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  • Category: gTLD gTLDs
  • Topic: PIR RSEP request on 3 April 2008 to implement DNSSEC service DNSSEC Service in .ORG
  • Board meeting date: 26 June 2008
  • Resolution number: 2008.06.26.08
  • URL for Board minutes/resolution:
  • Status: Completed 


The Board approves the PIR proposal to implement DNSSEC in .ORG wa approved, with the understanding that PIR will continue to cooperate and consult with ICANN on details of the implementation. The President ; and authorizes the General President and General Counsel were authorized to enter the associated amendment to the .ORG Registry Agreement , and to take other actions as appropriate to enable the deployment of DNSSEC in .ORG.


Resolved (2008.06.26.08), that PIR's proposal to implement DNSSEC in .ORG is approved, with the understanding that PIR will continue to cooperate and consult with ICANN on details of the implementation. The President and the General Counsel are authorized to enter the associated amendment to the .ORG Registry Agreement, and to take other actions as appropriate to enable the deployment of DNSSEC in .ORG.

Implementation Actions

  • ICANN and PIR to sign Execute .ORG agreement amendments with PIR.
    • Responsible entity: gTLD Registry LiaisonICANN Staff
    • Due date: as soon as possible after Board approvalNone provided
    • Completion date: 16 July 2008, amendment to registry agreement and then 2 ; 2 June 2010, amendment to data escrow specifications appendix

Other Related Resolutions

Additional Information

  • The PIR request was the third request since the implementation of the Registry Services Evaluation Policy (RSEP) (Effective Date of the Policy is 15 August 2006) that was referred to the Registry Services Technical Evaluation Panel (RSTEP) for review and assessment. The RSEP provides that in the event that ICANN reasonably determines during the 15 calendar day "preliminary determination" period that the proposed Registry Service might raise significant Stability or Security issues, ICANN will refer the proposal to the Registry Services Technical Evaluation Panel within five business days of making its determination.  Information on the RSEP process is located at
  • The RSTEP conducted their evaluation of the proposed service and in their report dated 4 June 2008 stated, "Our technical evaluation of this proposed registry service with respect to the likelihood and materiality of effects on security and stability concludes that it does create a reasonable risk of a meaningful adverse effect on security and stability, which can be effectively mitigated by policies, decisions, and actions to which PIR either has
    expressly committed in its proposal or could reasonably be required to commit."
  • The RSEP also provides that following receipt of the RSTEP report, which will be posted and available for public comment, the ICANN Board will have 30 days to reach a decision. In the event the ICANN Board reasonably determines that the proposed Registry Service creates a reasonable risk of a meaningful adverse effect on Stability or Security, Registry Operator will not offer the proposed Registry Service.
  • A copy of the ORG Registry Agreement is available at:

Explanatory text does not modify or override Resolutions.  See Board Resolutions Page for more information.

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