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  Claudia Ruiz:Welcome to the At-Large Review Implementation Working Group Call on Tuesday, 13 November 2018 at 19:00 - 20:30 UTC

  Claudia Ruiz:

  John Laprise:Checking in early...I have a hard stop at 2:30

  Claudia Ruiz:Welcome John Laprise

  Claudia Ruiz:Ok, thank you for letting us know.

  Holly Raiche:Morning all

  A-Eduardo Diaz:Afternoon all

  Holly Raiche:@ Ed - back from your fabulous travels?

  A-Eduardo Diaz:Yes! Next one is to Rome, Italy - Santiago de Compostela, Spain and Lisboa, Portugal to celebrate new years

  Holly Raiche:Sounds fantastic.

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@clo3):Welcome everyone

  Ricardo Holmquist:Good night everyone

  Alfredo Calderon:Hi to all!

  Ricardo Holmquist:Sergio didn't send a message telling he will be teaching a class?

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@clo3):Yes he did I saw it

  Alfredo Calderon:I believe Sergio sent his apologies.

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@clo3):Indeed he did

  John Laprise:low in numbers but mighty

  Claudia Ruiz:Welcome Bartlett Morgan

  Bartlett Morgan:thanks @Claudia

  Bartlett Morgan:is it just me or is Cheryl's audio a tad low today?

  Claudia Ruiz:Welcome Sergio Salinas Porto

  Heidi Ullrich:@Bartlett, she is loud and clear to me.

  Evin Erdogdu:I will share my screen with the document

  Ricardo Holmquist:@Barlett, it is low to me also

  Alfredo Calderon:@Ricardo and @Barlett I can hear Cheryl loud and clear.

  Bartlett Morgan:push on Cheryl! :-)

  Alan Greenberg:I will not be making changes to 13 because I am not aware of why much of the current text is there.

  Claudia Ruiz:Welcome Hadia Elminiawi

  Hadia Elminiawi:hello all - sorry the coonnection was extremely slow - may i please receive a dial out - +201003300867

  Claudia Ruiz:@Hadia- dialing out now

  Heidi Ullrich:The documents starts with an Executive Summary followed by an introduction.

  Hadia Elminiawi:sorry for the typos

  Hadia Elminiawi:Thanks

  John Laprise:No issues from me.

  Claudia Ruiz:Welcome Seun Ojedeji

  Heidi Ullrich:I've added an AI for AG and EE

  Claudia Ruiz:Welcome Jennifer Bryce

  Jennifer Bryce:Thanks, sorry I was late

  Alan Greenberg:It is on my todo list

  Evin Erdogdu:Thank you @Heidi

  Alan Greenberg:Change is now made.

  Evin Erdogdu:Hello @Jennifer! And all

  Evin Erdogdu:Noted @Alan

  Alfredo Calderon:@Evin, when ever acronyms are used for the first time, I suggest that it should be spelled out. For example CPWG.

  Evin Erdogdu:Thank you @Alfredo, noted

  Bartlett Morgan:lol

  Hadia Elminiawi:indeed clear

  A-Eduardo Diaz:ONthe implementation box. It should be divided into Initial Phase and Long Term phae soit is clear what is what.

  A-Eduardo Diaz:This is related to what we said in the prioritarization box

  A-Eduardo Diaz:There may be some overlap between them.

  A-Eduardo Diaz:Just saying.

  Heidi Ullrich:@Alfredo, you comment is noted and has been noted as an AI

  Holly Raiche:If we use numbers, are we going to use the numbers attached to the recommendations that went to the Board - in which case we should say something in the introduction to say that the numbers refer back to the document approved by the Board

  Bartlett Morgan:all. apologies. stepping away for about 10 minutes

  Alan Greenberg:@Eduardo, 1-3, first part of 4, first part of 5 and possibly 6 fall into the low-resource category.  We could add that in a footnote if we wish.

  Heidi Ullrich:The key request is to get the support you need to implement the ARI effectively and reach the aims and objectives of At-Large.

  A-Eduardo Diaz:@Alan: I was referrrig into dividing the impementation steps into phases (initial, long term) since that is what the prioritization box proposes.

  Heidi Ullrich:Issue three to include the possiblity of a staged incresae in staff resources.

  A-Eduardo Diaz:Proposed implementation steps: No steps are indicated. It seems to me that what is in that box is just an statement

  Holly Raiche:I actually developed a series of steps against this.  Perhaps they can be included?

  A-Eduardo Diaz:@Holly: Where are they?

  Holly Raiche:@ Ed - they were sent as an email - but happy to have them put into the document since Maureen/Heidi were happy with them.  @ Evin - remind me to send the email to you (or whomever) to have the steps included in the document

  Evin Erdogdu:@Holly will do

  Holly Raiche:Not aat all devastated - but they could be useful in this context

  Heidi Ullrich:@Holly, I will add your steps and adjust with the new text.

  Holly Raiche:Thanks Heidi

  Alfredo Calderon:@Evin, consistency with the Prioritisation format is needed.

  Evin Erdogdu:Thank you @Alfredo, noted

  A-Eduardo Diaz:The the metric is that it will be finalized by February 2019

  A-Eduardo Diaz:ok

  A-Eduardo Diaz:EPDP should be spelled out

  Heidi Ullrich:@Eduardo, we have an AI to spell all acronyms out at the first instance

  Alfredo Calderon:What are the three streams of ALAC activities?

  Heidi Ullrich:Then the acronym after that

  A-Eduardo Diaz:Metric: one of them : Evalaute WG  membership anaully

  Alan Greenberg:Active WGs accepting members, active wgs with restricted membership, archived (closed) WGs

  Heidi Ullrich:@Eduardo, issue 4 is more for the WG portal

  Alfredo Calderon:Thanks @Alan. Not sure its clear in the wording.

  Alan Greenberg:That is just what I typed here. Not final wording.

  A-Eduardo Diaz:Another metric: Audit website to validate clarity in the identification of workgroups

  Alfredo Calderon:OK!

  Alan Greenberg:What in particular is missing??

  Ricardo Holmquist:I said more or less the same the last week

  Alfredo Calderon:@Alan, Probably enumerate them 1) .... 2) ... 3)....

  Ricardo Holmquist:that what I introduce in the wiki was not there

  Alan Greenberg:If there was an error, please identify what you think it is.

  Ricardo Holmquist:Is not an error Alan, is an addition

  Ricardo Holmquist:I will put it here in a moment

  Alan Greenberg:ok, what is addition?

  John Laprise:basicly it boils down to me teaching staff more about SoMe and raising their game. :)

  Ricardo Holmquist:Continuous Improvement(s)               This is an ongoing work. With the new organization of ALAC, Policy, O&E and Organizational will work as umbrellas of all other working groups.Metrics             WG pages up to date. Annual review by Cross Policy, Organizational and Outreach and Engagement HeadsHow long will it take to implement this plan?             Most of the work was already done in the last year. The remaining process should not take more than 3 months. With the exception of the change of the RoP that should take up to a year.

  Ricardo Holmquist:Continuous Improvement(s)               This is an ongoing work. With the new organization of ALAC, Policy, O&E and Organizational will work as umbrellas of all other working groups.

  Ricardo Holmquist:Metrics        WG pages up to date. Annual review by Cross Policy, Organizational and Outreach and Engagement Heads

  A-Eduardo Diaz:@Evin: what is MEA?

  Ricardo Holmquist:How long will it take to implement this plan?               Most of the work was already done in the last year. The remaining process should not take more than 3 months. With the exception of the change of the RoP that should take up to a year.

  Heidi Ullrich:Staff will be asked to work with the SM WG on the overall aims of the training

  Evin Erdogdu:@Eduardo - MEA is Middle East Africa (region). Also the LA (Los Angeles) Office have their own Comms staff (point of contacts for myself and Heidi, respectively).

  Ricardo Holmquist:and the change in the RoP is: -           Change the RoP 14.3.2 to include clear rules of termination of the working groups

  A-Eduardo Diaz:@EVin: CAn you spell it out in the docuemnt? Thanks.

  Ricardo Holmquist:for example the EPDP is not a "formal" group, is a consolidation of 3 unfinished groups

  Alfredo Calderon:@Heidi, one of the goals/objective should be to use tools to measure the 'reach, engagement, # of retweets, etc).

  Evin Erdogdu:@Alfredo noted, we will go through the document once adjustments are made and ensure acronyms are spelled out.

  Ricardo Holmquist:so there is no "formal" EPDP email list, there are three

  Evin Erdogdu:*@Eduardo sorry

  Hadia Elminiawi:I got disconnected

  Claudia Ruiz:@Hadia- we will dial out to you again

  Hadia Elminiawi:may I please receive another call

  Hadia Elminiawi:back again

  Claudia Ruiz:Hadia is back

  John Laprise:concur with holly

  John Laprise:also I'm out in 5 (hard stop)

  Alfredo Calderon:I too agree with @Holly's position on Issue # 13

  Holly Raiche:It isn't just about Maureen - it is about everyone else and what they think as well

  Alan Greenberg:SO far I have not seen ANY actual opinions from the participants here.

  John Laprise:Ty! bye

  Evin Erdogdu:Thank you all

  Hadia Elminiawi:thank you all and bye