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(OCL: yes, thanks, that's great!)
- Consultation and coordination between RALOs should be strengthened


- Membership diversity brings talent
- Regional involvement and balance:
    1.  At-Large outreach is pillar of ICANN's strategic influence in Internet governance
    2.  Involvement of all five RALOs is an asset
    3.  Knowledge of local communities benefits outreach planning
    4.  Knowledge of local actors (e.g., stakeholders, government leaders,
policy makers, regulators) related to ICANN and Internet ecosystem
    5.  Knowledge of possible outreach efforts
    6.  First-hand involvement in Internet governance unrelated to ICANN and domain names
- At-Large strategy is bottom-up and reflects the consensus of many stakeholders
- Current structure and existing processes are in place to avoid capture and allow scalability 
- At-Large, as home of individual Internet users, does not take into account purely commercial or vested individual interests
- Number and diversity of stakeholders are growning
- Level of participation by stakeholders is increasing
- At-Large is core part of the original ICANN vision
- At-Large's multi-stakeholder, bottom-up governance transcends operational domain name issues
- At Large, as ICANN's conscience, brings unique consderations to strategic planning


- Specific details of At-Large strategy are not well defined or easily understood
- Translations: 
    1.  Number is limited
    2.  Delays exist
- Lack of clear strategic targets for the whole At-Large community (ALSes, RALOs, and ALAC)


- Ability to feed local and global issues into ICANN strategy
- Very powerful communication channel
- Useful tool for ICANN outreach
- Local ALSes can help with local events (i.e., act as liaisons to local stakeholders)
- Developing countries and emerging economies provide many prospects 
- Opportunity exists to create a roadmap, based on various scenarios, for At-Large's future
- A better understanding between At-Large and ICANN Strategy team could lead to increased use of At-Large as a strategic resource for ICANN
- Public participation could be strengthened by integrating the Public Participation Committee's strategy with At-Large 's processes, facilitated by Staff
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\[Tried to simplify.  Also, does this capture/simplify part about Staff?\]


- Lack of funding limits outreach
- Lack of volunteers reduces time spent on strategic issues
- Lack of established feedback loop from ICANN
- Loss of ICANN credibility if At-Large does not grow
- If bottom-up process is broken or At-Large strategy is not considered:
         1. Loss of local support
         2. Loss of stakeholder input
- ICANN's control by government-led agencies
- Competition from another agency similar to ICANN
- International pressure limits ICANN's revenue







- Membership diversity can bring talent
- Local organizational knowledge brings unbiased view of operations: 
    1. Lower costs of implementation 
    2. Local political insight for ICANN

Wiki Markup
\[Now this seems to simply repeat that AL offers local knowledge, which is already in header point\]
  (OCL: local knowledge & local insight is slightly different since the "local knowledge" is of an organizational matter, and "local insight" is of a political matter. This might need to be amended/word-smithed
Wiki Markup
\[Olivier:  (a) Do the blue addtions above solve the issue?  (b) Why "for ICANN"?\]

- Local knowledge:
Wiki Markup
\[Must distinguish this heading from similar heading above; both refer to local knowledge; state how second one here is different than above\]
  (OCL: agreed - and I must admit I am stalling on this, so I'd like the input of others, please)
    1. Grassroots input 
    2. RALO involvement is an asset   
- On-the-ground, workable and well-defined actions 
- At-Large uses electronic tools to bring its members' different backgrounds and expereinces to bear on planning process


- At-Large reacts slowly
- At-Large maturity still not completely achieved
- Translations: 
    1.  Number is limited
    2.  Delays exist


- Strengthen maturity of At-Large by improving processes
- Use At-Large as a powerful communication channel
- At-Large operating plan could be a useful step in preparing an accurate budget
- At-Large's abilities and reach could be used to convey ICANN's message locally

Wiki Markup
\[Changed "ability" to "abilities and reach" \-\- okay?\]
(OCL: yes indeed - thanks!)
- At-Large could incorporate public participation into ICANN's operarional planning
- At-Large comments, as result of consensus-based process, should be considered by ICANN Board and staff 
- Actions proposed by At-Large should be considered by ICANN
Wiki Markup
\[What kinds of actions? Pt. right above refers to policy advice\]
(OCL: others might wish to comment on this.)


- Lack of means

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\[Unclear.  "Means"?  Suggestion:  Lack of funding \-\- and then state what it risks\]

- Less operational exposure 
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\[Could do what?  Or this could result from what?\]

- Lack of volunteers
Wiki Markup
\[Could do what related to operational planning?  Or do you mean lack of volunteers could result from poor operational planning?\]
  (OCL:my understanding is that if there are not enough volunteers in the organization, operational planning will be severely affected because At Large as a whole will not be able to do as much.)would limit operational planning and capabilities

Budget (related to Rec. 6)
