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Draft BCEC Operating Principles

All members of the Board Candidate Evaluation Committee shall work together in trust and respect.

1. Scope

These Operating Procedures apply to and must be agreed to by:


  1. The BCEC is responsible for soliciting and accepting applications from individuals for the position of Board Director selected by At-Large (refered to as 'Director' in remainder of document), for evaluation of the nominations, and the creation of a slate of candidates from which one will be selected by At-Large.
    1. Each BCEC member is expected to do his/her best to find the highest-qualified applicants for consideration by the BCEC, and to do his/her best to encourage those individuals to serve.
  2. The central rationale behind the existence of the BCEC is twofold:
    1. The BCEC is to identify applicants who would each make an excellent Board Director. It is to seek out and put forward candidates who have the highest integrity and capability, who are knowledgeable about both ICANN’s and At Large's mission and environment, and who are best able to articulate and advance the views and needs of the global community of Internet end-users to the ICANN Board.
    2. The BCEC has a responsibility to keep the size of the slate to a reasonable number, even if it receives a large number of eligible applications. While the size of the slate is not specified, at least one candidate must be named, and it is expected that the slate created by the BCEC will not exceed three to seven candidates.
  3. To achieve this broad At-Large public-interest orientation, members of BCEC are drawn from across the At-Large Community. They are to act only on behalf of the interests of the global Internet community in general and the At-Large Community in particular within the scope of the ICANN mission and the responsibilities assigned to the ALAC by ICANN Bylaws. As representatives of the At-Large constituency in ICANN, BCEC members are responsible to At-Large, to work by consensus to determine the slate of candidates. The BCEC is enabled to identify people both inside and outside the formal ICANN At-Large Community, and to produce a slate that represents the diversity associated with the global community of Internet end-users.
  4. The BCEC will ensure that all candidates on the slate meet the criteria for the Director position, as determined by the ALAC and documented at draft mandatory and desirable candidate characteristics Draft Mandatory and Desirable Candidate Characteristics.
  5. Whilst the BCEC and its members are expected to function independently from ALAC and other ICANN committees, the BCEC is expected to act within parameters defined by the ALAC.
  6. The BCEC selections are final; no further approval or ratification will take place.
