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Observers and experts:  

Staff:  Bart Boswinkel, Bernie Turcotte, Kim Carlson


Recordings: AC

Chat Transcript:

Kimberly Carlson:Hello, welcome to today's ccPDP WG on retirement on 15 November at 17:00 UTC
Vadim Mikhaylov:Hello everyone.
Nick Wenban-Smith:Afternoon ... very dark here already!
Barrack Otieno:Hi Kim hi colleagues
Kristina Hakobyan:hello, everyone
el:Is it because the last guy leaving 10 Downing Street has turneed the lights off?
Nick Wenban-Smith:no brexit jokes please!
el:WHo's joking?
Brent Carey:Hi all. Summer looks to be arriving down under.
Joke Braeken:hello everyone
Barbara:Hi everyone!
Stephen Deerhake:Hi all. Just started snowing here...
Bernard Turcotte:hello all
Svitlana Tkachenko:Hello!
Patricio Poblete:Hello everyone
Patricio Poblete:I apologize in advance because I can only stay for one hour
Kimberly Carlson:doc is scrollable
Bart Boswinkel:This is Patrico's letter:
Nenad Orlić:hi
Bart Boswinkel:We have noticed that in the process that produced the current bylaws, which came into effect in October 2016, part of a sentence was deleted in the article that defines a ccTLD manager. Specifically, the text shown in boldface was removed:“a ccTLD manager is the organization or entity responsible for managing an ISO 3166 country-code top-level domain and referred to in the IANA database under the current heading of "Sponsoring Organization", or under any later variant, for that country-code top-level domain.”There is no record of any discussion or explanation for this change, and it is likely that it could be the result of an editing error. Intentional or not, the removal of the reference to the IANA database in this text is significant. In addition, without this text, the mention of a "later variant" makes no sense.
Nenad Orlić:after new instal and several updates, i'm here :(
Bart Boswinkel:Note Sponsoring Organisation has bene repalced with ccTLD Manager
Kim Davies:The root zone itself has no metadata on who the ccTLD manager is, whether it is a ccTLD, etc.
Kim Davies:It just says whether a string is delegated or not
Kim Davies:was just connecting my mic, i can talk now
Patricio Poblete:It would be time to update the language to something like: a ccTLD manager is the organization or entity responsible for managing an ISO 3166 country-code top-level domain and referred to in the IANA database under the heading of "ccTLD manager"
Nenad Orlić:i support mail list option
Nick Wenban-Smith:I have to say I agree with EL here, let's not be too hasty with the council letter
el:Use the FoI language.
Joke Braeken:you will be able to consult the slide deck here:
Kimberly Carlson:The presentation is on the wiki, I circulated with the background material as well
Kimberly Carlson:wiki:
Brent Carey:I think I was in group 1. Fellow members my recollection was our concern was about dispute resolution processes, including trademark disputes, but this was a broader process than trademark issues
Nenad Orlić:audio breaks
Naela Sarras:I believe I was in Group 2. I think 9-10 was an upper limit only.
el:am back, we are ahving us a power failure
Nigel Roberts:am here too from the train
Kimberly Carlson:Hi Nigel, welcome
el:the laptop is on battery, but the connectivity is extrermely poor, I have more breupups than I can hear anything
Nigel Roberts:i think that’s common
Vadim Mikhaylov:I was in group 1, but I'm sure that 3 years is not enough for ccTLD with significant amount of 2lvl domains
Nigel Roberts:business failure isn’t something we should be concerned with until it amounts to a need for a caretaker manager
el:the mifi speed is 2MBpS so it'Adobe.
el:I don't think I can take this much longer
Nigel Roberts:too short
el:Is anyone else having breakups?
Brent Carey:no breakups here
Nick Wenban-Smith:seems all good and clear to me
el:THird try
el:Seems a little beyter now
Nenad Orlić:audi breaks
Stephen Deerhake:All, we will be using most of the additional 30 minutes allotted to us.
Kimberly Carlson:there is a phone bridge available, dial in details found in upper left pod. Alternatively, you can PM me your number and I can dial out to you
el:Phone Bridge doesn't work well in a Power Failure
Alyssa Moore:i have to drop off
Patricio Poblete:"STPR", not "SPTR"
Stephen Deerhake:OK Alyssa.
Kristina Hakobyan:I'm sorryI have to leave the meeting.
Brent Carey:yes there was a question of agency and third parties acting inside theses processes. Good point
Nick Wenban-Smith:thanks for the walk through, looks v promising but will need to read properly
Patricio Poblete:Seems like a good start. Sorry to have toleave the call now.
Kimberly Carlson:Next call, 29 Nov @23:00 UTC
Nick Wenban-Smith:great thanks I've got to dash now sorry
Joke Braeken:Next meeting: 29 November 2018, 23.00 UTC
Brent Carey:thanks everyone
Bernard Turcotte:bye all
Kimberly Carlson:Thank you everyone, bye
Barrack Otieno:thanks and bye
Naela Sarras:thank you
el:01:00 my time and I'll have a presentation to make at 07:30 for the day job