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Leadership Members:   Eric Osterweil

ICANN Organization:  Jennifer Bryce, Karen Mulberry, Alice Jansen, Yvette Guigneaux



  1. • SSR1 gap analysis contractor – Co-Chairs to approve clarifications on the process for engaging contractors and gap analysis specification draft doc.
  2. • Technical writer - Co-Chairs to advise particulars of requirements
  3. • ICANN60 outreach – Update on scheduling and Co-Chairs to provide guidance on outstanding questions
  4. • Draft sub-group report template – Co-Chairs to provide feedback
  5. • Confirm draft plenary call agenda Tuesday 26 September
  6. • AOB

Documents:  PDF


AC Chat:  EN  EN

Action Items:

  • Confirm with Denise that comfortable with revised process for decisions reached (Eric has given his greenlight)
  • CoChairs to confirm comfortable with final process for gap analysis specifications document
  • CoChairs to address technical writer questions with the objective of defining work statement
  • Eric to reach out to Denise and define objectives for outreach sessions so groups' request for clarifications can be addressed in a timely fashion
  • ICANN org to schedule time with members of the Framework for Registry Operators to Respond to Security Threats drafting team
  • Suggested subgroup report template to be added to the plenary call. Work plan is on hold for now until Denise/Eric have had a chance to review. Work plan will be socialized as part of this discussion
  • Eric to ask Denise if ok to cancel 10 October call