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Staff:  Bart Boswinkel, Bernard Turcotte, Kim Carlson

Apologies:  Patrik Fältström


1. Welcome
2. Review of Agenda
3. Administration
  • Recap Barcelona meeting (BT)
  • Draft report version management and collaboration options
3. Invitation letter
  • Comments on questions
  • Confirm invitees (reference presentation given by PK in Barcelona)
4. Continuation of discussion of the .ws contribution
5. Workplan through Kobe
  • Goal to have draft by 6 Feb call – work backwards to establish deliverables.
  • What can already be drafted?
6. Next steps
7. AOB
8. Next meeting: 5 December @18:30 UTC


Recordings:  AC

Chat transcript:

Kimberly Carlson:Hello, welcome to today's call of the Study Group on use of Emojis as SLDs on 21 November at 18:30 UTC
Bernard Turcotte:hello all
Alejandra Reynoso [ccNSO]:Hi :)
Bernard Turcotte:;-)
Save Vocea:Hello bernie, kim, joke and alejandra
Joke Braeken:hello everyone.
Alejandra Reynoso [ccNSO]:👋
Alejandra Reynoso [ccNSO]:Bless you Jaap 🤧
jaap akkerhuis:Thanks Alejandra
Ed Borgquist (.WS):yes configuring mic
Kimberly Carlson:Yes, i could hear but sound was low
Bernard Turcotte:browsers always pick the most convenient time to update
page howe:yes oops
page howe:default was to be on so i had to turn off
page howe:disregard second request, trouble with plugin so i switched browsers.
page howe:and thanks for your help Kimberly
Kimberly Carlson:no problem
Kimberly Carlson:thanks for your patience - dealing with some technical issues
Bernard Turcotte:dialing Peter now - hope to start shortly
Abdalmonem Galila:Sorry for being late
Kimberly Carlson:@abdalmonem we have not started - all good
Abdalmonem Galila:Cool waiting
Alejandra Reynoso [ccNSO]:Patrick said he might not be able to join the call.
Kimberly Carlson:Thanks Alejandra
Alejandra Reynoso [ccNSO]:I propose to use a Google Doc, so we can all see the same document
Bart Boswinkel:Page please lower your hand
Bernard Turcotte:Page - Old hand?
page howe:i see now, it does say "if your cctld accepts...." so i think its ok.
page howe:my concern met, i think we should send letter as is.
Paul Hoffman:Peter: leaving out "did you in the past" seems fine to me for the reasons you give.
page howe:Pauls concern covered with "would also welcome any memoranda you wish to submit"
page howe:paul point on the past was a good one.
Alejandra Reynoso [ccNSO]:So, asking about SSAC advice could be a follow up question to the first response from the ccTLD.
Bernard Turcotte:Yes
page howe:looks good
page howe:yes circulate asap
Bart Boswinkel:The document is scrollable
page howe:thank you ED, and .ws in summary i think the .ws document shows emoji do require some active management, and changeable policies to flex with different changing "alphabets" and updates. Issues that dont exist with ASCII and to the extent they exist with other IDNs, no ohter IDN has the presence on a billion smartphones where demand and use rises to the level of ICANN involvement
Alejandra Reynoso [ccNSO]:@Ed: which one is the official ccTLD website or ? or are they both official?
Ed Borgquist (.WS) is the official registry. samoanic is the local presence in samoa
Alejandra Reynoso [ccNSO]:Ah! ok. Thank you Ed 🙂
Bernard Turcotte:time check - 14 minutes left in call
jaap akkerhuis:Unicode has before broken promises about stability over code points
Paul Hoffman:Agree that can be done at a later point.
page howe:re Vendor rendering , our roll may to simply identify it as a fundamental issue, without having to solve it.
page howe:yes Ed thank you.
page howe:i green tick. if i knew how...
Bernard Turcotte:Little hand top middle of screen
Alejandra Reynoso [ccNSO]:@Page: They are in the button where you put your hand up
Alejandra Reynoso [ccNSO]:There is an arrow for "options"
page howe:thnk u
Bernard Turcotte:yeah Page
Alejandra Reynoso [ccNSO]:👍
page howe:😀
page howe:hey look emoji use in the emoji study group..... yeah!
Alejandra Reynoso [ccNSO]:😅
page howe:for those on a windows machine its the windows key and "."
Abdalmonem Galila:.
Ed Borgquist (.WS):windows 10 only ;)
Bernard Turcotte:will start draftting next week
Abdalmonem Galila:👍
Alejandra Reynoso [ccNSO]:I copy & paste them from
page howe:yes ed your right....
page howe:great to see fuller participations today. thank you everybody.
Bernard Turcotte:bye all
Save Vocea:thnx and bye
Abdalmonem Galila:Bye Bye
Paul Hoffman:Thanks!
Alejandra Reynoso [ccNSO]:Thank you! Bye
jaap akkerhuis:Bye all ...
Kimberly Carlson:Thank you all, bye
Sarmad Hussain:thanks and bye
Ed Borgquist (.WS):Bye
page howe:bye