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NOTE: text in cells below shown in colour is DRAFT only, for discussion by the ARIWG

Issue #2At-Large has struggled to reflect/process end-user opinion; barriers to individual participation; perception of unchanging leadership group.(JC: is this the correct issue statement? Thank you Justine.. yes this has now been inserted correctly)

Final Proposal as approved by the Board

Lead: Bastiaan Goslings

At-Large is increasingly focusing on individuals (both unaffiliated At-Large Members as well as members within
each ALS) instead of just ALS voting representatives. Four of the five (RALOs) allow individual members and the fifth, LACRALO, has already approved the concept and is developing the detailed rules. We will also use the ALSes to communicate with those within an ALS who may have an interest in ICANN.

RALOs have also started to identify experts on ICANN topics within their ALSes and among individual members and to increasingly engage them in ALAC’s policy work. Thus, a bi-directional flow of ICANN information continues to be strengthened.

These activities will require the production of information that is truly understandable (as identified in a recent ALAC-GAC Joint Statement) and available in multiple languages. As some of this will need to be created by At-Large staff, additional resources may be needed. We would suggest that At-Large Staff continue to work together with At-Large Leadership in looking for effective methodologies to coach and onboard new policy volunteers and leaders to facilitate the development of their skills and encourage them to stay and deepen their knowledge and expertise. Regarding the perception of unchanging leadership, statistics reporting involvement will be published

Prioritization3.3.1. (High resource needs; High risk; #1 priority)
ARIWG comments

(MH) Do we need to review our application forms for ALSes and Individual members to ensure that we have active participants in our At-Large activities? Otherwise we are planning to put an inordinate amount of work in to reach whom we assume are potential participants who aren't actually there. In APRALO we have 20 names of which only about 3 or 4 are active. I never see others at our meetings etc, so why do they join? are they participating in ICANN Learn?

(JC) I think there are several aspects to be considered. 1/ Membership application – we need to do better in asking why orgs and people join a RALO – would this then become a criteria in assessing applications? 2/ Identification of experts and willing & able contributors from within ALSes and individual membership – has the adopted method(s) been successful in each RALOs, why? why not? 3/ Establish clear, member-friendly mechanisms for continued engagement, mechanisms which everybody knows apply – who does what with whom? how is it done? 4/ Then, yes to looking for effective methodologies to coach and onboard new policy volunteers and leaders. All with the understanding that everybody has limited time and energy to devote to At-Large activities.

(JH) We also need to clearly indicate that in an ALS we can have many active people from one ALS. Previously there was hesitancy to give out confluence accounts to more than the main and alternate rep.

(NA for Nadira) I could see two fold of the “Outreach an Engagement”, Outreach is one and Engagement is two.  Handling the Outreach, RALOs with its community of active ALSes to take part of the outreach within their ALSes members and to their wider community. 

(NA) Awareness programs of at-large and ALAC work comes before any community members to start in policy engagements.

(NA) Create a system of shadow mentor to those who wanted to get directly into policy work.  

(MM for M. Moll) I agree with Nadira. Outreach and engagement are very different things. And I would also say that sometimes it takes a long time till outreach becomes engagement when speaking of individuals. People go through different life stages and it is only at some points that people can actually fit something like engagement in ICANN into their lives. So, being too restrictive on criteria could actually cut out some potential contributors.

(Satish) Here are a few comments to start off discussions (moved here from the original location):

a. Take proactive measures to facilitate and encourage participation from ALSes as well as individual members

  • Evolve a system to better integrate/engage the four categories of people who are currently part of community mailing lists: (a) ALS leaders; (b) ALS Members; (c) Individual members; and (d) Observers. We may be able to provide different services customized for each of these categories. For instance, ALS Leaders may be active during participation, but get disconnected after they move out of their positions, and we may want their continued participation. Similarly, observers may need help to promote them to individual members.
  • Remove deadwood from RALO mailing lists through an appropriate process such as an explicit "opt-in". Similarly, dormant ALSes can be decertified after a due process.
  • Use social media tools creatively to engage members
  • Provide capacity-building measures during ATLAS/GAs, and also by co-ordinating with national/regional Schools of Internet Governance (SIGs)

b. Remove elements that cause "friction" in participation

  • Overcoming language barriers that may cause gaps in understanding
  • Providing editorial services for potential pen-holders
  • Ensuring that seemingly-formidable barriers such as time-zone for calls are softened by practices such as call rotation

c. Revitalize the At-Large Community

  • Volunteer fatigue could be a factor that limits participation. Consider ways to overcome inertia, fatigue and indifference, perhaps by rallying the community around a common issue
  • Project the renewed vision of "At-Large 2.0" that would help to mobilize and revitalize the community

Status of improvement effort / staff lead
Activities, if any, on which implementation is dependent, or that are dependent on implementation of this recommendation(JC) Baseline standardization of RALO membership criteria and application process (including assessment), subject to the remits of ICANN Bylaws applicable to ALAC.
Who will implement the recommendation: ICANN community, ICANN Board, ICANN Organization, other?(JC) ALAC, RALO LT, AT-Large Staff
Anticipated resource requirements (FTEs, tools)
Expected budget implications

Proposed implementation steps:

(JC) I sort of alluded to proposed steps in ARIWG comments box.

(JC) I think there are several aspects to be considered.

1/ Membership application – we need to do better in asking why orgs and people join a RALO – would this then become a criteria in assessing applications?

2/ Identification of experts and willing & able contributors from within ALSes and individual membership – has the adopted method(s) been successful in each RALOs, why? why not?

3/ Establish clear, member-friendly mechanisms for continued engagement, mechanisms which everybody knows apply – who does what with whom? how is it done?

4/ Then, yes to looking for effective methodologies to coach and onboard new policy volunteers and leaders. All with the understanding that everybody has limited time and energy to devote to At-Large activities.

MH: Collect data on end users.

CLO: Peer-to-peer support / mentorship activity.

AG: post link from prior report highlighting prior focus on these steps.

Continuous Improvement(s)

(HM)The changes made to improve the barriers to individual participation

(HM)RALOs contributions to the statements and opinions posted by the ALAC

How long will it take to implement this plan?



NOTE: text in cells below shown in colour is DRAFT only, for discussion by the ARIWG

Issue #3

Lead: Holly Raiche

Staff resources are disproportionately concentrated on administrative support. Staff should have greater capacity to support preparation of policy advice.
Final Proposal as approved by the Board
Continue to look for opportunities to utilize and develop the skills of At-Large support staff while ensuring that the positions taken by At-Large represent solely those of users. Ensure that the volunteer community has sufficient support services so as to best utilize their volunteer time. This may require a shift or development of skills among At-Large Staff as well as additional staff.
Prioritization3.3.1. (High resource needs; High risk; #1 priority)
ARIWG comments
  1. Consider further use of staff as proofreaders for non-native English speakers
  2. Consider use of staff as translators for non-english participants in advice development
  3. Consider further use of staff to present issues on webinars
  4. (JC) Consider capacity of staff in being the librarian for At-Large's policy repository
  5. (JC) Consider knowledge of staff in actual issues of policy considered by At-Large to enable them to be effective points of reference for queries, past positions, webinars etc
  6. (JC) Consider capacity of staff in monitoring, distilling and applying commentary contributions by At-Large community members collected through various tools / channels, as well as usage of tools for facilitating such contributions
  7. (JC) Performance review

8. (NA) A targeted policy development training program to at-large staff goes hand-in hand with at-large community development or capacity building program. Reasoning the peer learning and discussions enhances the learning.  

9. (NA) Review the job description of at-large staff to develop separate positions /roles with clear organizational structure.

10.(HM) The staff is to research the topic at hand and propose relevant material to the participants/members

11. (JH) Staff should take notes and summarize the discussion connected with each agenda item in a meeting

Status of improvement effort / staff lead
Activities, if any, on which implementation is dependent, or that are dependent on implementation of this recommendation
Who will implement the recommendation: ICANN community, ICANN Board, ICANN Organization, other?

(JC) ICANN Org for HR aspects, ALAC for actual implementation, with supervision also provided under CPWG leadership (or any other WG dealing with ALAC policy)

(HM) with supervision provided by the implementation working group of the ALAC

Anticipated resource requirements (FTEs, tools)
Expected budget implications

Proposed implementation steps:

  1. (HM) ALAC internal review about the role of the staff in policy making in the past
  2. (JC) Identify what policy support activities ALAC / At-Large needs first
  3. (HM) Consider having one of the staff dedicated to policy issues
  4. (JC) Consider knowledge of staff in actual issues of policy considered by At-Large to enable them to be effective points of reference for queries, past positions, webinars
  5. Consider further use of staff as proofreaders for non-native English speakers
  6. Consider use of staff as translators for non-english participants in advice development
  7. Consider further use of staff to present issues on webinars
  8. JC) Consider capacity of staff in being the librarian for At-Large's policy repository
  9. (JC) Consider capacity of staff in monitoring, distilling and applying commentary contributions by At-Large community members collected through various tools / channels, as well as usage of tools for facilitating such contributions(JC) Performance review
  10. (JC) Performance review

HR/HU: Suggests request of 1 FTE to focus on ALS/Individuals and engagement.

Continuous Improvement(s)

  1. (JC) Performance review
How long will it take to implement this plan?



NOTE: text in cells below shown in colour is DRAFT only, for discussion by the ARIWG

Issue #7

Lead: Javier Rua-Jovet

Excessive amounts of At-Large Community time spent on process and procedure at expense of ALAC’s mandated responsibilities to produce policy advice and coordinate outreach and engagement activities. Too many internal working groups are a distraction.
Final Proposal as approved by the Board
The ALAC has begun to review our WGs, ensuring that the ones we have are active and relevant. We have also started the process to revamp our WG web and Wiki presence to ensure that all WGs are properly represented and documented. Groups no longer active will be segregated, but still documented for historical purposes
Prioritization1:1:1 (Low resource needs : Low risk ; 1st priority group)
ARIWG comments

(MH) Collaboration advised due to relationship of this issue with Item issue #1 - Quality vs quantity of policy advice

(NA) Would be handy to have a one stop shop document  as a wiki page that serve as tool to document all the working groups and their members and process used. This page, will be also good for branching out to the working space or the different resources. 

Status of improvement effort / staff lead
Activities, if any, on which implementation is dependent, or that are dependent on implementation of this recommendation
  1. That the ALAC has developed goals and objectives for 2019
  2. That there is a staff member designated to regularly update Working group wikis and the Working Group Website page
  3. That the CPWG wiki page regularly updates issues discussed and progress statements
Who will implement the recommendation: ICANN community, ICANN Board, ICANN Organization, other?As mentioned above in the general comments, this should be lead by ALAC, and there is also a carpentry work that must be done by staff.  
Anticipated resource requirements (FTEs, tools)

The expected amount of carpentry by staff is very low, just maintain the groups up to date, We should expect less than 10% of one person per month, or 0,1 FTE, if any.

Expected budget implicationsSo far, this 0,1 FTE, no need for additional software, since it is on the wiki site,

Proposed implementation steps:

  1. Clarify ALAC focus areas and objectives for 2019
  2. Establish or re-establish working groups that will deal with specific time-framed issues as required (under the management of key stream leaders of Organisation, Policy and O&E streams.
  3. Ensure that staff establish appropriate and updated wiki pages to record WG objectives as well as details or meetings and outcomes of each WG meeting
  4. Ensure that staff record the Working Groups that are currently active on the At-Large website with links to each WG wiki page
  5. Establish a wiki page for the Consolidated Policy Group, to record topics covered at each meeting and a progress statement on each (including the EPDP WG)
  6. Establish a wiki page for the O&E WG and the outcomes of their monthly meetings (including ATLASIII WGs)
  7. Establish a wiki page for the Organisational WGs, and any relevant updates (including ARIWG).

  8. An annual review of the groups and participants should be taken. A half session at the AGM should be dedicated to evaluate the current groups, and its participants. Also, 30 days prior to this date an email should be sent to all At-Large to join this working groups. At this time any “no longer needed” group should be stopped, and just kept the records.

  9. Change the RoP 14.3.2 to include clear rules of termination of the working groups

  10. A person from staff should be clearly indicated as the one in charge to maintain the groups up to date in the wiki site

Continuous Improvement(s)This is an ongoing work. With the new organization of ALAC, Policy, O&E and Organizational will work as umbrellas of all other working groups.
MetricsWG pages up to date. Annual review by Cross Policy, Organizational and Outreach and Engagement Heads
How long will it take to implement this plan?Most of the work was already done in the last year (Mainly in ICANN 60). The remaining process should not take more than 3 months. With the exception of the change of the RoP that should take up to a year.

ARIWG Prioritization and Dependencies - Issue#8

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