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  1. Roll Call

  2. Opening Remarks and Selection of Chair of WG

    1. Regional Co-chairs (Call for EOI); To streamline the development of the Regional Outreach Strategies

    2.  Suggestion on the update of Outreach and Engagement breakdown

  3. Update on the Community Onboarding Program at ICANN 62 (



  4. Update on the ICANN 62 Booth and LACRALO Networking events (Vanda)

  5. Update on CROP for FY19 (CROP Staff)

  6. Regional Reports

    1. AFRALO - Sarah Kiden

    2. APRALO - Satish Babu

    3. EURALO - Olivier Crepin-Leblond

    4. NARALO - Glenn McKnight

    5. LACRALO - Dev Anand Teelucksingh

  7. Development of FY19 RALO Outreach Strategic Plans

    1. See FY18 RALO Outreach Strategic Plans
  8. Next Outreach Activities

    1. Outreach plan for ICANN 63  (Barcelona)  (Olivier)

    2. 2018 IGF


      Paris Booth (Glenn)

  9. AOB

  10. Date for Next Monthly Call

    Status of 2018 RALO Outreach Strategies- All RALO reps - 2 minutes each ( 10 minutes)