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Why do you want to serve on the EC?

I am standing in this election for the Executive Committee — Representative for the North America Region.  I believe that the future of the Internet rest only with a bottom-up multistakeholder process.  This process, however, demands that all stakeholders exercise good stewardship cemented in human dignity.  It is this belief that frames all my hopes and guides my plans for another year working in the EC.


I understand the importance of recruiting new members.  I also recognize the importance of working with members from other stakeholder groups. I am a member of the GNSO Thick Whois Implementation Review Team. I have been involved in the WHOIS policy process of ICANN, and feel that I understand the players well enough to aid the NCUC in future activities, such as outreach to potential new members, promote our constituency, and continue to develop a human rights agenda.


I am concerned with activities that endanger the registrants' rights to privacy, access to information, and freedom of expression.  I believe I have the necessary skills and level of awareness to stand for the non-commercial registrants and to represent the North America Region.  It is my desire to continue to collaborate with the NCUC Chair, the members of the EC, and the larger leadership and membership of the NCSG and overall ICANN, while advancing the values and views of our constituency.

Provide a brief biography of recent experience, associations, and affiliations relevant to serving on the Executive Committee.
Describe the relevance of your personal and professional experience
to serve on the NCUC Executive Committee,
and identify any conflicts of interests you might have.

My background is unique when compared to others in the NCUC.  I continue to be the only law librarian in the NCUC (as far as I know).  As an individual and academic, I have always been concerned with access to information and freedom of expression.  I am Law Library Director and Professor of Law at St. Thomas University, in Miami Gardens, Florida, USA.   I completed a doctorate degree (J.S.D.) in Intercultural Human Rights (analyzing internet governance, including its history, actors, institutions and human rights considerations).  


Recently, during my participation at the 2014 ICANN’s Leadership Training Program, I discovered that there is a need to educate better new incoming participants of the ICANN process. 
It was at this meeting that I shared the news of my new book, soon to be available in March of 2015.  This is not a sales announcement, but rather, something that I share with all NCUC members as another tool to enhance the work and interests of new members.  Among its aims, Internet Governance: Origins, Current Issues, and Future Possibilities provides an introductory, multidisciplinary account of the forces at work in the evolving concept of internet governance and it is also intended as an introduction for the novice to the subject of internet governance.


My activities within ICANN:


·         I have no conflicts of interest.

  • Member (2013-2014) of the GNSO ‘thick’ WHOIS PDP WG (and within the working group, member of the data protection and privacy sub-team).
  • Member (2014-Present) of the GNSO Thick Whois Implementation Review Team.
  • Represented the NCUC in the 2014 Leadership Training Program, a project of the ICANN Academy.
  • I have co-drafted NCUC Policy Documents.
  • Translated the NCUC brochure to Spanish.
  • Created the NCUC Digital Portal.
  • Continue to promote the NCUC in the North America region.
  • I continue, to the best of my abilities, to participate in the ICANN meetings including the last one in Los Angeles.
  • I am one of the advocates for a new Human Rights Advisory Committee for ICANN.


 Greater Internet Governance: 


For the past eleven years, I have been researching the subject of internet governance.  While the development of computer science opened the door for the Internet,
it has been the power over its capabilities that has redefined how we live as a global society.  These concepts continue to shape my research. 
My additional activities related to internet governance have been as follows:


·         Participated in the Second UN Internet Governance Forum in Rio de Janeiro.

·         Participated in the Fifth UN Internet Governance Forum in Vilnius, Lithuania

·         Before attending the meeting in Vilnius, I submitted a comment supporting the continuation of the IGF beyond its original five-year mandate. 

·         I am a member of the Global Internet Governance Academic Network (GigaNet) where I served as secretary of the Steering Committee from December 2010 to December 2012.


Recently, along with other NCUC members, and other key players, I advocated the need (and began discussions) for a proposal on the creation of a new Human Rights Advisory Committee for ICANN.
We should not forget that human rights are innate to all humans.  They are not hypothetical concepts that need to be reassessed or reconsidered acceptable by the private sector or governments. 
These rights became the law of the world many years ago.  Human rights are inviolable.  These rights should not be sacrificed by perceived notions of efficiency and overzealous security.  
The Internet can be a facilitator of hope, grounds for dreams, and fodder for a better future.  We still have a chance to provide progress for the benefit of humanity. 
I strongly believe in the principles enshrined in the NCUC, and would like to do what I can to translate these principles into policy. 
I plan to continue my participation in the future ICANN process, and I am glad that I already had the opportunity to do so with other members of the NCSG from both constituencies.


The EC performs several functional responsibilities for the Constituency.  
What level of time commitment can you bring
to your EC role on a weekly and overall basis?  

I will dedicate my time as required by the NCUC and in times when not available, I will endeavor to inform the rest of the EC members in good time.
In other words, I am committing to be available.
perform my duties as expected and as needed.  I plan to dedicate a minimum of 10 hours a week depending on circumstances, and more in the run-up to and aftermaths of ICANN meetings or as needed.  I will dedicate the time needed to make meaningful contributions to the EC on behalf of the members.
Communication with the membership is critical.
How would you keep members apprised of your EC-related activities?
I belong to multiple lists that discuss internet governance issues. I will continue to utilize them to share critical information
as well as keep interested stakeholders apprised on the happenings of NCUC. I also interact with some NCUC members on social media
and this is also another way of keeping them appraised
The membership can expect regular announcements and notices as the work develops during the year.
How do you foresee NCUC’s function, scale, or role changing in the future?
What areas of ICANN policy,
if any, need more attention and why? Be concise (200 words maximum).

The new gTLDs and the growth of ICANN in the overall international governance process, promise to continue to raise issues in which NCUC has the opportunity to help create policy, promote particular concerns, and initiate advocacy:

  • We will need to be vigilant on the growing pressure over privacy and data protection.
  • We have to continue engaging in the GNSO PDP process.
  • I look forward to outreach initiatives and further engagement of the constituency in our changing ICANN world.
  • ICANN needs a Human Rights Advisory Committee, and I will dedicate my time to see it a reality.

 More about me:

NCUC as a structure provides a platform where civil society in ICANN can articulate the voices and perspectives of no commercial users (a reason that draws me to NCUC).
It offers representation to civil society or the non profits and humanizes the technical aspects in communicating users rights.
NCUC should continue to articulate users rights in all aspects, and raise this voice in ICANN.

I humbly request you NCUC members to endorce my candidature by giving me your vote,  and look forward to all of us reinforcing NCUC efforts in ICANN.