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  • Adobe Connect Replay

  • mp3 Replay


1.  Welcome

2.  Review of Agenda (2 minutes)

3.  Administration (1 minute)

    1. Changes to SOIs
    2. Identify Audio Only and Phone Number Participants

4.  Complete Discussion of “OFAC Recommendation” (15 minutes)

5.  Discussion of “Applicable Law and Choice of Venue Recommendation” (40 minutes)

    1. Choice of law provision in registry agreements – does the Subgroup endorse the “Menu” option – a limited number of choices (e.g., one per region)
    2. Choice of law provision in registrar accreditation agreements
      1.  Same choices as above?  Same result?
    3. Choice of venue provision in registry agreements
      1. “Status Quo” (Los Angeles, California (or for governments and IGOs, Geneva, Switzerland))
      2. “Venue Menu” option – a limited number of choices (e.g., one per region) of arbitration venues (all applying ICC rules)
    4. How should these recommendations be framed?
      1.   Are these only negotiating points between ICANN and the contracted party?

6.  Review of Revised “Proposed Issues” List (5 minutes)

7.  Review of Schedule and Timeline (5 minutes)

8.  AOB (5 minutes)

        9.  Adjourn (next meeting 27 September 1900UTC)

Raw Captioning Notes

Disclaimer: This rough edit transcript, which may contain missing, misspelled or paraphrased words, is only provided for your immediate review and is not certified as verbatim and is not to be cited in any way. 
