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2. Roll Call Apologies from Members, if any (1 min) - Staff


3. Review of the




Items from the ALAC Meeting of 22 January 2011 (5 mins) - Olivier

4. Review of Current ALS Applications (3 mins) - Matthias




. Applicant Guidebook Alternative Text (AGAT) Working Group -  Update (10 mins) - Evan

For Reference: At-Large AGAT Workspace

1. Does the ALAC wish to approve the AGAT WG?

2. If so, does the ALAC authorize the Chair of the ALAC to invite participation from the GAC and other ICANN communities? 

3. If the ALAC approves the AGAT WG, does the ALAC wish to appoint Evan Leibovitch as Chair?

10.  Joint SO/AC WG on New gTLD Applicant Support - Update (10 mins) Carlton

For Reference:

JAS Charters: Side-by-side comparison prepared by A. Greenberg)\ (PDF)

ALAC Motion to Renew the JAS Charter (passed unanimously on 23.11.10)

ICANN Legal Department's views on two Charter issue

How does the ALAC wish to proceed  with the variance between GNSO  and ALAC JAS Charters and/or in its further discussion with the GNSO on the JAS -WG  Charter(s)?


Items for Information


9.  Defining Consumer Choice, Competition and Innovation - Next Steps (10 mins) - Olivier

Board Resolution on Consumer Choice, Competition and Innovation

10. ICANN Meeting 40 in San Francisco - Tentative At-Large Meetings Schedule (


10 mins) - Olivier and Staff

Click here for the draft At-Large Meetings Schedule for the Silicon Valley Meeting in San Francisco

Does the ALAC have any comments


on the agendas?


11. Any Other Business - (5 mins) Olivier




Items For Decision