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Evin Erdogdu:Welcome to the AFRALO Hot Topics Working Group Call on Thursday, 14 September 2017 from 17:00 UTC to 18:00 UTC.
  Evin Erdogdu:Agenda:
  Mohamed EL Bashir:Hello Dave. Yes i can hear you 
  Dave Kissoondoyal:Ok thanks Mohamed
  Mohamed EL Bashir:Hello Fatimata & Gabriel 
  Dave Kissoondoyal:Hi to all
  Fatimata:Hi Mohamed and All
  Gabriel:Hi D'avertir
  Evin Erdogdu:Hello all, welcome!
  Omar Shuran:Hello everyone 
  Gabriel:Sorry Dave 
  Silvia Vivanco:Hello all, welcome 
  Fatimata:Hi Silvia
  Dave Kissoondoyal:No worries Gabriel.. Glad we are all here
  Mohamed EL Bashir:Hi Silvia 
  Mohamed EL Bashir:How many participants on phone lines ? 
  Evin Erdogdu:7
  Fatimata:I see 4 including Gabriel
  Fatimata:and 1 in the Eng channel
  Evin Erdogdu:AFRALO Hot Topics:
  Silvia Vivanco:AFRALO Hot topics working group wiki:
  Silvia Vivanco:mailing list is alredy set up
  Evin Erdogdu:Welcome, Seun!
  Silvia Vivanco:Mailing List:
  Evin Erdogdu:Welcome, Aziz!
  Silvia Vivanco:
  Mohamed EL Bashir:Thanks Silvia
  Aziz Hilali:Thank you Evin
  Aziz Hilali:Sorry for the delay
  Silvia Vivanco:you can review  the transcripts and recordings of the session where the hot topics were identified 
  Silvia Vivanco:Welcome Aziz
  Fatimata:can we ask anyone to pick on hot topic?
  Fatimata:one hot topic
  Aziz Hilali:Hello Silvia
  Dave Kissoondoyal:I don't know whether FAKE NEWS  and CRYPTOCURRENCIES could be added in the list as they are hot topics on the Internet now
  Fatimata:the most important one
  Daniel K. Nanghaka:We should look clearly at the ICANN Core Policies and the relationship to the hot topics
  Silvia Vivanco:can you write the new name Mohamed?
  Silvia Vivanco:instead of Internet Fragmentation?
  Evin Erdogdu:Thank you Mohamed!
  Silvia Vivanco:ok thanks for confirming Mohamed
  Omar Shuran:seems I was not heared 
  Omar Shuran:I just wanted to comment on the Internet Shutdown topic
  Mohamed EL Bashir:Cybersecurity and Online Safety 
  Silvia Vivanco:2. Cyber securiy and Online safety in one topic 
  Silvia Vivanco:noted as topic 2
  Dave Kissoondoyal:How to outreach to Africa and make ICANN more visible in our region?
  Fatimata:I have a question
  Dave Kissoondoyal:Please read the question as i have connectivity issues
  Aziz Hilali:I would suggest to add diversity within ICANN
  Daniel K. Nanghaka:@Dave can we have the discussion of your question in Outreach and Engagement 
  Dave Kissoondoyal:ok
  Omar Shuran:My comment was about naming topic No 1 : Internet Availability & Accessibility instead of Internet Shutdown
  Gabriel:Mécanismes de transition IPv4 vers IPV6
  Fatimata:I had technical issues and couldn't continue typing.  I am very sorr
  Mohamed EL Bashir:Noted Fatimata, do you want to speak now
  Evin Erdogdu:Welcome, Balkany!
  Fatimata:I wanted to understand the procedure we want to use to select the hot topics
  Evin Erdogdu:Yes, we can hear you.
  Dave Kissoondoyal:How ICANN can contrubute to the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda? I know this is not a hot topic but it is of great importance to our region
  Balkany Kouyate:bonsoir à tous
  Omar Shuran:do you hear me 
  Mohamed EL Bashir:Please speak 
  Evin Erdogdu:You were on mute, Omar, but we have unmuted you. Thanks!
  Omar Shuran:thanks
  Mohamed EL Bashir:following Fatiamat, its Gabriel
  Balkany Kouyate:y a t'il un nombre de sujet hot topic arrêté
  Balkany Kouyate:?
  Silvia Vivanco:Just as a suggestion the EURALO Hot topics were developed and a final document was  delivered to the ICANN Board in 2016:
  Dave Kissoondoyal:@Fatimata I think that the objective is to bring to discussions topics which will at the end of the day bring positive change to our region.
  Fatimata:Thanks Silvia.
  Fatimata:Thanks Dave.  
  Silvia Vivanco:Do you wish to develop a paragraph with the "purpose /objective of the WG"?
  Mohamed EL Bashir:
  Silvia Vivanco:Noted as AI: All members of the WG will discuss online and come up with the Objective and purpose of this group.
  Fatimata:I agree with you Mohamed
  Mohamed EL Bashir:Thanks Fatimata 
  Fatimata:regarding IPV6 and AFRINIC
  Mohamed EL Bashir:Can you Daneil take the pen and  draft a proposed WG objective in the wiki
  Mohamed EL Bashir:Fatimata, Balkany and Seun
  Dave Kissoondoyal:I volunter to co-draft the onjectives of the WG with Daniel
  Mohamed EL Bashir:OK, Daniel and Dave to draft for the WG objective and purpose 
  Silvia Vivanco:Ai noted for Daniel to hold the pen  and draft a paragraph on objectives 
  Silvia Vivanco:Dave I will add your name
  Dave Kissoondoyal:thanks Silvia
  Silvia Vivanco:I added you Fatimata as well 
  Fatimata:Silvia, thanks
  Mohamed EL Bashir:Raising Awearness of Important of DNSSEC implementation for African Registries 
  Balkany Kouyate:Je voudrai savoir si le nombre de hot topic est arrêté
  Silvia Vivanco:Raising Awareness of the Internet policy issues - with focus on DNSSEC promotion  in Africa's registries noted 
  Mohamed EL Bashir:Cybersecurity, Online Safety, Privacy and Whois 
  Dave Kissoondoyal:+1 mOHAMED
  Balkany Kouyate:Ok
  Silvia Vivanco:Impact of the IANA transition - to be removed 
  Silvia Vivanco:removed it 
  Fatimata:Sorry team, but I have to leave for another meeting
  Fatimata:I will read the transcript
  Fatimata:Thank you all and good bye
  Mohamed EL Bashir:New gTLDs and geographic name 
  Balkany Kouyate:Ok
  Silvia Vivanco:Auction Process to be removed 
  Mohamed EL Bashir:ICANN Accoubaility and Jusrisidcation 
  Dave Kissoondoyal:I have a suggestion Mohamed.. ICANN Accountability and Transparency and IGF Activities eseperately
  Silvia Vivanco:Staff will send a doodle for a call next week
  Gabriel:Bye to all
  Balkany Kouyate:j'y
  Mohamed EL Bashir:Thanj you Staff and Translators
  Mohamed EL Bashir:Thank you 
  Omar Shuran:Tahnk you all 
  Dave Kissoondoyal:Bye to all
  Mohamed EL Bashir:bye all
  Silvia Vivanco:Thank you all! Ais will be posted for your review and action
  Silvia Vivanco:Bye all