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OCL has emailed Lutz Donnerhacke asking him whether he would be interested in participating in the SSR2, as an EURALO representative to the Review Team2.


EURALO March 2018 Report



ED calls for the meeting conclusion and directed At-Large staff to prepare the session in Panama, for continue discussions.


Hot topics

 ED mentioned as an example, the Net Neutrality, asked whether it is important for ICANN per its core operation. He further stressed that what is important is how the Net Neutrality affects users.


Olivier Crepin-Leblond to request volunteers to participate in the EURODIG 2018 meeting, considering the 6 weeks requirements to file CROP funding requests.






EURALO April 2018 Report

1. General Data Protection Regulation and ICANN

Challenges of GDPR


EURALO chair, Olivier Crepin-Leblond (OCL) reminded members about the importance of the General Data Protection Regulation, GDPR as it relates to ICANN/WHOIS.

 The ICANN web page about Data Protection/Privacy issue is on

The EURALO has conducted several webinars to address different angles of GDPR, as well as At-Large.
- The At-Large Capacity Building webinar held on 2018-01-24. Topic: "Data Protection -  What do you need to know as End-Users about GDPR”. The webinar record on
The webinar included presentations from Chuck Gomes and Thomas Rickert, they explained GDPR and how it relates to end users.
- The EURALO webinar on General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) held on 2018-02-19. Link to the recorded webinar on
The webinar had Thomas Rickert, Pierre Bonis, Michele Neylon and Athina Fragkouli explained to us how their organization worked towards GDPR *implementation*.

An email message to EURALO members, EURALO chair, OCL, asks members to share experience on how their individual organization is addressing GDPR.  

Also, OCL asked members to share their individual organization’s on how concerns brought forward by GDPR are being addressed. OCL suggested that volunteers to share experience on this will be given approximately 5 minutes for presentation. The call on GDPR is expected to happen next month (May 2018).

Any interested volunteers to, please email to, copy EURALO chair, OCL as well as Yrjö Länsipuro (YL) and Annette Muehlberg (AM)


2. EURALO April Call, 17 April 2018

Sébastien Bachollet (SB) commented that we should include latest topical ICANN issues such as GDPR updates, the ongoing discussion at GNSO.  Basically, SB is concerned about ICANN/WHOIS compliance.  

SB talked briefly about the CCWG WS2 final report. He mentioned about the discrepancies in WS2 and WS1, then Charter report will be done before WS2 goes to the board.

Roberto Gaetano (RG) commented on the threshold of the By-Laws. He said the voting of GNSO was done as a participant.

OCL clarified that the GNSO is sub-divided into different sub-groups.

GDPR Discussion

SB commented that ICANN has requested a year timeline to put the proposed model in conformance to the GDPR law. SB said he does not know how ICANN would tackle the specificities highlighted in the response letter by WP29.

Christopher Wilkinson (CW) said he has not read the letter (WP29 response) thoroughly but would need more time to digest the letter. But voiced that the letter has a political undertone.

Silvia Vivanco commented that there is a webinar on GDPR on 18 April 2018.

 OCL said he was in contact with NCUC and has attended the meetings on capacity building at ICANN meetings.

 Webinar on Cybersecurity

SB commented that he is much more concerned about the end users’ protection, privacy online and others rather than social network or infrastructure. And that the EURALO should not wait for the governments before we talk about end users’ concerns.

CROP Slots to Outreach Activities

OCL mentioned the CROP slots and the number of slots available for this year. He mentioned of ISOC Bulgaria, and that two EURALO members, OCL and SB would be attending ISOC European Chapters meeting where they would take At-Large brochures.


ALAC and EURALO 2018 Election

Silvia Vivanco said that the announcement for the call for nomination is between 23 April and 3rd May. The positions open for EURALO ALAC member and ALAC delegate to the NomCom.

SB asked when the nominated candidates will be announced. Heidi Ullrich responded that results will be announced shortly after the nomination period.


Community Onboarding Program

OCL raised a question –  how do we select a participant to attend the ICANN62 meeting in Panama City? OCL stated further that - whether we should just pick a candidate that has been active in EURALO or make a call.  

SB suggested we should discuss the selection of candidate to Community Onboarding program at EURALO Board call on 18 April. 

3. EURALO Board Conference call 18 April 2018

Third EURALO GDPR Webinar

Jean-Jacques Subrenat (JJS) suggested that we should have between 10 or 15 participants, who have the knowledge and legal understanding of the topic. JJS furthered that more ALSes should take part in GDPR discussions.

OCL – made a reference to the ISOC’s perspective on the GDPR by involving all Chapters and members. OCL said he would send an email to ALSes to take part in the topic.

YL commented that an online course should also be an option.


Webinar on The Impact of Human Rights

OCL to send an email to Annette on the impact of human rights Cross Community Working Party on the webinar.

Proposal 3: SSR2 Review

JJS suggested that EURALO Chair or someone from members to send a letter to SSR2 Review Team and emphasize the protection of data.

OCL said no one knows how the WHOIS will go about it and asked members whether he should send a letter to SSR2 Team now or after the GDPR has taken place?

Proposal 4: EURALO Facebook Group

Wale Bakare stated that EURALO Facebook Group has been set-up and to date around 12 members have joined the EURALO-ICANN At-Large group.   

YL commented that there is a need for members to put more information to grow the group for outreach activities.


Selection of Community Onboarding Program (COP) Candidate for EURALO (In-Camera)

Discussions about the candidates who have applied for the COP program in Panama yielded the proposal of Matthias Hudobnik (MH) to the ALAC selection committee.  

EURALO CROP Requests for FY17: EuroDIG - Call for Volunteers for CROP Travel (In-Camera)


Following a discussion of the members of the EURALO Board, the following individuals, having applied for funding, have been selected to receive CROP Travel Funding:

  1. Clément Genty
  2.  Andrei Kolesnikov
  3.  Oksana Prykhodko.  

The Chair has transmitted these names to the CROP application which was filed accordingly.


Action Items

  • Olivier Crepin-Leblond to take the lead on the coordination of the third GDPR Webinar, targeting the last week of April or first 2 weeks of May. The objective will be to make it a “reporting” session with ALS sharing their experiences on the implementation of GDPR. Olivier Crepin-Leblond to send another email to all EURALO ALSes asking them to share their experiences on GDPR.
  • Olivier Crepin-Leblond to liaise with Annette Mühlberg to set-up a Webinar on the topic Framework of Interpretation and Develop a checklist for human rights impact assessment. 
  •  On Proposal 3: Discussions are still ongoing about RDS (Registration Directory Services) and SSR2-RT (Security & Stability Review Team #2); there is still a focus on the security aspect: privacy vs. security. Olivier-  to contact SSAC, first to identify what is the best time to start a discussion and as suggested by Jean Jacques highlighting the point that the privacy aspect must be considered alongside security and stability aspects. That is a central concern of our user community.
  • Silvia Vivanco to open a wiki page on Proposal 3 in coordination with Olivier. 
  • Wale Bakare to continue updating and promoting the EURALO Facebook. Olivier Crepin-Leblond to send an email to all EURALO ALs encouraging them to get engaged in the EURALO FB page. 
  • Olivier Crepin-Leblond to notify Alan Greenberg that Matthias Markus Hudobnik is the selected EURALO COP candidate.
  • Olivier Crepin-Leblond to notify Andrei Kolesnikov, Clement  Genty and Oksana  Prykhodko on their selection for the CROP slots for EURODIG.


EURALO May 2018 Report

A.     EURALO May call 

- Regional Outreach: EURALO Members at re:publica 2018 Belin, Germany


The EURALO members presented, about their experience during their participation in the re:publica event in Berlin, Germany.   

Matthias Hudobnik (MH) reported that the re:publica event was very interesting. He talked about the different people from various professional backgrounds were present at this year event. He tried to get people involved in ICANN issues such as Artificial Intelligence (AI). MH suggested that EURALO should apply for sessions in next year event (re:publica). He further stated that there is a good chance to get people into EURALO so that, they can get involved in ICANN issues. He stated that there were people with keen interest in, for example, General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

 Annette Muehlberg (AM) reported that the conference was very interesting but stressed that there is need to discuss ICANN issues, and expecting few to join the EURALO through different ALSes.

 Olivier Crépin-Leblond (OCL) asked whether people present at the conference have knowledge about ICANN.

AM responded that there a few people who have good knowledge about ICANN, as well some with little or no knowledge.

Sandra Hofrichter (SH) apologized that she leaves in Germany but unable to attend re:publica but will find out about the EuroDIG.

AM added in that there is a multistakeholder section in re:publica. And there are people more interested in IT infrastructure, political issue, the privacy issue.


- Joint Civil Society Outreach at ICANN 62


OCL reported that there is going to be the At-Large capacity session at ICANN62 in Panama. He said the NCSG asked whether At-Large could do a joint session – ( this was accepted). OCL suggested that people from next Gen should attend to get a better feel for ICANN issues.

- EURALO at RIPE76 with a link to []


RIPE76 meeting report from OCL – reporting that the meeting has been very interesting, the themes are about core technical issues such as IP addresses – IPv6.

OCL said later at other sessions, there will be talks about EURALO activities and ICANN, including the generic task force to happen on Thursday 17, May.

 OCL stated further that there is not much talk about the domain name registration - there are other members of EURALO community present at RIPE76 like Sébastien Bachollet (SB) and Bastiaan Goslings (BG).

B.   2018 EURALO Regional Selections/Elections

 EURALO chair, OCL stated that - there are two positions available for selection, but applications were received from three candidates.  The positions are 1) ALAC member 2) ALAC delegate to the NomCom. The ALAC member position is presently occupied by Bastiaan Goslings (BG) and he is eligible for re-appointment and the ALAC delegate to the NomCom, occupied by SH but she is not eligible for a re-appointment.

SB suggested that BG has so far filled in for an incomplete term and we should look for a consensus for him to complete his term. Members agreed with SB and EURALO chair, OCL said that a consensus call will be made for 48hours on EURALO mailing list, as per previous practice.  

 The position of ALAC delegate to the NomCom representing the European region has two candidates, they are:   

 1. Wolfgang Kleinwächter SOI:

 2. Anne-Marie Joly SOI:

 Jean-Jacques Subrenat (JJS) commented that – “considering Wolfgang's exceptional experience throughout ICANN, and his personal characteristics, I wish to nominate him as the candidate for ALAC delegate to the NomCom representing the European region”.

 OCL was the first to present a question to the NomCom candidates he asked – “how can diversity be addressed at ICANN”?

 – Wolfgang responded that ICANN needs more candidates from developing the region, people with rich knowledge about ICANN such as jurisdiction, human rights etc.  

JJS then asked questions, said: “I would like to hear from each candidate to state - 1) what the challenges for NomCom are in 2019, 2) what strategies would they put in place to address the challenges?”

Wolfgang’s response to strategy question – stated that ICANN should not just be domain names sellers but embrace the evolving IT challenges.

Anne-Marie’s response to strategy question – stated that she would bring the experience and skills to improve the process of selection of people to ICANN different bodies.  


At-Large Social Media Working Group

OCL mentioned that John Laprise, the At-Large Social media Working Group chair is asking people to join the social media group. OCL commented that interested EURALO members to send email to the mailing list.

C. EURALO Webinar on General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), 29 May 2018  

The EURALO webinar took place on the 29 May 2018, the following speakers participated in the discussions of the GDPR:  

1.    EURALO chair, Olivier Crépin-Leblond welcomed the participants, then introduced the speakers.

 2.    Webinar focused on the stakeholder perspectives

  1. 25 May 2018 - GDPR enforcement is now live - how are ICANN and Contracted parties prepared? Speaker - Michele Neylon, a member of the EURALO Individual user & Registrar.

i.  Brief description of latest version of ICANN "Temporary Specification for gTLD Registration Data"

  1. Letters from the Congress to US based Registrars and Registries

i.  How a Registrar is coping with the GDPR

ii.  What is the court case ICANN vs. Epag

  1. Michele's Blog Post about the case
  2. Oksana Prykhodko spoke about how the GDPR will affect the Eastern Europe - a report from Ukraine, European Media Platform.  
  3. Big Brother Awards - for GDPR non-compliance - a report from Germany by Oliver Passek, Digital Courage, through Olivier Crépin-Leblond. Olivier Crepin-Leblond talked about the use of software system for keeping refugees’ records in Germany.  
  4. Mr. Lucien Castex, from the Internet Society France Chapter spoke about the e-Bastille initiative: how to protect your personal data with GDPR.  
  5. e.    Mr. Raoul Plommer and Mr.Teemu Ropponen – from the Open Knowledge Finland and the Internet Society Finland Chapter presented the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on GDPR 


 The following EURALO candidates have been selected by acclamation and election in 2018:

 Bastiaan Goslings – ALAC Member representing EURALO (Term: 2018 AGM – 2020 AGM; by acclamation)

 Wolfgang Kleinwächter  – ALAC Delegate to the NomCom representing the European Region (Term: 2018 AGM – 2019 AGM; by election) Note:  Wolfgang is the Regional Candidate recommended to the ALAC. The ALAC will select the final ALAC Delegates.

As at Poll close: Wednesday 30 May 2018 23:58 UTC
Number of voters: 31 · Group size: 37 · Percentage voted: 83.78
Ranked by votes


Options ID






Wolfgang Kleinwachter





Anne-Marie Joly








 You may review the results independently under:

 Action Items

        ·   EURALO to consider a panel or talk to participate in "Re:publica" in 2019 and add this to EURALO's strategic plan.

  • Olivier Crepin-Leblond and Wale Bakare to start populating the EURALO event calendar with regional events.