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Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          Okay, next, Cheryl to manage winding up and archiving work groups to be closed.  We've got five working groups -

Wiki MarkupCheryl Langdon-Orr:              \[Inaudible               [Inaudible 00:02:44\] and that will be something that will be going on for some time.\\

Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          For some time yes.  The only question on there, we had five working groups that we earmarked as closing apart from - well the first one, the advice we heard from the working group chair, Carlton, was to close this.  And I think that you Cheryl, said you were okay with closing this as well.  But we didn’t actually make a formal decision on that. 


Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          Negative that’s consumer metrics.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr:              Oh well gee maybe it could be just \[inaudible               Oh well gee maybe it could be just [inaudible 00:05:50\] out of a packed agenda but I couldn’t discuss \ [inaudible 00:05:59\].\\

Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          It's non-negligible possibility Cheryl. 


Carlton Samuels:                     I sent a note to Garth to see if he was interested to be a part of this review team, I have not heard from him yet.

Evan Leibovitch:                     Can I make a suggestion of also ending a message to the Secretariats list and see if \[inaudible Leibovitch:                     Can I make a suggestion of also ending a message to the Secretariats list and see if [inaudible 00:09:09\] in the ALSs.    Does this have to be an ALAC member? \\ 

Carlton Samuels:                     No it doesn’t have to be an ALAC member.


Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          Correct, what we’re asked to do is to send names over.  But what we do need to do is to collect those names because they are waiting.  The amount of work that is outstanding, they've reached about half way through the work.  There is likely to be a face-to-face meeting in Marina Del Rey in September I understand.  And the final report will be sometime in December.  They are about half way through.  There is still plenty of work to be done.  And certainly time for someone from At-Large to replace Olivier. 

Cheryl Langdon-Orr:              My only hesitation - Carlton               My only hesitation - Carlton I'm happy to go with Evan or whoever said \ [inaudible 00:11:06\], great idea excepting if it was someone coming from Upper Botswana land or the middle of New Bickerswain.    That’s really not going to be helpful.\\

Wiki MarkupEvan Leibovitch:                     I was thinking like \[inaudible Leibovitch:                     I was thinking like [inaudible 00:11:18\] Williams.\\

Cheryl Langdon-Orr:              APRALO to send someone.

Carlton Samuels:                     That’s the problem I was point it out Cheryl.  It has to be somebody - and that’s why I sent - well we can always do that but I sent a note to Garth just to see whatever if he was interested.  He was the one that I knew -

Wiki MarkupCheryl Langdon-Orr:              \[Inaudible               [Inaudible 00:11:38\] record, and that is that first of all half of the teamwork is done.    There is already allocated budget, therefore any particularly expensive travel will be an onerous task for them to get additional funding for.    So for someone who is located in a cheaper option for flight to Marina Del Rey would be quite appropriate.    And secondly if we send someone who has very little background on these issues I think them catching up will be slowing down them on process.    We really need \ [inaudible 00:12:25\].\\

Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          Well I was thinking of people that are very well known on these things like John Levine for example.  And I'm just throwing names like this thinking there is someone who lives in the UK who has links in the States who will probably spend half the time in the States and therefore travel costs are not going to be an issue. 


Alan Greenberg:                      If you're asking if you should strongly encourage him, I wouldn’t say anything to him which would imply he is a shoo-in if he puts his name in.

Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          Ultimately we are going to ask \[inaudible           Ultimately we are going to ask [inaudible 00:15:31\] ultimately it is not even our choice to make the end.    We will be forwarding an SOI and then that will be either accepted or not. \\ 

Carlton Samuels:                     Okay.


Evan Leibovitch:                     Thank you Cheryl but and the only thing I will say in response to that is what I recall of the joint statement is not at all diminished by events that have happened between then and now.  As a matter of fact, what I've seen in the JAS group there might be a couple of things where that statement might actually help with a readjustment.  People are starting to think of how to spend that $2 million in the fund.  And the GAC/ALAC statement has some very specific recommendations.  I will admit to not having totally kept up with the JAS group over the last two weeks.  But to me it's important that the Board, the sponsoring bodies and the JAS group itself know these specific recommendations. 

Cheryl Langdon-Orr:              It needs to be \[inaudible               It needs to be [inaudible 00:21:52\] together.\\unmigrated-wiki-markup

Carlton Samuels:                     Just to follow up on that Evan, I sent a private note to Tracy.  And essentially it was to ask him if there was any forward motion that he knew of in the JAS group, I mean from the GAC to bring into the JAS group.  He didn’t respond.  That’s one of the reasons we mentioned it on the last JAS call.  That was still in play.  Because Cheryl had requested and out of that Cheryl suggested that we have a \[inaudible 00:22:34\] call to deal with all of the matters surrounding that seed fund and use of it.  And -\\Samuels:                     Just to follow up on that Evan, I sent a private note to Tracy.  And essentially it was to ask him if there was any forward motion that he knew of in the JAS group, I mean from the GAC to bring into the JAS group.  He didn’t respond.  That’s one of the reasons we mentioned it on the last JAS call.  That was still in play.  Because Cheryl had requested and out of that Cheryl suggested that we have a [inaudible 00:22:34] call to deal with all of the matters surrounding that seed fund and use of it.  And -

Evan Leibovitch:                     That by far was not the only thing discussed in the draft statement; I just used that as an example.


Evan Leibovitch:                     Well if that’s the case, then you're asking for essentially the same thing that I am, that we need to poke the GAC and get them to endorse the joint statement that Alice and I had worked on.  And between the two of us on a personal level, we agreed on the wording and I just wasn’t sure where things went from there.

Wiki MarkupCheryl Langdon-Orr:              With the reminder, which is where - Alan I see your hand but I actually hadn’t finished my sentence.  Where we’re getting to is that it might be worthwhile while Olivier does a chair to chair copy, Jeremy and our staff that it's appropriate to copy and if it's Alice and Evan who are the primary pen holders, they are the ones who should be copied.  But also remind in that there is the \[inaudible 00:24:17\] and that there is an action item out of the recent JAS work group meetings which is looking at a single purpose call or discussion and that may have some bearing on this statement as well.  As long as it will get coordinated that was my concern, thank you.\\              With the reminder, which is where - Alan I see your hand but I actually hadn’t finished my sentence.  Where we’re getting to is that it might be worthwhile while Olivier does a chair to chair copy, Jeremy and our staff that it's appropriate to copy and if it's Alice and Evan who are the primary pen holders, they are the ones who should be copied.  But also remind in that there is the [inaudible 00:24:17] and that there is an action item out of the recent JAS work group meetings which is looking at a single purpose call or discussion and that may have some bearing on this statement as well.  As long as it will get coordinated that was my concern, thank you.

Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          What I was going to suggest, is initially just I write to Heather and get a status update from her finding out what is going on - what she will probably do is kick the call to Alice or to those people in the GAC who are dealing with it.  And then from that point we will take it up directly with them.  They don’t expect Heather to be able to come back to us on details about this at the moment.  From my previous discussions with her she has been working primarily on other matter, of course until Singapore, things have now changed.

Wiki MarkupCarlton Samuels:                     So, is the agreement now - this is really important because I have already been back and forth with \[inaudible Samuels:                     So, is the agreement now - this is really important because I have already been back and forth with [inaudible 00:25:24\] on this.    So, the agreement is that Olivier you will send the note to Heather and you will include those elements and you will also propose the possibility of a single issue call.\\

Alan Greenberg:                      Can I get in before we close this please?


Carlton Samuels:                     Alright.

Wiki MarkupOlivier Crepin-Leblond:          Because I am unconvinced that anything has happened so far.  Rather than saying we want this and that and that, I would rather say please tell us where are we at now?  What stage have we reached?  Can we move on to the next stage which is when we will ask for or suggest an \[inaudible 00:26:23\] email.\\          Because I am unconvinced that anything has happened so far.  Rather than saying we want this and that and that, I would rather say please tell us where are we at now?  What stage have we reached?  Can we move on to the next stage which is when we will ask for or suggest an [inaudible 00:26:23] email.

Alan Greenberg:                      Olivier it's Alan am I not being heard?


Evan Leibovitch:                     If there is a better way to do this, I am wide open to it.

Alan Greenberg:                      I just implied that I thought the ALAC should see the draft statement as well so they're not surprised by \[inaudible Greenberg:                      I just implied that I thought the ALAC should see the draft statement as well so they're not surprised by [inaudible 00:28:02\] at the end.\\

Evan Leibovitch:                     Okay well this is not a secret document.  I can go back into my archives and I will check.  I think it was a Google document.  But I can certainly send out - I tell you what I will send to the ExCom list the contents of the letter and I will leave it to everyone’s discretion whether or not that’s worth sending out more widely.


Tijani Ben Jemaa:                    Yes.

Wiki MarkupCheryl Cheryl Langdon-Orr:              It probably needs to be discussed if not at the next ALAC meeting, an ALAC meeting as well because it does have wide ramifications and I think we need to be very clear that there are times when having interpretation versus translation is very useful in for example briefing calls even when no one is indicating that they need it to participate at the time.  But because the \[inaudible 00:31:58\] is being accessed by people who can hear what has happened in the call in their language.  It's just not a single one to one ratio of I want to have language X on workgroup Y incase I want to be involved.  It's slightly more complicated than that.\\              It probably needs to be discussed if not at the next ALAC meeting, an ALAC meeting as well because it does have wide ramifications and I think we need to be very clear that there are times when having interpretation versus translation is very useful in for example briefing calls even when no one is indicating that they need it to participate at the time.  But because the [inaudible 00:31:58] is being accessed by people who can hear what has happened in the call in their language.  It's just not a single one to one ratio of I want to have language X on workgroup Y incase I want to be involved.  It's slightly more complicated than that.

Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          Yes, I think this is where we need to show more flexibility perhaps than just looking at a number and saying “Sorry there is only one person that wants to be on this call” because we don’t know how many people will try to access it afterwards.  And I must say I have been impressed by the number of people watching or listening to calls later on.


Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          Thank you Carlton and I do note some positiveness from Christina on that when she did say they were ready to do more for us. 

Cheryl Langdon-Orr:              It also gets more complicated Carlton because it's the outputs that can be managed in different ways.  That’s why I separated the difference between interpretation and translation.  There are many workgroup outputs that could be handled in multilingual ways without having real time telephonic interpretation on the \[inaudible 00:33:46\].  Just need to work out which is needed for what.\\              It also gets more complicated Carlton because it's the outputs that can be managed in different ways.  That’s why I separated the difference between interpretation and translation.  There are many workgroup outputs that could be handled in multilingual ways without having real time telephonic interpretation on the [inaudible 00:33:46].  Just need to work out which is needed for what.

Carlton Samuels:                     Oh yes, I quite agree Cheryl that not everyone would be but there are some of them that it would be important to have the interpretation available at the time because of how we work and what is happening.  That’s all I'm saying.  It's not this or that, it's here is something else that you should consider.

Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          Thank you and in progress as a result and we will continue -
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Cheryl Langdon-Orr:              \[Inaudible 00:34:21\] looking at the screen.  Alan still has his hand up.\\              [Inaudible 00:34:21] looking at the screen.  Alan still has his hand up.

Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          That’s the problem having two eyes and only one screen, Alan I'm sorry, I apologize.


Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          Thank you Tijani, any response to either Carlton or Tijani?  I think we all understand the problematics very well.   And one thing which I do find is although it has been possible for some participants in ALAC both in French speaking backgrounds or Spanish speaking backgrounds to actually work in their language.  The fact that the work always had to be translated or well if it wasn’t interpreted during a call and it had to be translated afterwards.

Wiki MarkupI will give you an example of a very recent one - The writing of a quick statement from Akram, the letter that we are going to email to Akram to decide on the course for the AFRALO Summit.   The letter has taken its usual couple of days to write but now it's in Spanish and it needs to be translated and that has been a logistical issue.  The translation hasn’t come back as quickly.  So we’re kind of slowing things down by having all of the interpretation efforts on each one of those decisions.  And I understand it is a \[inaudible 00:41:07\] issue or it could be seen as a \[inaudible 00:41:08\] issue. But it really is a Catch-22 scenario, Cheryl?\\  The letter has taken its usual couple of days to write but now it's in Spanish and it needs to be translated and that has been a logistical issue.  The translation hasn’t come back as quickly.  So we’re kind of slowing things down by having all of the interpretation efforts on each one of those decisions.  And I understand it is a [inaudible 00:41:07] issue or it could be seen as a [inaudible 00:41:08] issue. But it really is a Catch-22 scenario, Cheryl?

Cheryl Langdon-Orr:              Thank you Olivier, just to respond to the chat that Carlton talked about.  I couldn’t agree more Carlton, I think it is a discriminatory issue, for example, for a purely Spanish speaking community getting proper representation in the ALAC.  If they don’t send someone who can bring their particular view to the ALAC and have those use effectively, heard, understood and debated it is discriminatory because they won't be heard.  I couldn’t agree more.  It is absolutely positively -


Evan Leibovitch:                     Alan I will take the opportunity to chime in and sort of make excuses -

Wiki MarkupCheryl Langdon-Orr:              \[Inaudible               [Inaudible 00:43:53\] the LACRALO has an issue of discrimination and I am agreeing with them.    It is discriminatory. \\ 

Alan Greenberg:                      Yes it is and in both the way you're saying and in the way they're saying but we can't fix everything in the world, ALAC just can't.


I'm really sorry about that and it's a case where we basically have to weigh the pros and the cons.  The world is not perfect and definitely At-Large and ALAC will not be perfect until all of these languages will be served, very sorry about that.   Let's move on to the next thing but just leave as an AI for Tijani to follow up with Sylvia and Sergio and which working group need French and Spanish interpretation and which one of the documents needs to be translated. 

Wiki MarkupAnd if interpretation is not available during the call then maybe translation is available afterwards for some of the transcripts.    That certainly will make it a bit more palatable for the \ [inaudible 00:48:39\].    Next on the communication tools part is the Scott Pension to provide example of his project profile and also ALAC to fill out Scott’s project profile.    This, if I remind you all, is about projects for communication such as videos or any other type of material that would be produced by the communications department for At-Large.    I see Scott is sending, could I have an explanation on this please?\\

Seth Greene:                            Yes, hi Olivier.  I have talked to Scott and I'm going to be working with on filling out an example using actually if you would like to indicate which ALAC policy statement should be used, using one of those as the main content of a video.   And also he is going to be sending us an actual template of the form so that the ALAC can go ahead and fill it out as it sees fit after it gets an example.  But in the absence of any one specific policy statement as an example, I will go ahead and pick one. 


Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          Looking at the actual - if one prioritizes things how many of you think that this is not such a high priority for the time being.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr:              I think the communication pan is such a dog’s breakfast that any - to put out their request for \[inaudible               I think the communication pan is such a dog’s breakfast that any - to put out their request for [inaudible 00:54:27\] so maybe someone with a smidge of marketing skill might have some influence over it.    But for the moment it looks like a dog’s breakfast as far as I'm concerned. \\ 

Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          And may I put for the record that I have never seen the kind of breakfast that you serve to your dog Cheryl.


Carlton Samuels:                     We wouldn’t.  There is some work -

Wiki MarkupAlan Greenberg:                      \[Inaudible Greenberg:                      [Inaudible 00:57:23\] the ALAC that is.\\

Carlton Samuels:                     Not if it is going to come to ALAC, you see this is the problem.  We are working on that.  Just to let you know their commitment to some work on the UDRP statement, something has been drafted and the translation is an issue.  We are trying to work it through with our colleagues in Latin America.


Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          Well I have noticed one thing which is the increased use of Google documents for writing such documents because they allow more than one person to edit a document at the same time -

Wiki MarkupCheryl Langdon-Orr:              \[Inaudible               [Inaudible 01:00:46\].\\

Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          And it can end up being drafted in a number of hours.  The concern that I have about it is that Google documents is not a very open system -
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Cheryl Langdon-Orr:              \[Inaudible               [Inaudible 01:00:59\].\\

Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          Sorry?


Cheryl Langdon-Orr:              Yep, absolutely I couldn’t agree with you more.  But also the Wikis do allow multiple editing, it's not a problem.  The new Wiki does that specifically.

Wiki MarkupOlivier Crepin-Leblond:          Okay if that works great.  I haven’t tested the technicalities of it.  But if one really needs to use Goggle docs then have a snapshot of it.  And perhaps this could be a \[inaudible           Okay if that works great.  I haven’t tested the technicalities of it.  But if one really needs to use Goggle docs then have a snapshot of it.  And perhaps this could be a [inaudible 01:01:48\] type of best practice to be reminded to all the regions.\\

Cheryl Langdon-Orr:              Can we make a note that needs to become part of Standard Operational Procedures for working groups, which may at least encourage best practices similar to that in the regions as well. 


Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          Perfect.  Alright so let's continue then.  The only action item to have from this policy statement part on the Friday ExCom meeting in Singapore is to follow up with Edmond just in case he has something ready.  And then see with Erick if he does have something ready today, if not also check or in parallel check - Carlton if you could check for the Spanish version if you have this translated to day maybe.

Wiki MarkupCarlton Samuels:                     Yes, I have sent a note to Dev.  And I have told them - and this is following up and sharing suggestions which I think is a great one, to have them post the original Spanish version to the Wiki plus the translated one and do the \[inaudible 01:03:23\] there.\\Samuels:                     Yes, I have sent a note to Dev.  And I have told them - and this is following up and sharing suggestions which I think is a great one, to have them post the original Spanish version to the Wiki plus the translated one and do the [inaudible 01:03:23] there.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr:              I was about to put my hand up but I realized it probably wasn’t worthwhile, I will just barge in.  We also need to remember that if we get more and more use of Adobe Connect rooms, we do have at least a beater form of the translation tool that Roman was working on that works in real time chat.  And that’s the add in to at least at AC room.  But it could very well be and I would need the techo-s to think about this, it very well be an add on to a Wiki page. 

You can add all sorts of things onto Wiki pages, including blogs.  And the fact that I can type in English and he can read it in Russian should work across the board.  That’s something I did raise when we were talking about these issues in Singapore.  But I simply haven’t seen it other than it's very early beater which I saw in San Francisco.  But this is going to help us when it happens.

Olivier Crepin-Leblond:                    Okay, thank you.    And we will move to the next things, the At-Large Regional Leadership Meeting.    I do wonder whether those are here.    Are these not AIs for the Secretariats to \ [inaudible 01:05:00\] on. \\ 

Cheryl Langdon-Orr:              Yep.


Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          Thank you.  Next, ALAC and Regional Leadership Wrap Up Meeting.  Well that’s again -

Wiki MarkupCheryl Langdon-Orr:              No that would have been some \[inaudible               No that would have been some [inaudible 01:05:27\] wasn’t it?\\

Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          Yes I just wonder, I'm trying to decrypt those. 


Carlton Samuels:                     What is the issue with this one?  There was a decision to do that.

Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          Yes there are sorry.  I was just rereading those because I'm a little confused.  The first meeting - At-Large Regional Leadership Meeting - Wednesday these are for six \[inaudible           Yes there are sorry.  I was just rereading those because I'm a little confused.  The first meeting - At-Large Regional Leadership Meeting - Wednesday these are for six [inaudible 01:06:06\] to do so this should be \ [inaudible 01:06:06\].\\

Evan Leibovitch:                     Right. 


Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          That has been dealt with.   Okay next ExCom to consider the following Adobe Connect Chat room comment from Danny Younger which is that the ALAC needs to stop its work on the robust objection vetting process called for by the guidebook.  Can we count on receiving senior policy staff support?  That’s something for us to consider. 

Wiki MarkupCheryl Langdon-Orr:              There are really two questions there, one is directed at the ALAC whose job it has been to identify to have a role in these objection processes and there would be a bunch of ALAC discussion that needs to happen.  That does need to go on our next ALAC meeting so that that process can be formalized and we can have something sketched out by Dakar for discussion at Dakar.  And then \[inaudible 01:08:17\] by the February/March go live that may very well be when we might need to be exercising it. \\              There are really two questions there, one is directed at the ALAC whose job it has been to identify to have a role in these objection processes and there would be a bunch of ALAC discussion that needs to happen.  That does need to go on our next ALAC meeting so that that process can be formalized and we can have something sketched out by Dakar for discussion at Dakar.  And then [inaudible 01:08:17] by the February/March go live that may very well be when we might need to be exercising it. 

The second question to the senior staff support into that is probably something that we should do the background work on but have the specific conversation s about in Dakar because that’s when the implementation of all of this will be in the focus of everyone.


Alan Greenberg:                      Yes, on this one I think we or the ALAC have the decision to make first, do we want staff to draft or put together a draft procedure or do we want ALAC to do that, which can be refined and legalized and wordsmithed by Staff perhaps.  The real issue is do we want to take control of it or do we want to get staff to propose something? 

Wiki MarkupCheryl Langdon-Orr:              \[Inaudible               [Inaudible 01:09:21\] conversation first and then by Dakar we need to -\\

Alan Greenberg:                      Sorry, yes Cheryl but I'm trying to make it clear that we have a decision prior to Dakar I think that we really should be making. 


Cheryl Langdon-Orr:              Hang on, Evan I agree up to a point.  I think it's a great source of first drafting and concept work to come to the ALAC from the gTLD work group, I think that’s great.  But before staff gets involved the ALAC has to decide what's going on. 

Evan Leibovitch:                     Oh okay to me that’s a matter of \[inaudible Leibovitch:                     Oh okay to me that’s a matter of [inaudible 01:10:41\].\\unmigrated-wiki-markup

Cheryl Langdon-Orr:              \[Inaudible               [Inaudible 01:10:41\] it's ALAC’s job to do the objections but yep.\\

Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          The gTLD working group reports to the ALAC and the ALAC then moves on to involving staff.   But I think we all agree on this so Evan yes that will be the next task.  Does this have to be formalized?  Alan?


Cheryl Langdon-Orr:              It wasn’t being proposed originally. 

Wiki MarkupAlan Greenberg:                      Well it was \[inaudible Greenberg:                      Well it was [inaudible 01:11:38\] question.\\
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Cheryl Langdon-Orr:              The question was what senior staff would be \[inaudible 01:11:41\].\\              The question was what senior staff would be [inaudible 01:11:41].

Alan Greenberg:                      I hope the answer is whatever is needed.


Carlton Samuels:                     Yes.

Wiki MarkupOlivier Crepin-Leblond:          It just seems to have gone missing so that’s why I'm a little concerned.  Okay thank you, I think we can move swiftly on then to the next thing, this is obviously a work in progress.  Next, the WHOIS regarding the \[inaudible           It just seems to have gone missing so that’s why I'm a little concerned.  Okay thank you, I think we can move swiftly on then to the next thing, this is obviously a work in progress.  Next, the WHOIS regarding the [inaudible 01:17:13\] evolution of WHOIS service, \ [inaudible 01:17:16\] Carlton to forward the call \ [inaudible 01:17:17\] for expertise for a drafting team to develop a WHOIS service requirement survey. \\ 

Alan Greenberg:                      Well I forwarded to the ExCom the note I got back from Liz which is now several weeks out of date saying yes there were slots available.  At that point they had one meeting.  I'm not quite sure of the status of the second one at this point.  It may have been held already or may be scheduled.  And they were looking for people with specific knowledge.  I wasn’t sure if we really wanted to do a general call like that or not but I sent it to the ExCom. 


Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          Thank you Alan any comments. 

Wiki MarkupCarlton Samuels:                     \[Inaudible Samuels:                     [Inaudible 01:18:21\].\\

Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          So what did you say Carlton?


Cheryl Langdon-Orr:              We do.

Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          \          [Inaudible 01:19:17\].\\

Carlton Samuels:                     Yes there are quite a few.


Carlton Samuels:                     Create a necessary - that’s a question I ask myself too.

Wiki MarkupCheryl Langdon-Orr:              \[Inaudible 01:19:51\] their output some things.  We don’t all have to be on the design team.  Some of us can just drive the car.\\              [Inaudible 01:19:51] their output some things.  We don’t all have to be on the design team.  Some of us can just drive the car.

Carlton Samuels:                     Bearing in mind what Alan said.

Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          Well I think we also have to use - I don’t understand what you mean here but I also do think that in order to keep people involved and interested there is so much work out there we do need to have some people involved in some of these processes.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr:              \[Inaudible               [Inaudible 01:20:26\].\\

Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          Of course if it's going to be using the usual suspects to write a WHOIS requirement survey then of course that’s just going to add to our work load.  But if we can find some new people to take part in this that would be an excellent entry point for them.

Wiki MarkupCheryl Langdon-Orr:              \[Inaudible 01:20:43\] people on the benches, it's a delight to have fresh people on the benches.  But in the end \[inaudible               [Inaudible 01:20:43] people on the benches, it's a delight to have fresh people on the benches.  But in the end [inaudible 01:20:48\] people on the benches I think we need to rationalize a bit.\\

Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          Okay we can send the call.  If we get fresh people on the bench, great, if we don’t then we will just let it go.  Alright thank you.  Next is the ALS outreach.  ExCom to discuss with RALO Secretariats the possibility of encouraging ALS nonvoting observers at various meetings, any comments on that? 


Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          But.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr:              But there is a difference however Olivier if I may, between making that statement and proactively encouraging it to happen particularly at the regions.  We still have a situation at lease at the regional meetings that I've been involved in and I'm just talking APRALO that we have the ‘single representative’ of the ALS.  And see expected input into the call when the calls happen.  And I thought what the intention was out of this particular resolution was to make it clear that it is a much wider and open opportunity than that.  For example, with the APRALO meetings we expect to have 10 or 15 \[inaudible 01:22:50\] in the calls.  There is only one person able to vote.  But 10 or 15 of them are more than welcome to be in the call. \\              But there is a difference however Olivier if I may, between making that statement and proactively encouraging it to happen particularly at the regions.  We still have a situation at lease at the regional meetings that I've been involved in and I'm just talking APRALO that we have the ‘single representative’ of the ALS.  And see expected input into the call when the calls happen.  And I thought what the intention was out of this particular resolution was to make it clear that it is a much wider and open opportunity than that.  For example, with the APRALO meetings we expect to have 10 or 15 [inaudible 01:22:50] in the calls.  There is only one person able to vote.  But 10 or 15 of them are more than welcome to be in the call. 

Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          Yes, you're absolutely right.  And thank you for reminding me of this.  I do recall the conversation now.     In which case may we have a member of the ExCom, perhaps you Cheryl email the RALO Secretariats throwing the idea forward to them and see how the RALO Secretariats respond.


Evan Leibovitch:                     I was just going to follow up on what Alan was saying.  The way that NARALO calls had always been run at least while I was chairing them, was to try and have a consensus amongst everybody who was on the call.  We rarely had to come to a point where things were so divisive that you had to call for a vote.  And that way everyone feels like having taken the effort to actually participate in the call that they had a say in making the consensus.  I really don’t see why that can't be extended to other environments.    

Wiki MarkupCheryl Langdon-Orr:              I think it was the wording Evan.  I think the point of that sentence was trying to capture that we wanted to actively encourage more than just the delegates who by definition probably are the voting delegates to get more involved and feel that the doors are always open and their voice - \[inaudible 01:27:32\] having heard at all corners.  For example, let me give you an example of an At-Large structure in Asia Pacific and that specific island’s chapter of ISOC.  \\              I think it was the wording Evan.  I think the point of that sentence was trying to capture that we wanted to actively encourage more than just the delegates who by definition probably are the voting delegates to get more involved and feel that the doors are always open and their voice - [inaudible 01:27:32] having heard at all corners.  For example, let me give you an example of an At-Large structure in Asia Pacific and that specific island’s chapter of ISOC.  

That is 36 countries and they each 13 delegates and two reserves.  And what I've been busy trying to push every time find any one of them who is not jointly but severally interested in those things is CG come along, Susan come along, David Archer come along.  And you don’t have to come along all the time.  Just come along whenever you're interested.  It's trying to make it clear that we would be happy to have 50 people on a call and on the rate occasions where we then take something to a vote, we have a list of who can put their hand up.  That’s not the problem. 


Alan Greenberg:                      How does one get permission to be able to remove spam?

Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          For some reason in some cases you can click the delete and it works.  And in some other cases you don’t actually have the opportunity with \[inaudible           For some reason in some cases you can click the delete and it works.  And in some other cases you don’t actually have the opportunity with [inaudible 01:30:42\].\\

Cheryl Langdon-Orr:              I think you might have different levels of permission.  I believe I have permission to do just about anything anywhere anyhow to anyone.  But that’s kind of historical.  You might be able to get permissions allocated to be on staff.  Olivier if you can't do anything to a Wiki page then you don’t have all the permissions you need. 


Alan Greenberg:                      I didn’t actually look maybe I have that ability. 

Wiki MarkupEvan Leibovitch:                     Those that have it use the \[inaudible Leibovitch:                     Those that have it use the [inaudible 01:31:28\] Alan.\\

Alan Greenberg:                      Yes I was thinking of the old Social Text where you just edit the whole page and deleted the text.  Okay then I will look at the pages I own, maybe I have the ability.


Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          I have no objection about that.  I don’t think anyone else has.  It really depends on -

Wiki MarkupCheryl Langdon-Orr:              \[Inaudible:              [Inaudible 01:33:48] the questions we really need to ask -

Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          [Inaudible 01:33:48\] the questions we really need to ask -\\ Wiki MarkupOlivier Crepin-Leblond:          \[Inaudible 01:33:50\].\\

Cheryl Langdon-Orr:              We need to - well I'm sure a statement is possible.  We just need to check how that is done.  And then we need to establish 15 days after the delivery of a statement of the ALAC based on the work on a Wiki page comments will be closed.  We all know what's going on.


Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          Just point -

Wiki MarkupEvan Leibovitch:                     \[Inaudible Leibovitch:                     [Inaudible 01:35:24\] staff and some of the volunteers.\\

Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          Question taken and we will be kicking it over to staff to pass it on to technology. 


Cheryl Langdon-Orr:              Yes.

Wiki MarkupOlivier Crepin-Leblond:          \          [Inaudible 01:36:32\].\\

Cheryl Langdon-Orr:              That’s what I was asking Alan.  My guess is that like anything else with people who have enough time and opportunity because we had said that we would allow anonymous comments that an anonymous comment means that anonymous comment can be made.  And that includes crap.


Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          Well there doesn’t seem to be any specific feedback.  There was a closing date for the official feedback which we are long past. 

Wiki MarkupCheryl Langdon-Orr:              So what is our timing on this discussion?  The reason I'm asking and to make it clear on why I'm asking these questions is that it seems to me that with matters of outreach this needs to be \[inaudible               So what is our timing on this discussion?  The reason I'm asking and to make it clear on why I'm asking these questions is that it seems to me that with matters of outreach this needs to be [inaudible 01:39:37\] particularly for metrics and concepts of metrics if not agreement on what he metrics are.    But this needs to be punted to the regional leadership and the ALSs, if that’s the case that's going to take longer than between now and next month. \\ 

Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          Well this definitely appears to me like a long term thing.  I think that we would be hard pressed to come up with anything within the next few weeks.  And certainly it's a wider thing.  Now whether we will be in time for the update of the 2012 Strategic Plan is another question.  I have doubts.


Cheryl Langdon-Orr:              Yes.

Matt:                                       That won't be that big of a problem.  I know you guys are going back and forth and I'm sure nobody saw it.  Members of [inaudible 01:52:27] and [inaudible 01:52:33] union are not going to require any visas.  So again, most travelers will be fine.  But some travelers will require a visa.  Wiki MarkupMatt:                                       That won't be that big of a problem.  I know you guys are going back and forth and I'm sure nobody saw it.  Members of \[inaudible 01:52:27\] and \[inaudible 01:52:33\] union are not going to require any visas.  So again, most travelers will be fine.  But some travelers will require a visa. \\

Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          Perhaps it would be important to identify each ALS representative at this stage already.   And then check on whether they are likely to face a visa problem or not.  If they are, perhaps the process can be tackled earlier rather than later.

Wiki MarkupCheryl Langdon-Orr:              Yes \[inaudible               Yes [inaudible 01:53:04\] speaks earlier than later is a good idea.    I wouldn’t go for the ALS reps though, the country should be obvious.    I don’t care whether they send out more.\\

Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          Yes, so the country specifically sorry yes.


Cheryl Langdon-Orr:              Well when Tijani hasn’t got his line open it won't be a problem any longer.  Well Tijani is going to sleep now I think he needs his line open.

Tijani Ben Jemaa:                    Thank you I would like to \[inaudible Jemaa:                    Thank you I would like to [inaudible 01:55:30\] it will not be a summit for AFRALO.    It will be a GA; it will be a lot of things for AFRALO.    It will be a \ [inaudible 01:55:38\] program.    It will be a showcase.    It will be a GA.    It will be Developing Country Summit that enriches AFRALO with \ [inaudible 01:55:45\].    It will be an AFRALO ICANN meeting.    There is not a summit for AFRALO.    There is a GA and a lot of other activities for AFRALO.    The second point, we have too much work to do. \\unmigrated-wiki-markup 

It’s a very huge program because you remember we had a capacity building program already prepared for Nairobi but we couldn’t do it because there was not funding.    Now we have the funding.    We have to refine the details of the program.    We have to decide on the \ [inaudible 01:56:24\].    We have to decide on the logistics and we have to coordinate with the other parts of ICANN such as the fellowship program. \\unmigrated-wiki-markup 

This is for the capacity building program.    For the showcase we want it to be \ [inaudible 01:56:44\] a showcase.    We want to show \ [inaudible 01:56:50\] material and to make use of the presence of the whole ALSs to make a special showcase.    It is also a lot of work to do and we need to tackle this work immediately.    The GA is one of the most important events in this program.    And we have also to elect our new officials and our representatives in ALAC. \\ 

It will be an important event but I don’t think it is the most important event.  The outcomes of the GA must be set inside the Developing Country Summit in which we have to have an active participation because we are presented with a lot of numbers, a great number of ALSs.  We need to be the most active community in this Developing Country Summit event.  It will not be the Developing Country Summit itself it will be preparing event for the Developing Country Summit we have to be the most active in this event. 


Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          Okay it's just there is one thing I just fail to understand fully and I might have the wrong idea.  But preparing for a summit that they might not be able to attend?  Or is this summit designed for to be funded in such a way that ALSs will be able to attend in the future?

Wiki MarkupTijani Ben Jemaa:                    It will be in one upcoming meeting as I \[inaudible Jemaa:                    It will be in one upcoming meeting as I [inaudible 02:01:12\] in the meeting.    Dakar will be a preparing step for the summit which will happen perhaps at the upcoming meeting of ICANN. \\ 

Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          Right perhaps I am getting too much into details.  I will pass.  Alan?


Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          Thank you Alan.  Tijani you have any feedback on this?

Tijani Ben Jemaa:                    Yes, I have to tell you that when the ICANN Board agreed with \[inaudible Jemaa:                    Yes, I have to tell you that when the ICANN Board agreed with [inaudible 02:03:15\] to hold this summit their only one condition was there will be zero dollars for it. \\ 

Alan Greenberg:                      Okay.


Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          Oh, okay but it just sounds like they have been at the moment.
at the moment.

Tijani Ben Jemaa:                    No but Olivier our request for a capacity building program [inaudible Wiki MarkupTijani Ben Jemaa:                    No but Olivier our request for a capacity building program \[inaudible 02:06:11\].    And ICANN decided to give us six slots as you know for three RALOs.    We group all together to make one GA to happen.    It is a GA to happen with AFRALO but with the GA we have the capacity building program, we have the showcase, we have the AFRALO-ICANN meeting, we have the Developing Country Summits.    All together these 18 slots will serve for this entire program.\\

Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          Okay the only thing I wish to make sure is that the 18 slots which are being funded through ALAC and through the fact that many other RALOs have given their spaces over to the African region for this will not be used for a wider, specifically for a wider ICANN issue which ICANN should be funding entirely separately and not rely on ALAC to fund.  Any other comments on this?  Thank you and with all this it is now quarter past 1500 UTC.  I think we are all getting a little tired now.  It's been a very long call.  I thank all of you for attending.  Before closing the call off is there any other business that we need to attend to today whilst we are on the phone?


Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          Which I did and it's a good point to ask for this question.  Any suggestions from anyone?  Well ALAC has come up with quite a nice first response and certainly it would be a good thing for ALAC to write something on the second.  The question is how much time do we have and I'm afraid I haven’t got the figures right in front of me.  Perhaps you are aware of this Cheryl?
.  Perhaps you are aware of this Cheryl?

Cheryl Langdon-Orr:              I would suggest that it is probably going to be smarter for us to at least shamelessly plagiarize the bits that we agree with out of the documentation that has already been offered to us and write new text out of that and then give [inaudible 02:18:53] and place for the community to have some input into it.  That’s going to be the easiest way if we are going to own it as in the executive and I think we probably do need to own it.  If we want to do it that’s the way I’m suggesting we do do it.  Now if we don’t want to do it then there you go.  Wiki MarkupCheryl Langdon-Orr:              I would suggest that it is probably going to be smarter for us to at least shamelessly plagiarize the bits that we agree with out of the documentation that has already been offered to us and write new text out of that and then give \[inaudible 02:18:53\] and place for the community to have some input into it.  That’s going to be the easiest way if we are going to own it as in the executive and I think we probably do need to own it.  If we want to do it that’s the way I’m suggesting we do do it.  Now if we don’t want to do it then there you go. \\

Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          Anyone against doing it?  I should have asked everyone for doing it and everyone would have jumped on their feet and waved their hands around.  It looks like we are going to do it by the usual.  If no one is against it then I guess everyone is for it.  I see Tijani is okay with that.  Yes, let's do that.  Assigning the task to somebody, I'm going to ask for a volunteer.
