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Evin Erdogdu:Welcome to the AFRALO Hot Topics Working Group Call on Thursday, 21 September 2017 from 17:00 UTC to 18:00 UTC.
  Evin Erdogdu:Agenda:
  Evin Erdogdu:Welcome, Gabriel!
  Gabriel BOMBAMBO:Thank you
  Evin Erdogdu:Welcome Mohamed!
  Evin Erdogdu:Welcome Tijani!
  Mohamed Elbashir:Hello Evin
  Mohamed Elbashir:Hi Gabriel 
  Mohamed Elbashir:Salam Tijani 
  Gabriel BOMBAMBO:Hi Mohmed
  Mohamed Elbashir:Bellow is list of Hot topics as discussed on the Wiki :
  Evin Erdogdu:Afwan :)
  Silvia Vivanco:Welcome all 
  Mohamed Elbashir 2:1. Internet Shutdown and impact on DNS2. Cybersecurity, Online Safety, Privacy and WHOIS3. Promoting DNSSEC Implementation in Africa's TLD registries4.  New gTLDs and Geographic names5. ICANN's Accountability and Transparency6. Internet Governance activities and issues7. General ICANN Issues Awearness and Outreach to Africa ( e.g Access of ICANN materials in African/Other languages other than English )New sugguestions or items to be clarified items on the next call :    Remote Region Support    How ICANN can contrubute to the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda? I know this is not a hot topic but it is of great importance to our region
  Mohamed Elbashir 2:Link :  
  Heidi Ullrich:Hi All, Welcome! 
  Mohamed Elbashir 2:Lets call wait 5 mins so other colleagues could join, Thanks for joining the call on Time, My apology 
  Mohamed Elbashir 2:Hi Heidi, good to have you on the call
  Bakary KOUYATE (MALI):Bonsoir à tous
  Evin Erdogdu:Bonjour, Bakary!
  Mohamed Elbashir 2:Hello Bakary 
  Heidi Ullrich:@Mohamed, thanks! Good to have all of you here!
  Bakary KOUYATE (MALI):Comment vous tous bien
  Sarah Kiden:Hello everyone
  Bakary KOUYATE (MALI):hello sarah
  Glenn McKnight:Hi All,  I can join for a short while.  I have to pick up my wife she was at the UN same time as Pres Trump 
  Glenn McKnight:She is part of the UN SDG activities
  Silvia Vivanco:Welcome Glenn 
  Evin Erdogdu:Welcome all!
  Glenn McKnight:Thanks  Silvia.  Very interesting how  AFRALO is working on the Hot Topics
  Mohamed Elbashir 2:Welcome Glenn, good to have you on the call
  Fatimata:Hello All
  Glenn McKnight:Hi All. 
  Glenn McKnight:FYI  I am donating 10 laptops and a projector to a school arranged by Barrack in Kenya
  Glenn McKnight:Perhaps more of our commuity should be helping to do the same
  Silvia Vivanco:The main objectives of the Working Group :Confirm and / or add relevant topics identified at the ICANN 59 meetingDiscuss respective Topics for discussion and make sure that they are inline with ICANN Policy discussions and come up with suggestions to appropriate topics or rephrasing the areas that have direct relationship to ICANN mandate and policy development process.Prioritize topics for discussions from the above that has direct immediate impact on the African Region or may do so in the near future.Derive key areas of discussions and enhance AFRALO participation in the various ICANN Policies which affect the region. Share with the AFRALO members outcome of the WG agreement after deliberations on the suggested topics.Come up with short brief about each of the topics which will be shared with members to allow them to start discussion and come up with policy recommendations to the various Topics that they will be participan.
  Silvia Vivanco:Objectives posted on the wiki and above 
  Glenn McKnight:My french is too rusty, switched to English channel. 
  Evin Erdogdu::)
  Mohamed Elbashir 2:Evin, Please share this page on screen ( it has the updated topics list ) :  
  Evin Erdogdu:Loaded updated list on screen now.
  Evin Erdogdu:Thanks!
  Silvia Vivanco:Hot topics definition: It was agreed that the topics should be related to ICANN's core function1. Internet Shutdown and impact on DNS2. Cyber security and Online safety in one topic 3. Suggestion: How ICANN can contrubute to the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda? I know this is not a hot topic but it is of great importance to our region.4. Remote Region Support 5. Public and private IP addresses- to be removed 6. Raising Awareness of the Internet policy issues - with focus on DNSSEC promotion in Africa's registries7. Cybersecurity, Online Safety, Privacy and WHOIS8. New gTLD and Geographic names 9. ICANN's accountability and Jurisdiction
  Evin Erdogdu:Updating final version which has incorporated comments from the page.
  Evin Erdogdu:Thank you, Silvia!
  Silvia Vivanco:thank you Evin!
  Evin Erdogdu:De nada :)
  Fatimata:I have suggested in the Wiki to remove Topic#2 as it is included in #7
  Evin Erdogdu:Sure! 
  Silvia Vivanco:Fatimata Seye SyllaI would suggest removing Topic #2 and keeping #7 below.2. Cyber security and Online safety in one topic7. Cybersecurity, Online Safety, Privacy and WHOIS
  Silvia Vivanco:I have posted Fatimata comment above 
  Evin Erdogdu:Please give me 2 minutes.
  Sarah Kiden:My call dropped again
  Sarah Kiden:Please dial-out
  Sarah Kiden:My French is very little
  Heidi Ullrich:Thanks, Mohamed. Good to know. 
  Sarah Kiden:I can type my question here
  Sarah Kiden:Can we include some brief description for the hot topics so that anyone who has not attended the calls can understand what we meant. For example Remote Region Support is not so clear. 
  Sarah Kiden:Thank you!
  Dave Kissoondoyal:Sorry, I got difficulties to connect on Adobe. However I am following  on the phone as well
  Glenn McKnight:Sarah your comment is a good one, a more detailed description plus it's relevance to the RALO
  Silvia Vivanco:1. Internet Shutdown and impact on DNS
  Sarah Kiden:Dear staff, please dial-out to me. Trying to follow in French but I'm picking very little
  Glenn McKnight:As menitoned  my wife is a trainer for the UN SDG and we work with IEEE on exactly this issue . 
  Mohamed Elbashir 2:Sarah is Next, 
  Silvia Vivanco:Recordings and transcripts of Johanesburg session where the topics were first discussed are posted :
  Glenn McKnight:Nice to see others see the connection
  Evin Erdogdu:Sarah dropped and we are redialing her.
  Sarah Kiden:I'm back
  Dave Kissoondoyal:@Tijani Internet Shutdown does impact the DNS as well
  Sarah Kiden:Thank you
  Glenn McKnight:@Mohammed it was a major issues at the African Internet Summit  the issue of Internet Shutdown
  Sarah Kiden:Dropped again. I think this are signs that I need to learn French.
  Mohamed Elbashir 2:Weclome Back Sarah, you are NExt
  Sarah Kiden:Dropped again
  Mohamed Elbashir 2:Yes, go ahead Dave
  Sarah Kiden:Mohamed, my question is here
  Sarah Kiden:Can we include some brief description for the hot topics so that anyone who has not attended the calls can understand what we meant. For example Remote Region Support is not so clear. 
  Sarah Kiden:My connection keeps dropping. Sorry
  Mohamed Elbashir 2:No worroes Sarah 
  Gabriel BOMBAMBO:@tijani ICANN ne peut-il pas modifier les choses en fonction de certaines circonstances ?
  Mohamed Elbashir 2:Yes, Remote Region is not clear, hopefully someone can explain it 
  Mohamed Elbashir 2:Please all, Mute is you are not speaking, Thanks 
  Sarah Kiden:I'm not on dial-out. I already asked my question
  Sarah Kiden:Can't ask in French :-)
  Mohamed Elbashir 2:There is latency in your call Sarah
  Silvia Vivanco:Sarah asked earlier "Can we include some brief description for the hot topics so that anyone who has not attended the calls can understand what we meant. For example Remote Region Support is not so clear. "
  Mohamed Elbashir 2:I will respond to the question again, Thanks
  Silvia Vivanco:I will make it an Action Item 
  Mohamed Elbashir 2:Dave Then Omar 
  Mohamed Elbashir 2:Omar Next 
  Sarah Kiden:Good suggestion, Tijani
  Mohamed Elbashir 2:Then Gleen
  Fatimata:@Tijani, are you talking about the added suggestions only?
  Fatimata:+! @ Glenn
  Dave Kissoondoyal:Je suis toujours la
  Silvia Vivanco:Comment from Dave on the wiki is " Based on its multistakeholder model, same as ICANN, the Internet Governance Forum has through the years gathered lots of momentum. Many of us from Africa do participate in IGF activities and by discussing as a hot topic we can bring to agenda more participation of ICANN in IGF activities, especially related to our region. "
  Heidi Ullrich:Thanks, Mohamed. Happy to see the Hot Topics are moving along
  Sarah Kiden:Thank you all. Was a good call
  Ariel Liang:thanks all
  Silvia Vivanco:Thank you all !
  Fatimata:Thanks all and bye
  Mohamed Elbashir 2:Thanks All 
  Omar Shuran 2:thank you all
  Bakary KOUYATE (MALI):bye
  Bakary KOUYATE (MALI):a bientot