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2. Review of the Action Items of 2 February 2011  - 5 minutes

All African ALSes will respond to the SWOT analysis survey which will be sent out shortly.

AI: The African representatives in the Improvements WT will send a short summary of the recent WT activities to the Afri-Discussion list.

AI: The agenda item on the ALS application on FORCAS will be carried over to the next monthly callBaudouin will send his comments on the draft African statement on the survey to Tijani tomorrow.

3. Open Public Consultations - 5 minutes


b. Public Consultations on which ALAC is preparing statements:


c. Recently submitted ALAC statements:


c. Recently submitted ALAC statements:

Proposed Agenda Items



Regional Advice on


ALS Application from


FORCAS  (Fatimata


) - 10 mins

Reference Material:

Application FORCASApplication Binary Egypt

Application Communications and ICT Ministry of Benin\ (French)

5. AFRALO Input to Work Team C SWOT Analysis (Tijani) (10 minutes)

(see AFRALO input to WT C SWOT Analysis workspace)

6. Update on the Join AFRALO-AfrICANN Meeting in San Francisco (Fatimata, Tijani)(5 minutes)

(see Joint AFRALO-AfrICANN workspace)

7. Review of AFRALO Budget Proposal for Financial Year 12 (Tijani)(5 minutes)


5. African Position on Proposed Framework for FY 12 - (Tijani) 10 mins

See:Proposed Framework for the Fiscal Year 2012 (FY12) Operating Plan and Budget (ends 4 April 11)

6. African Position on ICANN's Global Outreach Program (Fatimata, Tijani) 10 mins

See:Proposed Recommendations for a Global Outreach Program (ends 10 April 11)

7.  Preparations for the AFRALO Activities at ICANN San Francisco Meeting (Tijani, Fatimata) (10 minutes)

8. Update on the Joint SO/AC (JAS) Working Group on New gTLD Applicant Support Working Group (Tijani) - 5 minutes
