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  •  Olivier Crepin-Leblond to take the lead on the coordination of the third GDPR Webinar, targeting the last week of April or first 2 weeks of May. The objective will be to make it a “reporting” session with ALS sharing their experiences on the implementation of GDPR. Olivier Crepin-Leblond to send another email to all EURALO ALSes asking them to share their experiences on GDPR.
  •  Olivier Crepin-Leblond to liase  with Annette Mulhberg  to set-up a Webinar on the topic Framework of Interpretation and Develop a checklist for human rights impact assessment
  •  Proposal 3 : Discussions are still ongoing about RDS (Registration Directory Services) and SSR2-RT (Security & Stability Review Team #2); there is still a focus on the security aspect: privacy vs. security.  Olivier-  to contact SSAC, first to identify what is the best time to start a discussion and as suggested by Jean Jacques highlighting the point that the privacy aspect MUST be considered alongside security and stability aspects. That is a central concern of our user community