Versions Compared


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  • WT A Cartagena Presentation (9 December 2010)

  • WT B Cartagena Presentation (9 December 2010)

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    WT C Cartagena Presentation (9 December 2010)

  • ALAC 22.02.11 - Monthly TeleconferenceWT D Cartagena Presentation (9 December 2010)

8. GAC-Board Meeting - Discussion of ALAC positions

For Reference: ICANN Staff proposed organization of GAC-Board Preparatory calls for Brussels.doc

9. Applicant Guidebook Alternative Text (AGAT) Working Group -  Update (10 mins) - Evan

For Reference: At-Large AGAT Workspace


10.  Defining Consumer Choice, Competition and Innovation - Next Steps (10 mins) - Olivier

Board Resolution on Consumer Choice, Competition and Innovation


11. ICANN Meeting 40 in San Francisco - Tentative At-Large Meetings Schedule (10 mins) - Olivier and Staff

Click here for the draft At-Large Meetings Schedule for the Silicon Valley Meeting in San Francisco

Does the ALAC have any comments on the agendas?


12. Any Other Business - (5 mins) Olivier




Items For Decision