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Apologies: Danko Jevtovic, Michele Neylon, Debbie Monahan


1. Welcome & roll call
2. Action items

  • a. Action 1 30 November 2017: secretariat to reach out to Peter Koch on update glossary document & Scenario 1
  • b. Action 2 30 November 2017: secretariat update scenario document removal of list of country names (see item 5)
  • c. Action 3, 30 November 2017: secretariat to update overall method document, and include reference to IDN ccTLDs (see item 6 on the agenda)

3. Glossary / Terminology document update & discussion
4. Update change of name scenario & discussion (second reading)
5. Description removal form list of country names scenario
6. Revisit overall method: next steps (update document overall working methods)
7. Chair 2018
8. Meetings PDP – RET during ICANN61 in Puerto Rico
9. AOB
10. Next meetings:

  • 11 January 2018, 09.00 UTC
  • 25 January 2018. 17.00 UTC

9. Closure