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Final GNSO Council Agenda 

Item 1. Administrative Matters (5 mins)

1.1 - Roll Call

1.2 - Updates to Statements of Interest

1.3 - Review / Amend Agenda

1.4 - Note the status of minutes for the previous Council meetings per the GNSO Operating Procedures:

Minutes of the GNSO Council meeting on the 25 September 2018 were posted on the 13 October 2018

Minutes part I and part II of the GNSO Council meetings on the 24 October 2018 were posted on the 12 November 2018

Item 2. Opening Remarks / Review of Projects & Action List (15 minutes)

2.1 - Review focus areas and provide updates on specific key themes / topics, to include review of Projects List and Action Item List

Item 3. Consent Agenda (5 minutes)

  • Motion to adopt the GNSO Council response to the GAC Communiqué.
  • Motion for the confirmation of GNSO representative to the Empowered Community Administration.

Item 4: COUNCIL DISCUSSION – IGO-INGO Access to Curative Rights Protection Mechanisms (15 minutes)
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A motion to consider the Final Report was originally on the 24 October 2018 Council meeting agenda but was withdrawn due to concerns around both the process followed by the PDP, as well as the substance of the PDP WG’s recommendations. Council leadership and staff have developed a summary document [INSERT LINK WHEN READY] that lists issues raised by Councilors, options available, and potential considerations.

Here, the Council will consider the options available and discuss appropriate next steps.  
4.1 – Presentation of topic (Council Leadership)

4.2 – Council discussion

4.3 – Next steps

Item 5: COUNCIL UPDATE – Temporary Specification for Registration Data Expedited Policy Development Process - Recurring Update (25 minutes)

On 19 July 2018, the GNSO Council resolved to initiate the Expedited Policy Development Process (EPDP) on the Temporary Specification for gTLD Registration Data and adopt the EPDP Team Charter. Given the challenging timeline for the EPDP and the GNSO Council’s role in managing the PDP process, the Council has agreed that including a recurring update on the EPDP for each Council meeting is prudent.

Here, the Council will receive an update from the GNSO Council liaison to the EPDP.

5.1 – Update (Rafik Dammak, GNSO Council liaison to the EPDP and EPDP vice-chair)

5.2 – Council discussion

5.3 – Next step

Item 6: COUNCIL DISCUSSION – ICANN Reserve Fund (15 minutes)

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Here, the Council discuss potential issues and determine if any remedial actions may be necessary at the Council level.

6.1 – Presentation of topic (Council Leadership)

6.2 – Council discussion

6.3 – Next steps 

Item 7: COUNCIL DISCUSSION – Discussion of the Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy (IRTP) Policy Status Report (15 minutes)

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Here, the Council will receive an update on the report, discuss its initial reactions, and consider next steps. 
7.1 – Presentation of materials (Brian Aitchison)
7.2 – Council discussion
7.3 – Next steps 

Item 8: ANY OTHER BUSINESS (10 minutes)

8.1 - Update on the Council Strategic Planning Session

8.2 - Permanent GNSO representative to the Fellowship Selection Committee
