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Interview with the Board Liaison issue we need to set a new date Nick will action this: CLO outlined the lack of equity and access to candidates for the Board Liaison issue and the possible major faults in this process…

Also Available at: Removed

Note: it was agreed at the meeting that- “All APRALO WG’s have the Chair, Deputy Chair, and Secretariat as Ex Officio members.”
1. APRALO meetings
-Physical how often, where?
~Once a year with APRICOT (regional) and once with AP ICANN meeting (more likely to be biannual on some cycles) Regional General assembly is an option for this meeting...


-Teleconference how often, when
~Monthly, Standing meeting for APRALO meeting 2 weeks before the ALAC Meeting and then after.... 2nd Tue is the next ALAC... 14th August... APRALO should be 4th Tue of the month at a time to meet at 0600 UTC / 1400 Hong Kong & Sydney / 1800 Wellington, the next (first) meeting will be 28th August, 2007.

2. Outreach efforts

  • recruitment of ALS' i.e. how, target number

~Under Vetting ~CLO / Nick reviewed the New Criteria and Processing Documents
~ can ccTLDs give us a guideline and contacts for possible outreach program (a balance of both Geographic and numerical values need to be out aim, but the main focus is for activity and participation is the primary benchmark for us to aim out with geographical spread as a key point) 4 new ALS’s in non currently represented, and a local regional “mentoring program” can be a good idea.


Review of ALAC WG outcomes and suggestions from San Juan... (Via Nick and CLO to follow up) based on Doug Brent’s presentation at San Juan; use Removed

4. APRALO Contributions to Issues Working Groups
I. Role of APRALO vs. ALS'
a. Numbers Vs. Measurable input into ICANN Processes with Quality of input superseding Quantity in any metric used... To encourage participation we must try and get ALS’s involved in WG It is not uncommon for only one or two ALS Members to be interested or involved in ICANN processes... The lack of simple language terminology is an issue hear and as part of outreach a baseline education process on issues is often required... The RALO’s can have a role in the production of these tools... Including the use of local language... with Synopsis documents being produced in local documents... ICANN has ownership of this but the RALO’s and APRALO is willing to assist... in this Liaison being mainly APRALO ExCo & Nick
