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  Terri Agnew:Dear all, welcome to the ALAC Leadership Monthly Team (ALT) call on Monday, 02 March 2015 at 20:00 UTC

  Terri Agnew:meeting page:

  Maureen Hilyard:Good morning all..

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Hello everyone

  Heidi Ullrich:Hi All

  Leon Sanchez:Hello everyone

  Holly Raiche:Morning all

  Maureen Hilyard:We can still understand you Heidi

  Heidi Ullrich:and I'll straigther teeth by Dublin  ;)

  Holly Raiche:@ Heidi - but they are lovely now!

  Terri Agnew:Policy Advice Development Page:

  Heidi Ullrich:not by LA standards!

  Terri Agnew:ICANN Public Comment page:

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond 2:yes - I am also of the same view as Holly

  Maureen Hilyard:I agree with you Holly.. that's what I do too.. very occasionally I might add my 2c worth... I agree with the work that goes into those statements

  Glenn McKnight:Depends on the topic, some topics  more of interest than others

  Glenn McKnight:Hard to hear  Tijani

  Leon Sanchez:Tijani breaks up

  Maureen Hilyard:@Glenn.  sometimes I end up having to read up more, before actually voting

  Heidi Ullrich:Should this be an AI?

  Holly Raiche:@ Alan Maybe raise at the full ALAC meeting?

  Leon Sanchez:Are we doing something on rights protection mechanisms review?

  Ariel Liang:@Leon we are soliciting penholders at the moement

  Leon Sanchez:Sign me in

  Ariel Liang:lemme know if you are interested in drafting a Statement

  Ariel Liang:cool thank you

  Leon Sanchez:;-)

  Maureen Hilyard:Thank you Cheryl.. APRALO does inform ALSes in order to encourage them to participate.

  Leon Sanchez:LACRALO also informs ALSes but then again we have very few participants

  Leon Sanchez:LACRALO knows how to build discussion ;-)

  Leon Sanchez:even if by few

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:exactly OCL

  Holly Raiche:This is also an issue for the ALAC Review?!

  Silvia Vivanco:And to add to what OCL is saying, if you allow me to, some LACRALO members with specificc knowledge take time to wirte down some explanations re the  statements being discussed

  Silvia Vivanco:which is very good practice

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:indeed Silvia - a good practice indeed

  Terri Agnew:Welcome Judith Hellerstein

  Maureen Hilyard:The ALAC metrics issue was an example.. its was excellent being able to get the feedback because the issue was so important to everyone

  Ariel Liang:Don't forget to comment on Tijani's Statement:

  Ariel Liang:Potential Change to Registrar Accreditation Insurance Requirement

  Maureen Hilyard:I'd go with that change, Alan

  Glenn McKnight:Insurance or  Assurance 

  Glenn McKnight:Who is from NARALO?

  Heidi Ullrich:@Cheryl, do you recall which meeting this was in?

  Silvia Vivanco:we can search the transcripts 

  Heidi Ullrich:Cheryl, we discussed the members of the At-Large Review WG

  Heidi Ullrich:on Skype

  Maureen Hilyard:I can remember the At Large Review.. and I was roped in with regards to the Metrics involvement

  Maureen Hilyard:And Satish and I were volunteered ..

  Glenn McKnight:Problem  people  don't  complete the  daily reports 

  Heidi Ullrich:Reports:

  judith hellerstein:I completed them, but it seems that glenn and i and beren were the only ones that completed them

  Glenn McKnight:Only Holly, Judith, Beran and myself  completed the spreadsheet

  Maureen Hilyard:ALAC members are obliged to be at formal ALAC meetings - unless they have given their apologies to be in another meeting

  Glenn McKnight:Most  people are pretty good.  Other meetings  that  I attended  wasnt' on the list  ie. ISOC  interviews .  International Women's Day Video recording etc

  Heidi Ullrich:Staff found: ALS Expectations and Criteria WG (12:35-12:50) , so have approxmate time of discussion during Wrap-Up.

  Silvia Vivanco:ALAC to create a WG with 2 representatives of each RALO. Revising a section of our documentation that revises the accreditation of ALSes, MIssion statement to be formulated

  Holly Raiche:The aim in my view is not to track where people are, but to highlight the issues that are being discussed that impact on users

  Silvia Vivanco: APRALO: Maureen and Satish will represent APRALO

  Silvia Vivanco:• Fatima offered to help in this group.• Alan should Chair this WG

  Glenn McKnight:No criteria  is on thre reporting  sheet

  Glenn McKnight:Counting  heads  or  providing  content ie. relevance     but  it's  not  being done by the majority

  Julie Hammer:I always do a Meeting Report on my SSAC Liaison webpage.

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:yes Liaisons sort of have an advantage :-) :-) :-)

  Holly Raiche:@ Julie - that would be useful

  Julie Hammer:Holly, it is already there!!

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr: but again we could set up a simple pro forma  on the wiki

  Maureen Hilyard:congratulations Leon

  Leon Sanchez:Happy to fill in the task :D

  Glenn McKnight:Again, vast  majority ignore this reporting function

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr::-) :-) :-) :-)

  Heidi Ullrich:Re ALS Criteria and Expectations WG, Silvia noted: • APRALO: Maureen and Satish will represent APRALO

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:my feeling is that the Regional Leaders should attend all ALAC meetings

  Maureen Hilyard:I agree and Siranush attends for that reason

  judith hellerstein:I am a bit confused by alac meeting and ALT meetings

  Maureen Hilyard:LOL

  Leon Sanchez::D

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:I note that those who are funded by a company are staying the full week

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:thus putting end users at a disadvantage.

  Glenn McKnight:Some  are more  priviledged than others

  Leon Sanchez:And I have specifically stressed that a precedent would be set if this was a regular and ongoing situation but it is an exceptional situation instead, therefore leaving no room for precedent

  Alan Greenberg:The Board must facilitate the equitable participation in applicable ICANN activities, of those ICANN stakeholders who lack the financial support of industry players.

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:setting a precedent for WHAT?

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:I don't understand at all the "setting a precedent" crap. Because this is a red herring. Really.

  Leon Sanchez:exactly

  Leon Sanchez:how do you say that in english OCL? penny-what?

  Holly Raiche:@ Leon - precisely - this is a one off situation - so again, precedent for what?!

  Glenn McKnight:The  fearmongering of  setting a  precedent  is always   over our  head.

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:I attribute the lack of flexibility to lack of management.

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:@Leon: penny-pinching

  Leon Sanchez:penny-pinching :D thanks!

  Glenn McKnight:If they believe in Multi stakeholder, they need to put their  money where their mouth is

  Glenn McKnight:Its not  uncommon for  intervenors  are  properly funded

  Heidi Ullrich:ALAC FY16 Specia Requests:

  Heidi Ullrich:LOL  - thanks

  judith hellerstein:Yes Heidi thanks

  Heidi Ullrich:You are very welcome

  Glenn McKnight:Despite  Alan's  comments about the submissions.  I think this  batch of  FBSC  are more  broad and more meat  than in the past.  Some in the past were  very scant in content

  Heidi Ullrich:May I assume that the transition items will be on the agenda?

  Glenn McKnight:none

  Glenn McKnight:Bye  all

  Maureen Hilyard:Great. I'll be able to have some more sleep before breakfast with Satish who arrived late last night

  Heidi Ullrich:@Holly, please could you send me a follow up email on this?

  Heidi Ullrich:@Holly, I sesnt a note to the Secretariat today re the members of the Working Party

  Ariel Liang:At-large Review Work Party members so far:

  Ariel Liang:*Working Party

  Heidi Ullrich:thanks, Ariel

  Ariel Liang:np

  Ariel Liang:I will take care of the mailing list

  Ariel Liang:bye bye!

  Leon Sanchez:Thanks everyone!

  Leon Sanchez:bye!

  Ariel Liang:have fun Alan!

  Julie Hammer:Bye everyone!

  Maureen Hilyard:Bye all