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NOTE: text in cells below shown in colour is DRAFTonly, for discussion by the ARIWG

Issue #8

Lead: John Laprise

Social media and other Internet-based tools could be used more effectively, and at minimal cost, to continuously survey and channel end-user input into ICANN policy making processes.
Final Proposal as approved by the Board
We will continue to investigate opportunities to use Social Media and other online tools that prove useful to bring end-users’ voices to ICANN and vice -versa. However, we caution against seeing social media and online tools as a substitute for other means of participation. We are eager to work with ICANN Organization to understand ICANN’s interests in this area, and the tools available to integrate and communicate our work more effectively.
Prioritization3.3.2. (High resource needs; High risk; #2 priority)
ARIWG comments

(MH) This item highlights how we can use social media to enhance the work that is being done in O&E, so that some collaboration with the task teams working on areas #5, #12. #13 and #15 would be appropriate

Also to the communication channels item #10, looking at effective ways to disseminate important messages out to the wider public as well as the At-Large Community

(NA) Social media in ICANN basically used to disseminate updates and it is one direction, however,  having it as a channel for engagement with followers need a dedicated skilled staff/volunteers, the engagement what attracts the right followers.  Again, it is not about the tool, but the type of added value posts that sustain interest in the channel.

(MM) In reality, most end-users never get near an ICANN process and when they do, the language is so foreign, they might not come back. Some communications experts who can speak about ICANN issues without getting into ICANN language would be really useful.    

Status of improvement effort / staff leadSoMeWG Chair John Laprise has been working with the WG and with staff to develop and implement new community strategies including the use of new tools to improve and grow community engagement. SoMeWG has also worked to develop RALO level SoMe teams to use regionally relevant social media platforms and languages to extend community reach and voice.
Activities, if any, on which implementation is dependent, or that are dependent on implementation of this recommendation
Who will implement the recommendation: ICANN community, ICANN Board, ICANN Organization, other?ICANN ORG (staff) is responsible for managing official global ICANN Social Media handles, accounts, and related management tools. ICANN community is responsible for day to day content curation and sharing at the regional level.
Anticipated resource requirements (FTEs, tools)
Expected budget implications

Proposed implementation steps:

Continuous Improvement(s)
MetricsStandard social media engagement engagement metrics with the caveat that social media channels are inherently noisy and derived metrics include significant error.
How long will it take to implement this plan?In process

ARIWG Prioritization and Dependencies - Issue#9
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