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FY16 Special Budget Requests – RSSAC IETF Meetings, RSSAC Workshop, RSSAC travel funding for ICANN meetings (2 co-chairs + 3 members).

Status: Tripti submitted the budget request to ICANN on 24 February 2015, waiting to hear back from ICANN. UPATE: Special requests grantedAction Item: Wes Hardaker and Steve Sheng to work on a statement of work.[DONE]

Work Products

DateStatus InitiatedStatus Update

Update: 14December 2016 10:30 EST


Administrative Items


RSSAC Meetings


Last The most recent RSSAC Meeting teleconference was on May 07, 201501 December 2016.

Open Action Items

    • Carlos Reyes to draft the Board paper for appointing the new B-Root representation. [DONE]
    • Carlos Reyes to publish the approved revised draft minutes from 2 April 2015. [DONE]
    • Lars-Johan Liman and Wes Hardaker to revise the work statement for a potential work party on whether or not to DNSSEC sign the zone. [ONGOING]
    • Lars-Johan Liman to submit the revised work statement for a potential work party on whether or not to DNSSEC sign the zone to the RSSAC for an electronic vote. [ONGOING]
    • Steve Sheng to create a draft table to capture root server operator deployments of statistics recommended by RSSAC 002. [DONE]
    • Lars-Johan Liman to ask the Caucus to verify and assess whether or not root server operator deployments of statistics fulfill RSSAC 002 recommendations. [ONGOING]
    • Carlos Reyes to re-forward the request from the Finance and Project Management team for a meeting with RSSAC at ICANN 53. [DONE]
    • The RSSAC Co-Chairs and RSSAC Support Staff to draft an agenda for ICANN 53. [ONGOING]
    • Each root server operator to provide David Conrad with feedback on the MTU sizes in root server instances for UDP responses in IPv4 and IPv6. [ONGOING]
    • Carlos Reyes to work with Nominating Committee support staff to onboard Bill Manning. [DONE]

from Previous Teleconference(s)

  • Staff to publish the minutes from the 4 November 2016 teleconference.
  • Staff to send the published minutes from 4 November 2016 to the RSSAC Caucus.
  • Staff to draft and submit a submission to the Board for the reelection of Tripti Sinha as an RSSAC co-chair.
  • Staff and co-chairs to continue working on finding candidates for RSSAC endorsement for the 2nd Security, Stability and Resiliency of the DNS Review.
  • Co-chairs to create and share a response to CCWG SO/AC accountability sub-group (CCWG-ACCT).
  • Staff to send out a poll for RSSAC Workshop 4 dates.
  • Staff to send an email to RSSAC with links and information on how to respond to current ICANN open public comment periods.

    The next RSSAC meeting will be January 2017

Agenda Items:


 Next meeting is on June 4, 2015.


RSSAC Caucus Meetings


Last RSSAC Caucus Meeting was on 22 March 2015 (at IETF 92). Minutes and notes have been posted06 November 2016 at ICANN 57 in Hyderabad, India. The next RSSAC Caucus Meeting is in Chicago, IL at IETF.


RSSAC Mtgs at ICANN MtgsMeetings


ICANN 53 is in Buenos Aires, Argentina: 21-25 June. 


The most recent RSSAC Meeting at ICANN was on 04 November 2016 in Hyderabad, India

Action Items:

  • Staff to publish minutes from the 06 October 2016 Teleconference (DONE)
  • Staff to send the published minutes from the 06 October 2016 to the RSSAC Caucus (DONE)
  • Staff to publish the History of the Root Server System document (DONE)
  • Staff to publish the Key Technical Elements of Potential Root Server Operators document (DONE)
  • Staff to publish the October 2016 Workshop Report document (DONE)

    ICANN 58 will be from March 11-16 20167 in Copenhagen, Denmark
Carlos and Kathy started planning for the RSSAC sessions, the feedback given by RSSAC Chairs are: 1) the number of meetings are good enough, 2) RSSAC meetings with external parties should be consolidated together into one block of time. [Ongoing]


RSSAC Travel Support


For FY15FY17, RSSAC requested has 6 slots (2 co-chair + 3 chairs and 4 RSSAC members travel to each ICANN meetings. UPDATE: This request has been granted and incorporated into the core budget.

Update: April 29: Marc Blanchet reached out to Steve and Carlos asking whether there is funding for IAB liaison to RSSAC to travel to ICANN meetings. How should we respond? [Liman and Tripti to discuss]


FY16 Special Budget Requests


) for ICANN meetings.

Travel Support requests for ICANN58 are in the process.


RSSAC Workshop 2016Open

THE date for the 2016 RSSAC Workshop will be on May 2,3,4 in Reston, VA.



RSSAC 2015 Workshop


Teleconference on 19 May 2015 at 9:00/EDT - Draft agenda created and will be discussed on next RSSAC Teleconference 04 June 2015


Public Comments/Input




Public Comments/Input


Continuous Data-Driven Analysis of Root Server System Stability:

FY17 Draft Operating Plan and Budget:

CCWG-Principles: Carlos Reyes drafting RSSAC Co-Chairs response to CCWG-Principles Co-Chairs.

Draft New ICANN Bylaws:

CWG Proposal For IANA Stewardship Transition


Comment period has ended


CCWG Proposal on Enhancing ICANN Accountability Ongoing

CLOSED: RSSAC submitted comments on 9 January 2015 and follow-up discussions ensued on proposed ICANN bylaws changes. RSSAC also submitted a congratulatory statement to ICG via Liman on 10 March 2016.

SSAC comment Discussion


Work Parties/Committees


Membership Committee


2015 Caucus membership committee are: Paul Vixie, Tripti Sinha, and Kaveh Ranjbar. Staff support: Carlos Reyes.

Action Items: Tripti to follow up on the SOI of Karl Reuss. [OPEN]




RSSAC001 is approved by SSAC and available at: It is waiting on draft-iab-2870bis-02 to be published together.  

Action Items Steve Sheng to work with Lars-Johan Liman on the publication of the IAB document.


Root Zone TTL


Work Party members: Duane Wessels (leader), Warren Kumari,

Jaap Akkerhuis, Shumon Huque, Brian Dickson, John Bond, Joe Abley,

Alejandro Acosta, Akira Kato and Matt Thomas. Staff Support: Steve Sheng.


The Work Party is meeting biweekly: None scheduled


Remember to send copy to SSAC when done, or possibly for review before publishing./Liman

Evolution of Root Server System


The RSSAC will focus this topic in its annual workshop. To prepare for the workshop, a background document to be produced on historical information about root server operational transitions.


Action Item: Lars-Johan Liman to encourage RSSAC members to send historical information about root server operational transitions to Steve Sheng. Also specify what additional historical information needs to be shared.



PROPOSED: Signing (or not) the zone



Kaveh Ranjbar announced his intent to step down at ICANN55. Matt Weinberg will replace Kaveh. Jim Martin will remain on the Membership Committee (It is not required to be an RSSAC member to serve on the Membership Committee.)


Root Server System Naming SchemeOngoing

Shepherd: Suzanne Woolf

Leader: John Bond

Work Party held a meeting at IETF95. John Bond has replaced Joe Abley as work party leader. Work continues.

12/14/2016 - The work party produced final reports

Anycast InstancesNew

Steve Sheng sent the updated statement of work for review by Daniel Karrenberg on 3/15/2016.

ACTION ITEM: Daniel K to review and revise the updated statement of work.

History of Root Server SystemClosed

12/14/2016: The document is published.

3/16/2016: The caucus review has finished. The RSSAC shepherd group will revise the document.

ACTION: Tripti to incorporate Ashley's input and revise the document.

RSSAC002 v3Closed.

The work party working on v3 of RSSAC002 continues to have meetings. On track for delivery by 1 June 2016 to the RSSAC.

6/6/2016 - The document is published.



RSSAC000 v2


Kevin Jones is leading an effort to revise the RSSAC operational procedures. Carlos Reyes is providing staff support.

RSSAC001 v1Closed

RSSAC001 has been approved by RSSAC and available at:

RFC7720 has been published as well:

RSSAC002 v2



RSSAC002v2 has been approved by RSSAC and available at:

Deployment of statistics is being tracked and updated as of Q3 2016.

RSSAC003 v1OpenIANA is studying the advice and to make a recommendation to ICANN Board.

Possible Work Items Pending RSSAC discussion / resource availability

Proposed at the RSSAC Caucus Meeting on 22 March 2015.

      - Test bed for RSSAC001/RFC2870" compliance. Action Item: Lars-Johan Liman to ask DNS-OARC about public compliance of a test bed for RSSAC001/RFC2870bis

Implementation Follow up


RSSAC 001 Implementation



Currently in holding pattern, waiting for RFC2870bis to be published.


RSSAC 002 Implementation


RSSAC002  Rec. 2: “RSSAC should monitor the progress of the implementation of these measures.”

Action Item: Steve Sheng to create a draft table to capture root server operator deployments of statistics recommended by RSSAC 002.


Possible Work Items Pending RSSAC discussion / resources availability

As Proposed at the RSSAC Caucus Kick Off Meeting 2015:

      - Test bed for RSSAC-001/RFC2870" compliance.

      - Writing easy-to-read, easy-to-find document about root servers. Incl. how to approach/reach the operators.

      - TCP/UCP counter not aligned in RSSAC-002.

      - Expand DITL to better see trends and avoid spikes.

      - Finding metrics deciding where to deploy anycast instances. (Incl: how to define "underserved area").

      - Including more parties in root service.


As Proposed on RSSAC Caucus Mailing Lists

Risks and Benefits of new naming scheme for root servers (Joe Abley, 19 May 2015)

Action Item: Lars-Johan Liman to ask DNS-OARC about expanding DITL to better see trends and avoid spikes.