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  • Providing advice on policy;
  • Providing input into ICANN operations and structure;
  • As part of ICANN’s accountability mechanisms; and
  • As an organizing mechanism for some of ICANN’s outreach.

    | The WTs propose that the ALAC… | Recs addressed | Status |

    Submit to the Board the following revision to ICANN Bylaws XI.2.4.a, drafted in collaboration with Legal: 

    See details in Full Version of table at

    1,10, 11


    Submit to the Board the following revisions to ICANN Bylaws XI.2.4.j, drafted in collaboration with Legal:

    See details in Full Version of table at

    1, 11


    Form a Working Group (WG) to conduct a complete review of the ALAC’s Rules of Procedure.

    See details in Full Version of table at

    1 Must

    In progress begin

Recommendation 3:  The ALS-RALO-ALAC structure of At-Large should remain in place for now.

The WTs propose that the ALAC…

Recs addressed


Establish a Working Group (WG) to ensure that the At-Large information already available is organized properly and easily accessible by end users.

3 In progress

Establishment of WG to be put on hold pending completion of ICANN website revamp and At-Large wiki portal for outreach

Introduce to the ALSes selected information-dissemination, communication and collaboration tools (such as Posterous, Twitter Twibes, mobile-device compatibility) and provide training.

3, 7

In progress

Promote further use of the At-Large Calendar to the ALSes.


In progress

Create and distribute a brief orientation/instruction package about the information-dissemination, communication and collaboration tools introduced to the ALSes.  (TheALS Starter Kit already includes some of this information.)

3 In progress

ALS Starter Kits is completed. Beginner's Guide on Participating in At-Large to be completed by CR Meeting)

Recommendation 4:  Educating and engaging the ALSes should be an immediate priority; compliance should be a longer-term goal.               

The WTs propose that the ALAC…

Recs addressed


Establish the ICANN Academy, an annual training program for new At-Large ALS members, modeled after aspects of the ICANN Fellowship and Diplo Foundation.

See details in Full Version of table at    


In progress

<ac:structured-macro ac:name="unmigrated-wiki-markup" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="bfb260d0-4066-4780-a139-8cb44c50be0a"><ac:plain-text-body><![CDATA[

Establish an engagement program for existing At- Establish an engagement program for existing At-Large ALS members, to be conducted year-round and modeled after certain aspects of the Diplo Foundation (specifically, this is the [At-Large Capacity Building
Program\Image Removed

] to begin in Dakar in Oct 2011).

See details in Full Version of table at


In progress


Make available to each ALS a Confluence page for two-way communication with ICANN (for example, see AFRALO ALS Confluence pages).



Make available to each ALS the use of an Adobe Connect Room for meetings, etc. (for example, see AFRALO ALS Adobe Connect Room).



Request that selected At-Large members be funded to attend non-ICANN meetings (e.g., the IGF, the Consumer Electronics Show (CES), etc.).

See details in Full Version of table at


In progress

Request that the ALAC be invited and funded to participate in all outreach programs launched by ICANN (including the New gTLD Program outreach road show). 

See details in Full Version of table at


Must begin

Invite potential At-Large members from countries currently without any ALS to a series of outreach teleconferences aimed at reaching the goal of having at least one ALS in every country.


Must begin

Recommend that each RALO start an individual member program.

See details in Full Version of table at


In progress

Continue collaborating with ICANN Communications on Beginner’s Guides devoted to topics relevant to At-Large.

See details in Full Version of table at


In progress

Recommend to the RALOs that they formalize their outreach/“inreach” role in whatever way each finds appropriate (e.g., by including in their Rules of Procedure).


In progress

Increase significantly the ALAC’s creation of “inreach” materials aimed at leadership engagement and development throughout At-Large (including brochures, radio programs, podcasts, webinars, and online videos).

See details in Full Version of table at   


In progress

Create job descriptions for ALAC members, liaisons and other At-Large leaders that include qualification requirements, responsibilities and objective criteria for performance evaluation.

See details in Full Version of table at


In progress

Create and implement a transparent sanctions process for nonperformance of ALAC, RALO and ALS members. 

See details in Full Version of table at   


In progress

Create, in collaboration with ICANN’s Nominating Committee (NomCom), a process for the midterm replacement both of NomCom appointments to the ALAC and of ALAC appointments to the NomCom. 


Must begin
