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Adobe Connect Recording

AC Chat




Apologies: Jonathan Agmon, Steve Levy, Paul Tattersfield, Kristine Dorrain



Notes/ Action Items

Action Items:
1. Staff Compilation of Sunrise Data:
-- WG to consider and to provide feedback to staff:  Is the data helpful and is there a different way (or additional ways) it should be presented that would be more helpful? Is there other types of data on Sunrise that you were expecting that staff can provide (assuming the existing sources used by staff contain that data)?
Staff action items (Berry Cobb):
-- add page number to the data presentation document
-- consider removing the spec13 sunrise information as it has no meaning (Chart 3)
-- find out whether Donuts opted in all its 238 TLDs for End Date Sunrise (Kathy Kleiman's question)
-- consider using scatter diagram for Chart 3 to identify mean and median
--  revise the minimal End Date Sunrise period to 67 days (additional 60 days) *[footnote] in Chart 5
-- consider adding variables and correlations for Chart 7-8, including types of registration, number of registration, lengths of sunrise period, etc. Draw data from the column format or add to spreadsheet (Attachment 2)

*[footnote] in the End Date Sunrise the prevailing party (when two or more parties applied for the same domain name) is decided by the end of the period, which can not be less than 60 days, so the period when parties can apply for the domain name is at least 60 days. If more than one party applied for the domain name, then the winner decided according to the policies and procedures of the TLD (such as auction e.t.c.). In the Start Date Sunrise, Registry provides notification of such period in 30 days in advance, so the period when parties can start applying for the domain name starts in no less than 30 days after such a notification, the party applied first might have the domain registered for them (subject to the polices of the TLD, such as additional qualifications e.t.c.).

2. Next Steps/Next Meeting:
-- Staff to circulate to the mailing list of times/dates of the RPMs sessions at ICANN60, including remote participation details; in the next RPMs meeting on 18 Oct, preparation for ICANN60 sessions likely to be the main discussion item, including chairing logistics
1. Staff presentation and Working Group discussion of initial data compilation on Sunrise registrations,  See:
Presentation by Berry Cobb, ICANN staff:
-- Presentation is in draft form and there is quite a bit of work before we get to an initial report.
-- Refresh in the first quarter of 2018.
Chart 1: gTLDs Delegated by Year by Type (as of Aug 2017) -- breakout of generic, geographic, and Spec 13.
Chart 2: gTLDs Delegated by Year by Region (as of Aug 2017) -- just a different view by region.
Chart 3: gTLDs by Type and by Sunrise Type (as of Aug 2017)
-- See the Notes and Definitions at the top of page 3.  Definitions of End-Date Sunrise, Start-Date Sunrise, Specification 13, and “not listed”.  For “not listed” these are registries that have yet to provide or that are not required to provide Sunrise launch information.  See the notes also for the explanation of the outliers.
Chart 4: gTLDs by Type and by Year of Sunrise Launch (as of Aug 2017)
-- Spec 13 outliers are there whether they launched a sunrise or not.
-- Quick points: Designation is based on the first day of Sunrise period; doesn't distinguish between End Date or Start Date Sunrises; .zuerich doesn't intend to launch Sunrise until 2018; .GODADDY Spec 13 was cancelled.
Chart 5: Duration from Delegation to Start of Sunrise Period (as of Aug 2017)
-- Filtered out any TLD that didn't have any launch data at all.
Chart 6: gTLDs by Type and Average Duration of Sunrise Launch (as of Aug 2017)
-- View of the durations of the Sunrise windows by type.
-- Based on the general rules for end date and start date no TLD that executed a Start Date Sunrise did so in less than 30 days and no TLD that executed an End Date did so in less than 60 days with one exception.
Chart 7: Sunrise Launch Registration Totals in Specific New gTLDs (as of Aug 2017)
Chart 8: Sunrise Launch Registration Totals by Distribution (as of Aug 2017)
Pages 7-8 is the raw data by TLD.
Page 10 is the starter list of sources.
Page 11: Attachment 2 -- Table listing of gTLDs delegated up to Aug 2017 including TLD meta data and sunrise launch details.
General Requests for Feedback: Is the data helpful, is there a different way (or additional ways) it should be presented that would be more helpful, is there additional data that can be provided from the existing sources.
Questions and Discussion:
Charts 1-4:
-- Suggestion to exclude Spec13 sunrise information as it has no meaning.
-- We allowed registries to self-select and about 3/4 of the registries chose end date, versus start date.  Could there be data developed on how the choice affected ability to use the sunrise -- or reason why one was chosen over another?  Response: Could be a candidate question for the registry survey that will be developed but need to note that there are various reasons why registries may have done so.
-- Question: For end-date sunrise did Donuts opt for end-date sunrise for all its TLDs?  Response: Don't know the exact numbers.  If not all of them then it was a majority.
-- We need to understand what specific questions we are trying to get answers for, relating to the scope of this PDP, before we ask about start and end-date sunrises.
Chart 5:
-- What useful information we could get out of these numbers because in each case the reasons for the delays were multiple.  Could be useful in understanding historical data.
-- End date Sunrise you have to add 60 days (so 60 plus 7).
-- Suggestion: Give consideration to adding a requirement, before launching Sunrise, that a registry must first have at least one registrar under contract.  Amended RA may address this.
Pages 7-8: Raw numbers
-- Will there be additional columns for other data in table form?  Having them in column form makes them easier to analyze.  Response: Raw data is meant as a reference.  Can change the format/position.  It is in that form in the raw spreadsheet.
General questions:
-- It gives us an opportunity to consider how we should be communicating about Sunrise and Claims and about these data.  One policy recommendation could be about a communications campaign to the outside.  Potential recommendation about raising awareness.
2. Next Steps/Next Meeting:
-- 18 October at 17:00 UTC for 90 minutes.   Consider how this final meeting before ICANN60 can be most useful for preparation for the 6 hours of meetings at ICANN60.
-- Staff will circulate to the PDP WG the dates and times for meetings at ICANN60.
-- Invite leadership from the SubTeams and Co-Chairs to let Phil Corwin know if they will be in Abu Dhabi and can help to chair meetings.