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Most Recent Blog Update 


October-November Monthly Update by Theresa Swinehart

First things first, thank you to all of you who joined us at ICANN 51 in Los Angeles! Whether you did so in person or as a remote participant, you may have noticed the evolution in both the IANA Stewardship Transition and Enhancing ICANN Accountability and Governance processes. There's been a distinct shift in conversation over the past month from process to substance, a validation of community achievement in these two critical endeavors.

IANA Stewardship Transition

As soon as the IANA Stewardship Transition Coordination Group (ICG) published its Request for Proposals (RFP), the operational communities of IANA began developing their responses.

The Names community established a Cross Community Working Group (CWG) to develop a proposal on naming related functions. The group, chaired by the GNSO's Jonathan Robinson and ccNSO's Lise Fuhr, includes 19 members and 84 participants. Its charter [PDF, 156 KB] has been adopted by theccNSO, SSAC, GNSO, ALAC and GAC, and ICANN is providing staff support to the working group as well. The CWG held its first face-to-face meeting at ICANN 51, and is holding its next face-to-face meeting to develop and discuss its draft proposal on the 19th and 20th of this month in Frankfurt.

The five Regional Internet Registries (RIRs) who make up the Numbers community are currently consulting within their respective regions. To coordinate the various proposals that will emerge from these consultations, the Number Resource Organization (NRO) created a Consolidated RIR IANAStewardship Proposal Team (CRISP) to produce a unified response to the ICG's RFP. A Timeline for the RIRs Engagement in the IANA Stewardship Transition Process can be found here.

Lastly, in the Protocol Parameters community, the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) has established the IANAPLAN Working Group (IANAPLAN WG). The IANAPLAN WG has adopted anInternet Draft as a basis for developing a response to the ICG's request for proposals and has already developed a draft response to the RFP. This draft proposal was discussed in more depth at their IETF 91 meeting in Honolulu from November 9-14.

The ICG has requested that all three of the community proposals be submitted by January 15, 2015.

As for the ICG itself, it is developing a set of FAQs about its work, and is in the final stages of selecting an independent secretariat.

Enhancing ICANN Accountability and Governance

As was noted in my previous blog, ICANN launched a 21-day open comment period to ensure that as many stakeholders as possible could review, post questions and comment on the Enhancing ICANNAccountability and Governance process posted on August 14th. ICANN received 17 comments and, based on that community input, published a Revised Enhancing ICANN Accountability process.

The strong community request for integrating the originally- proposed dual structure Cross Community Group and Coordination Group into a single Cross Community Working Group (CCWG) was recognized, and the process was revised to incorporate that feedback.

In addition, input over the course of the comment period suggested that the CCWG have two work streams:

  • Work Stream 1 will focus on mechanisms enhancing ICANN accountability that must be in place or committed to within the time frame of the IANA Stewardship Transition; and

  • Work Stream 2 will focus on addressing accountability topics for which a timeline for developing solutions and full implementation may extend beyond the IANA Stewardship Transition.

Drafting Team for the Accountability CCWG has been formed with Supporting Organization and Advisory Committee representatives from the GNSO, ccNSO, ASO and ALAC, in addition to a non-SO/AC representative from the broader ICANN community.

Recognizing the need to move this process forward quickly, the Drafting Team has met twice a week since ICANN 51, and on November 3rd, distributed a Charter for adoption by chartering organizations. The final version and working drafts of the Charter are located on the Wiki.

The GNSO elected to adopt the CCWG charter on November 13th, and each SO/AC is expected to consider the proposed Charter during their upcoming November meeting(s). The CCWG will commence with its deliberations in late November or early December.

A call for volunteers to join the CCWG will be launched so that anyone interested in this effort may join and participate. Additionally, all members of the group formerly known as the Cross Community Group will be added to the CCWG as "participants", with the exception of those appointed by chartering organizations to serve as "members".

As you can see, both processes are now in full swing. Continue to check the ICANN website, followICANN on Twitter, or like ICANN on Facebook for immediate updates.

And again, please join the numerous community discussions taking place:

 10 May 2016
Original Post:


IANA Stewardship Transition Planning Update (Volume 2)

Root Zone Management

The Root Zone Management implementation planning track contains projects relating to changes to the Root Zone Management System (RZMS) to remove NTIA's authorization role, parallel testing of the production and parallel test RZMS systems; and the development, and execution of an agreement with Verisign as the root zone maintainer.

Root Zone Management System (RZMS) Parallel Testing

Status update:

It has been one month since the start of the parallel testing period and everything continues to go smoothly. Click here to view Verisign’s daily Parallel Operations Root Zone Management System Comparison Reports of all the root zone files generated.

In addition to Verisign’s daily reports, ICANN has posted the first of three Monthly Reports on RZMS Parallel Testing Progress during the testing period. The report is available on ICANN’s dedicated Parallel Testing landing page.

In the event that no unexplained differences in root zone files are identified between the production RZMS and the parallel test RZMS, the testing period will end successfully on 5 July 2016.

Documents/announcements posted:

Mailing list:

  • None.

Root Zone Maintainer Agreement (RZMA)

Status update:

Discussions between ICANN and Verisign to finalize details of the RZMA are continuing. The two parties have coalesced around many key elements of the agreement and hope to have a final draft by the end of the month.

Once the draft RZMA is finalized it will be made publicly available on

Documents/announcements posted:

  • None.

Mailing list(s):

  • None.


Stewardship Transition

The Stewardship Transition planning track contains projects to prepare relationship documentation with the operational communities, creation of a Post-Transition IANA (PTI) entity, establishment of a Customer Standing Committee (CSC) and a Root Zone Evolution Review Committee (RZERC), operationalizing the IANA customer service escalation mechanisms and Service Level Agreements (SLAs).

Post-Transition IANA (PTI)

Status update:

ICANN has been working with the Implementation Oversight Task Force (IOTF) on various activities relating to the PTI. Summaries of PTI formation documents (Bylaws, articles of incorporation) as well as the conflict of interest policy have been shared with the IOTF.  ICANN continues to work with the IOTF to finalize the process and timing of review for these documents as well as for the ICANN-PTI contracts.

Documents/announcements posted this week:

  • None.

Mailing list(s):

Customer Standing Committee (CSC)

Status update:

In the CWG-Stewardship proposal, the Domain Names community recommended that a CSC be formed to replace NTIA’s role as it relates to monitoring performance of the IANA naming function. The composition of the CSC will include members and liaisons from all ICANN Supporting Organizations(SOs) and Advisory Committees (ACs).

A Request for Appointment is expected to be sent to SOs and ACs this month to appoint members and liaisons to the CSC using their internal processes.

Documents/announcements posted this week:

  • None.

Mailing list(s):

Root Zone Evolution Review Committee (RZERC)

Status update:

The RZERC Charter (v4) was circulated to the CWG-Stewardship on 4 May 2016. The CWG-Stewardship will discuss the Charter on their 12 May 2016 call, and members and participants of the group are encouraged to provide any comment by 23:59 UTC on 17 May 2016.

Following analysis and incorporation of any input received from the CWG-Stewardship, ICANN will post the Charter for a 30-day public comment period.


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Accountability Enhancements

The Accountability Enhancements track contains plans to implement enhancements to ICANN’s Independent Review and Reconsideration Request processes, to update ICANN’s governance documents, and to operationalize new community powers defined by the Cross Community Working Group on Enhancing ICANN Accountability (CCWG-Accountability).

ICANN's Bylaws

Status update:

ICANN and the community are in the middle of a 30-day public comment period on the new draft ICANNBylaws. Any interested party can submit comments to the public comment forum until 23:59 UTC on 21 May 2016

Adoption of the new Bylaws by the ICANN Board is anticipated for on or around 27 May 2016. Once new ICANN Bylaws have been adopted, ICANN will notify NTIA so they can complete their anticipated 90-day review of the IANA Stewardship Transition Proposal.


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