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06:00 PDT, 09:00 EDT, 14:00 London, 15:00 CEST, 21:00 Singapore

Proposed Agenda –

1  Roll Call / SOI

2   Principles derived from review of public comments 

  • Review draft text on ‘diversity’ for inclusion in the charter (utilising references to existing ICANN documents and bylaws)

3   Briefing note on fiduciary and legal constraint:

  • Update from Sam on modifications to briefing note based on DT input
  • EM to revert on (a) advice from board colleagues or external advisors on what constraints (audit or tax) on the use of proceeds might be or (b) to what extent does ICANN's mission constrain the use of funds

4    Review revised draft charter (see latest version attached as circulated earlier today by Erika)

5   Confirm schedule going forward: 9 June no meeting, 16 June 13.00 UTC (90 or 120 minutes), 23 June 21.00 UTC (if required) 



AC Chat


Apologies:  Alan Greenberg (tentative), Olga Cavalli

 Notes 06/02 Meeting: 

Dear All 


Please see below the notes/action points from today’s call:


2 Principles derived from review of public comments

• Review draft text on ‘diversity’ for inclusion in the charter (utilising references to existing ICANN documents and bylaws)


Notes on Principles: Discussion of whether principles should be woven into Draft Charter or comprise a stand-alone portion of the document. Determined to adopt both approaches by ensuring principles to be stated early in the charter and then reiterated as appropriate throughout the Draft Charter.



(1) Insert principles early on in the Charter Document as possible (Staff);

(2) Review Charter to ensure it is consistent with the principles as appropriate (EM & RM).


Notes on Diversity: Considered during walk through of document at item 4.


3 Briefing note on fiduciary and legal constraint

• Update from Sam on modifications to briefing note based on DT input

• EM to revert on (a) advice from board colleagues or external advisors on what constraints (audit or tax) on the use of proceeds might be or (b) to what extent does ICANN's mission constrain the use of funds]


Notes: Item held over until completion of review of draft charter – DT members encouraged to review updated memo circulated by Sam and communicate any questions / comments on the mailing list.


4 Review revised draft charter (see latest version attached as circulated earlier today by Erika)


Goals & Objectives - Sentence relared to "scope of fund allocation" requires to be reworked. Needs to link more closely to section on 'Scope' below.


Scope - Should include reference to Memo from ICANN Legal which should be embedded as a link within the draft Charter.


Issue of diversity two bullets: (1) focus on two components (i) utilisation of funds and (ii) composition of CCWG (to be incorporated as a principle in the guiding principles section). (2) CCWG should be specifically asked to consider whether or not under-represented groups should be preferred in the process (this item to be moved to section below, CCWG recommendations for consideration).


CCWG requirements: Insert second bullet framed as a question, probably something like: 'should any priority or preference be given to organizations from developing economies and under represented groups?


Partitioning funds: Aim being to ensure appropriate segmentation. Insert some form of words as an additional CCWG recommendation to give appropriate consideration to the communities which ICANN serves without prejuding the mechanics or outcomes the CCWG would reach.


Additional recommendation, determination on whether the solicitation, evaluation and allocation of funds is to be undertaken by ICANN itself or delegated to a third-party entity such as a foundation.


Section III: Needs to be consistent with Section V.


Section IV: (1) May be appropriate to define what "applicable subject" means. Could include  a non-exhaustive list of examples, i.e. working for a charitable foundation on the dispersal of funds. (Action: AH to revise) (2) "Those yet to be connected", (Action: Add [ ] around text from "and" to "connected", Group to consider but AH and SC to give particular consideration) (3) Need to be clear that detailing of attributes and diversity of CCWG member selection is for consideration by Chartering Organisations and that the selection is for those organisations to make e.g. "give consideration to...".


Outreach and promotion: Intention to publicise beyond usual channels i.e. ICANN website. Could be undertaken by staff in collaboration with community. (Action: Group requires to consider this item further)


Action: Staff to make further edit to document adopting non-controversial edits and noting areas where further consideration is required by preparing further iteration of document and circulate to DT for review.


5 Confirm schedule going forward: 9 June no meeting, 16 June 13.00 UTC (90 or 120 minutes), 23 June 21.00 UTC (if required)


Notes: Both meetings will be required.