been received fro:-
          Gunella=> I tried to use the new Dashboard for the Accessibility WG but it didn't allow me to create or edit.
          While this is now a Cross-Community group, the original objectives and actions would be relevant. In fact, maybe we can move some of the resources across as well but in a more systematic manner. Certainly, the link to the web accessibility audit led by Laura is important: Accessibility
          Here is the link to the original objectives and actions that I put together including suggested timelines. I realise that they have been added to and the SWOT and SMART tables cover further details but it's a starting point.

     5     3.  Next meetings (510-10 15 mins)

    • September date and time (noting the need to accommodate time zones of  all TF Members) 
    • BA F2F ( Dublin F2F (including a more detailed planning of Agenda will be scheduled during the September Meeting of the TF




 AOB (5-10 mins)