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From:  Thomas Rickert - Leon Sanchez - Mathieu Weill

To:  Carlos Reyes

CC:  Theresa Swinehart, Robert Hoggarth

Subject  CCWG :  CCWG Public Comment Responses


Dear Carlos,


>As As co-chairs of the Cross Community Working Group on Enhancing ICANN>Accountability ICANN Accountability (CCWG-Accountability), we are writing to inform you that>the that the final report of our group's public comment period (4 May 2015 ­ 12>June - 12 June 2015) will be delayed.


>The The public comment tool has been populated with summaries of the>comments the comments received, and CCWG- Accountability participants have completed>their completed their analysis of each comment.  Our ongoing task is to complete our>responseour response, and as appropriate provide detail of the action taken, for>each for each comment.  We are using the comments and our analysis to inform the>proposal the proposal we will submit for a second public comment period at the end>of end of this month (target launch 31 July 2015).  This work will continue to>take to take time, we expect to be able to complete the report and submit the>Staff the Staff Summary Report by early August.


>We We hope this will be acceptable.


>Thank Thank you for your understanding.

>Thomas Thomas Rickert

>León León Felipe Sánchez Ambía

>Mathieu Mathieu Weill

>CCWGCCWG-Accountability Co-Chairs