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The four GNSO Stakeholder Groups occupy two organizational “houses.”  The RySG and the RrSG comprise the Contracted Party House.  The CSG and the NCSG comprise the Non-Contracted Party House.

Please see "GNSO: Council Members" Internet page for a schematic representation of the GNSO structure, along with further information regarding the GNSO houses and stakeholder groups.

GNSO Council

The GNSO Council is the body within the GNSO responsible for strategically managing policy development efforts consistent with Annex A of the ICANN Bylaws (see The GNSO Stakeholder Groups and other members of the ICANN community contribute to these Policy Development Process (PDP) efforts as set out in Annex A.


Non-Contracted Party House -- One of two organizational "houses" into which the Generic Names Supporting Organization (GNSO) is divided.  Each of the two houses include two of the four main stakeholder groups that currently (as of February 2011) comprise the GNSO.  The Non-Contracted Party House includes the Commercial Stakeholder Group (CSG) and the Non-Commercial Stakeholder Group (NCSG).  The other GNSO house is the Contracted Party House, which includes the Registries Stakeholder Group (RySG) and the Registrars Stakeholder Group (RrSG).  Please see ICANN's "GNSO: Council Members" Internet page for a schematic representation of the GNSO structure, along with further information regarding the GNSO houses and stakeholder groups. 
