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For Final Review

Meeting Schedule

Next meeting of the Working Group

Monday 24 May 2010 at 14:00 UTC

Adobe Connect link:

For review:

Previous meetings

Monday 17 May 2010 at 14:00 UTC

Adobe Connect link:

For review:

Monday 3 May 2010 at 14:00 UTC

Adobe Connect link:

For review:

Final Version of the Registration Abuse Policies Initial Report RAPWG Initial Report - FINAL - 12 Feb 2010.pdf

Monday 08 February 2010 at 15:00 UTC

Adobe Connect link:

For review:

Monday 01 February 2010 at 15:00 UTC (call duration 2h+ and/or until the document has been reviewed)

Adobe Connect link:

For review:

Monday 25 January 2010 at 15:00 UTC

Adobe Connect link:

For review:

Monday 18 January 2010 at 15:00 UTC

Adobe Connect link:

For review:

Monday 4 January 2010 at 15:00 UTC

Adobe Connect link:

Reference materials:
Wiki Page Gripe/Pornographic/Offensive/Deceptive Names (see Gripe/Pornographic/Offensive/Deceptive Names
Wiki Page Uniformity Sub-Team (see Uniformity Sub-Team)
Wiki Page on Phishing / Spam / Malware (see Phishing / Spam / Malware)
Wiki Page on Domain Front Running (see domain front running)
Wiki Page on Malware/Botnet Control (see Malware/Botnet Control)
Wiki Page on Name Spinning (see Name Spinning)
Wiki Page on Cybersquatting (see Cybersquatting)
Wiki Page on Abuse Definition (see Abuse DefinitionRAPWG Abuse Categories and Types - 14 September 2009.pdf / RAPWG Abuse Categories and Types - 14 September 2009.doc

Monday 21 December at 15:00 UTC

Monday 14 December at 15:00 UTC

Monday 7 December at 15.00 UTC

Monday 30 November at 15.00 UTC

Monday 23 November at 15.00 UTC

Monday 9 November at 15.00 UTC

Wednesday 27 October at 14:00 - 15:30 (local time), Sapphire 4

Proposed agenda:
1. Roll-call.
2. PPT update: WG history and issues
3. updates from sub-groups:
a. Update from the “uniformity in contracts” group. What are the benefits of uniformity, and what specifically might the group recommend? Previous findings:
b. Spam/phishing/malware. Discuss a concise statement of the problem/issue as a way to help crystallize the issues. What are the policy issues here, and what might fall into other areas such as best practices? Background summarized at: phishing spam malware

Last 30 minutes:
4. Questions and discussion with audience.
5. Discuss delivery of Initial Report by Nairobi ICANN meeting (March 7-12, 2010)

Monday 12 October at 14.00 UTC

Monday 28 September at 14.00 UTC

Monday 14 September at 14.00 UTC

See Previous Meetings

Documents Registration Abuse Polices WG - Status Update - FINAL - 2 June 2009.pdf


Whereas GNSO Council Resolution (20081218-3) dated December 18, 2008 called for the creation of a drafting team “to create a proposed charter for a working group to investigate the open issues documented in the issues report on Registrations[sic] Abuse Policy”.

Whereas a drafting team has formed and its members have discussed and reviewed the open issues documented in the issues report.

Whereas it is the view of the drafting Team that the objective of the Working Group should be to gather facts, define terms, provide the appropriate focus and definition of the policy issue(s), if any, to be addressed, in order to enable the GNSO Council to make an informed decision as to whether to launch PDP on registration abuse.

Whereas the drafting team recommends that the GNSO Council charter a Working Group to (i) further define and research the issues outlined in the Registration Abuse Policies Issues Report; and (ii) take the steps outlined below. The Working Group should complete its work before a decision is taken by the GNSO Council on whether to launch a PDP.

To form a Working Group of interested stakeholders and Constituency representatives, to collaborate broadly with knowledgeable individuals and organizations, to further define and research the issues outlined in the Registration Abuse Policies Issues Report; and take the steps outlined in the Charter. The Working Group should address the issues outlined in the Charter and report back to the GNSO Council within 90 days following the end of the ICANN meeting in Mexico City.


Scope and definition of registration abuse – the Working Group should define domain name registration abuse, as distinct from abuse arising solely from use of a domain name while it is registered. The Working Group should also identify which aspects of the subject of registration abuse are within ICANN's mission to address and which are within the set of topics on which ICANN may establish policies that are binding on gTLD registry operators and ICANN-accredited registrars. This task should include an illustrative categorization of known abuses.

Additional research and identifying concrete policy issues – The issues report outlines a number of areas where additional research would be needed in order to understand what problems may exist in relation to registration abuse and their scope, and to fully appreciate the current practices of contracted parties, including research to:

  • ‘Understand if registration abuses are occurring that might be curtailed or better addressed if consistent registration abuse policies were established’
  • ‘Determine if and how (registration) abuse is dealt with in those registries (and registrars) that do not have any specific (policies) in place’
  • ‘Identify how these registration abuse provisions are (...) implemented in practice or deemed effective in addressing registration abuse’.

In addition, additional research should be conducted to include the practices of relevant entities other than the contracted parties, such as abusers, registrants, law enforcement, service providers, and so on.

The Working Group should determine how this research can be conducted in a timely and efficient manner -- by the Working Group itself via a Request for Information (RFI), by obtaining expert advice, and/or by exploring other options.

Based on the additional research and information, the Working Group should identify and recommend specific policy issues and processes for further consideration by the GNSO Council.

SSAC Participation and Collaboration
The Working Group should (i) consider inviting a representative from the Security and Stability Advisory Committee (SSAC) to participate in the Working Group; (ii) consider in further detail the SSAC’s invitation to the GNSO Council to participate in a collaborative effort on abuse contacts; and (iii) make a recommendation to the Council about this invitation.

Workshop at ICANN meeting in Mexico City on Registration Abuse Policies - In order to get broad input on and understanding of the specific nature of concerns from community stakeholders, the drafting team proposes to organize a workshop on registration abuse policies in conjunction with the ICANN meeting in Mexico City. The Working Group should review and take into account the discussions and recommendations, if any, from this workshop in its deliberations.

The working group established by this motion will work according to the process defined in Working Group Processes.

Background Information

SAC038: Registrar Abuse Contacts (26 February 2009)

GNSO Registration Abuse Policies Issues Report

Executive Summary of Registration Abuse Policies Issues Report in Spanish
Executive Summary of Registration Abuse Policies Issues Report in French
Executive Summary of Registration Abuse Policies Issues Report in Russian
Executive Summary of Registration Abuse Policies Issues Report in Arab

Mailing List Archive

Members of the Working Group



Greg Aaron (Chair)


Mike Rodenbaugh (Council Liaison)


James Bladel


Olga Cavalli


Zahid Jamil


Beau Brendler


Jeff Neuman


Nacho Amadoz


Philip Corwin


Martin Sutton


Richard Tindal


Greg Ogorek


Faisal Shah


Roland Perry


Paul Stahura


Jaime Echeverry Gomez


Li Guanghao


Mike O'Connor


Gretchen Olive


Berry Cobb


Jeff Eckhaus


Robert Hutchinson


Andy Steingruebl


Jeremy Hitchcock


Patrick Kane




Michael Young


Rod Rasmussen


Edward Nunes


Frederick Felman


Evan Leibovitch


Caleb Queern


Avri Doria (GNSO Chair)


Chuck Gomes (GNSO Vice-Chair)


Statements of Interest

See Statements of Interest

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