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Andrea Glandon:Welcome to the At-Large Regional Leadership call held on Thursday, 19 July 2018 at 18:00 UTC.
  Andrea Glandon:Link to the wiki for today's call
  sergio salinas porto:hello everyone / hola a todos!!!!
  Andrea Glandon:Welcome, Sergio!
  sergio salinas porto::D
  Silvia Vivanco:Hello all
  Silvia Vivanco:Bienvenido Sergio
  Silvia Vivanco:Welcome all 
  Alfredo Calderon:Hello to all! / Saludos a todos!
  Wale Bakare:Hello everyone, good morning/afternoon/evening
  Ali AlMeshal:hi all
  Glenn McKnight-NARALO:hi
  Glenn McKnight-NARALO:Heidi sound is warbly
  Maureen Hilyard:Ali is here for APRALO :)
  Ali AlMeshal:get delayed becasue of the update of addobe 
  Maureen Hilyard:Thank you Heidi :)
  Alan Greenberg:All sorts of random people, myself among them!
  Silvia Vivanco:Welcome Alan! :)
  Silvia Vivanco:noted 
  Andrea Glandon:
  Silvia Vivanco:Maritza has joined the ES channel!
  Ali AlMeshal:i am losoing the audio can staff call me please on +97339440025
  Andrea Glandon:@ali, the operator is calling
  Ali AlMeshal:thanks
  Andrea Glandon:
  Heidi Ullrich:2018 At-Large Activities at IGF:
  Silvia Vivanco:correction- Maritza has not joned the bridge and is listening to LAC REad out where she is a speaker
  Silvia Vivanco:she will join us in 10 mins 
  Silvia Vivanco:I could not understand Ali 
  Ali AlMeshal:yes for next FY
  Silvia Vivanco:thanks for repeating Olivier 
  Alan Greenberg:Take Heidi first
  Ali AlMeshal:@Silvia , we discssed with our VP Jia , about overcoming this by submitting our stratgey plan earlier but this still would need to be taken with CROP  team 
  Silvia Vivanco:@ Ali, I understand now thank you for clarifying ! 
  Eduardo Diaz:
  Ali AlMeshal:@Heidi , if one CROP is used for ICANN meeting , can we top it up with the Discretionary fund to cover the remining nights , as you know CROPP will cover 3 night only??
  Silvia Vivanco:RALO Discretionary funding wiki:
  Eduardo Diaz:Thanks
  Heidi Ullrich:The CROP PCs can be changed anytime. 
  Heidi Ullrich:that is different from the CROP RT. 
  Silvia Vivanco:CROP Review team:
  Ali AlMeshal:I think this need to be re-discussed again if still needed or no.
  Heidi Ullrich:It might be that if the CROP slots are identified within the RALO Strategic Outreach Plans and approved by the RALOs, there might not be a need for the CROP RT. 
  Heidi Ullrich:advanced planning of the use of CROP slots would be advantageous for many reasons. 
  Maureen Hilyard:Yes we can hear you clearly Ali
  Heidi Ullrich:There is a delay on Ali's line
  Eduardo Diaz:yes
  Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:CROP RT link:
  Mohamed El Bashir:I support simplifying the process, no need for a new gate on the process 
  Ali AlMeshal:#Alan, it is been reviewed by AP and also part of the stratgey that was approved 
  Wale Bakare:Should this not be embedded in O & E Strategic plan?
  Glenn McKnight-NARALO:Need to send to CROP RT folks that they are no longer going to be involved in the review and approval
  Alan Greenberg:I was not pointing fingers at anyone in particular.  Nor eeven saying that it has been a recent issue. But it needs to be understood.
  Heidi Ullrich:Perhaps the CROP PC could be one RALO Leader and the SC on O/E Co-Chair from each RALO. 
  Heidi Ullrich:so that could eliminate need for CROP RT. 
  Heidi Ullrich:@Eduardo, that is only for the first trip. 
  Eduardo Diaz:No ICANN meeting in NARALO this year
  Heidi Ullrich:and most ICANN meetings have some outreach element
  Heidi Ullrich:@Eduardo: (c) if there is no Public Meeting or official ICANN meeting occurring in that RALO’s region in that FY, a meeting in that region that is assessed by the relevant regional Global Stakeholder Engagement (GSE) regional vice-president as being: (i) directly and demonstrably related to ongoing ICANN policy, advisory or technical activities (e.g. a Regional Internet Registry meeting), and (ii) consistent with the ICANN Organization’s outreach plan for that region.
  Ali AlMeshal:So should we decied on this here now??
  Ali AlMeshal:CROP PC are rep from RALOs
  Heidi Ullrich:CROP PC:
  Ali AlMeshal:right
  Silvia Vivanco:AFRALOTijani BEN JEMAADaniel Nanghaka APRALOCheryl Langdon-Orr  Ali AlMeshal  EURALOYuliya Morenets Wolf LudwigLACRALOLeon SanchezJuan Manuel Rojas NARALOJudith Hellerstein  Glenn McKnight 
  Heidi Ullrich:CROP PCs -
  Wale Bakare:There is link shared by Heidi
  Eduardo Diaz:@Heidi: Best thing is to discuss posible events for the year with Global Engagement to make suer we are all in accord before submitting anything to CROP
  Ali AlMeshal:So Basicaly we need to decide to if we need to have the RT function ?
  Eduardo Diaz:Glenn is just going to do that as he mentioned before.
  Ali AlMeshal:Right Heidi
  Eduardo Diaz:Lets move on...
  Heidi Ullrich:should this be a coordinated process with this group and the SC on O/E? 
  Heidi Ullrich:Should we have an AI that the Regional Leaders are unanimously recommending that the CROP RT be eliminated/ 
  Ali AlMeshal:@Heidi, it is RALO LT team
  Mohamed El Bashir:I think the RALO leadership should appoint their PC, dose the Out-reach and engagement has the authority to appoint PCs ?
  Heidi Ullrich:Current criteria:
  Heidi Ullrich:I can do that and draft the text
  Heidi Ullrich:Good point, Eduardo!
  Heidi Ullrich:We can add individuals for sure
  Eduardo Diaz:Thnak you 
  sergio salinas porto:I fell from the call
  Andrea Glandon:@Sergio I will have the operator call you back
  Andrea Glandon:Wiki for ALS Criteria and expectations
  Eduardo Diaz:workes with and S
  sergio salinas porto:thanks Andrea  I'm already up
  Andrea Glandon:@Sergio, great!
  Eduardo Diaz:We need to put a minimum to the nimber of members that an ALs must have
  Eduardo Diaz:and then  how do we know that they have that number of members
  Glenn McKnight-NARALO:We had a few examples of moving  ALS with one person to become Unaffiliated members
  Eduardo Diaz:But ther are ALs that consist of one person
  Eduardo Diaz:There is no criteria that says that ALS has to have a minimu of  members
  Glenn McKnight-NARALO:It doesn`t  see right to have one person ALS`s 
  Glenn McKnight-NARALO:It should  
  Glenn McKnight-NARALO:we need to alter the criteria
  Eduardo Diaz:or 1
  Glenn McKnight-NARALO:25 for  ISOC  applications
  Glenn McKnight-NARALO:ISOC has to have a bank account,  annual elections
  Eduardo Diaz:MAybe we should allow individulas and ALS reps to have a full vote each..
  Eduardo Diaz:And allow to vote only those that participate.
  Glenn McKnight-NARALO:At least each ALS  should have a section on their  websites on their ICANN involvement 
  Alfredo Calderon:<Comment> That would require strict accountability and metrics to ensure voting and decision rights when required.<Comment>
  Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:DRAFT Discussion paper - "Improving the Effectiveness of RALOs and ALSes in supporting the mission of At Large and ICANN " by ALAC's Chair, Alan Greenberg ---
  Andrea Glandon:Wiki for RALO Survey Workspace 2015
  Andrea Glandon:wiki for At-Large Structure 2010 Survey Workspace
  Glenn McKnight-NARALO:Yes,  it should be a Survey Monkey 
  Glenn McKnight-NARALO:We can update the  original survey
  Wale Bakare:+1 to Glenn
  Glenn McKnight-NARALO:It should be pulled down menus  vs  open ended answers
  Ali AlMeshal:was there a good actions  taken after conducting the 2010 survey ?
  Alfredo Calderon:Agree with @Glenn comment on the drop down menu. It makes easier the analysis.
  Eduardo Diaz:Before this  starta , we need to define what is what we want to know and then have some sense as to cwhat all of actions we are going to have based on  resultss
  Ali AlMeshal:I mean did we used the data collected ?
  Ali AlMeshal:thnaks Olivier
  Eduardo Diaz:I was around but do not remember any action being taken 
  Heidi Ullrich:Staff can look into the 2010 survey and get back to you. I recall the survey...
  Eduardo Diaz:For example, we can use the survey to steer people to the right policy WG
  Glenn McKnight-NARALO:sure
  Heidi Ullrich:Cheryl would recall as well as I worked with her on the survey
  Ali AlMeshal:Other discussion will better option
  Glenn McKnight-NARALO:Indeed.  As  stated  lets  find out our  capacity and ask  them to join appropriate wg etc
  Heidi Ullrich:It might make sense to include surveys during the At-Large Review Implementation : 1) at the start; 2) at the end; and 3) at a set point after the conclusion. 
  Heidi Ullrich:@Eduardo, the ARIWG will start shortly is my understanding
  Ali AlMeshal:+1 Heidi , 3) after the conclusion
  Maureen Hilyard:Sorry for jumping in - but the contents of the survey will have to be reviewed so it asks what the Imp Team needs to know from each ALS
  Heidi Ullrich:The preliminary group has been idenfied. However, the EPDP too priority due to its urgency
  Eduardo Diaz:@Thnak yo heidi - You are correct  the group is the ARIWG
  Andrea Glandon:wiki for At-Large Regional Leadership Workspace
  Maureen Hilyard:Sorry have to leave now. Thank you for interesting discussion
  Silvia Vivanco:
  Silvia Vivanco:
  Eduardo Diaz:where is thel linl
  Eduardo Diaz:link
  Silvia Vivanco:AFRALO wiki above
  Silvia Vivanco:the wikis are a bit slow today 
  Andrea Glandon:Working on it, wiki a little slow
  Silvia Vivanco:those are participants at the GA in Johanesburg 
  Silvia Vivanco:so we have a nice personal touch
  Silvia Vivanco:NARALO already has a picture 
  Silvia Vivanco:
  Ali AlMeshal:+1
  Silvia Vivanco:of the GA in the wiki 
  Andrea Glandon:AFRALO update :)
  Andrea Glandon:updated
  Eduardo Diaz:Adjourn 
  Ali AlMeshal:thanks all
  Heidi Ullrich:Thanks, All! 
  Eduardo Diaz:@Oliver: Thnaks for chairing
  Eduardo Diaz:When is our next meeting
  Alfredo Calderon:Til next call!
  Eduardo Diaz:Lets have it in September
  Heidi Ullrich:I thought you agreed to monthly meetings...
  Eduardo Diaz:I like monthly better
  Heidi Ullrich:late August...
  Heidi Ullrich:and again in September
  Wale Bakare:Thanks all, bye!
  Eduardo Diaz:bye
  Heidi Ullrich:Run, Olivier! ;)
  Silvia Vivanco:Bye all :) !
  Ali AlMeshal:bye
  Silvia Vivanco:Thank you so much for your participation