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Sub-group Members:   Avri Doria, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Jordan Carter, Klaus Stoll, Pam Little.

Staff:  Patrick Dodson, Yvette Guigneaux.  (Tina- captioner).


** If your name is missing from attendance or apology, please send note to **


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CCWG WS2: Staff Accountability
Draft Agenda - Thursday 31 May at 0500 UTC (Mtg #21)
This doc:
1. Intro: agenda review, attendance, SOI check
2. Substantive issue/s of the week
● Discuss proposed recommendations
● Review Report (if time)
3. Documents Update
3.1 Report - Draft .03
3.2. Response to Staff Questions - pendng review and readings
Action Items
● Avri Doria – Produce draft 03 of report
● Others - Review report, make comments, edit, and suggest text.
4. Schedule update - Needs updating
● Draft documents through to late April
● WG discussion of documents late April, early May
● Document for Plenary Readings
○ 1st Mid End May
○ 2nd End May
● Public comment period - June-July
● Joburg meeting - End June
● Absorb comments and adjust proposals - July-August
● Document for Plenary Readings
○ 1st: mid September
○ 2nd: end September
● Abu Dhabi meeting - end October
Updated meeting schedule:
● Mon 22 May 0500 UTC
● Wed 24 May 1300 UTC
● Wed 31 May 0500 UTC
● Wed 7 June 1300 UTC
● Tues 13 June 1900 UTC
● Tues 20 June 0500 UTC
5. AOB

Raw Captioning Notes

Please note that these are the unofficial transcript. Official transcript will be posted 2-3 days after the call

Documents Presented

ReportStaffAcct-Rev0.3 (1)

Chat Transcript

  Yvette Guigneaux: Welcome all to the Staff Accountability Meeting #20  |  31 May 2017 @ 05: 00 UTC!

  Yvette Guigneaux: If you are not speaking, please mute your phone by pressing *6 (star 6).  To unmute press *6.  This call is recorded.

  Yvette Guigneaux: Reminder to all, please state your name before speaking for the Captioner. 

  Tina-captioner: Hello Yvette

  Yvette Guigneaux: hello Tina

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): Hi Yvette and Tina

  Yvette Guigneaux: hi there Cheryl

  Jordan Carter: hi everyone

  Pam Little: Hi Everyone

  Pam Little: I just wanted to mention that ICANN is conducting a  Contracted Parties Satisfaction Survey.

  Pam Little: yes

  Pam Little: something like that.

  Pam Little: It closes in 4 days

  Jordan Carter: there are five volunteers here at five minutes past

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): all good

  Yvette Guigneaux: scrolling available if need be

  Yvette Guigneaux: Hand up - by Pam

  Jordan Carter: here's the Google doc:  https: //

  Yvette Guigneaux: next in the cue:   Klaus Stoll

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): Probably best as a stand alone as a new #2

  Jordan Carter: sounds like a stand alone

  Patrick Dodson: I might suggest we focus on objectives in the recommendations, and leave implementation detail to the org in implementation.

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): makes sense to me Patrick

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): hard to hear you Jordan

  Jordan Carter: for the transcript - it might attract comment that is problematic, not automatic : D

  Pam Little: OK

  Jordan Carter: it seems straight forward and puts the responsibility where it belongs to develop that process.

  Patrick Dodson: i think it is more that we clarify that the complaints office is the vehicle for staff

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): indeed Jordan

  Yvette Guigneaux: Hand up - Pam Little

  Jordan Carter: the info that ICANN provided suggests that there is, Pam

  avri doria: https: //

  Patrick Dodson: it is practiced by some managers but could be emphasized more in manager guidelines.

  Jordan Carter: aren't the goals for departments in the Operating Plan?

  Pam Little: @Jordan I am not sure if those goals are actually  clear and measurable.

  Jordan Carter: Pam - that would be a different recommendation then : D

  Patrick Dodson: this might be part of the reporting metrics that the org posts regularly as tracking against the strategic plan.

  Pam Little: https: //

  Pam Little: ICANN KPI Dashboard

  Pam Little: These look very general to me

  Pam Little: not sufficent or specificly linked to each function or staff

  Jordan Carter: in terms of staff accountability, I guess more specificity and clarity about what teams do is helpful

  Jordan Carter: it bleeds a little into organisational performance

  Patrick Dodson: i think it may be helpful if the operating plan more clearly maps to the services and functions the organization provides to the community

  Jordan Carter: and that's a nice angle in terms of broad organisational accountability

  Patrick Dodson: i agree that this is more the goal than a recommendation

  Pam Little: I agree too

  Jordan Carter: we should be able to take it for granted, Klaus? yeah, I wondered about that (and I drafted it)...

  Patrick Dodson: so it might be more that we continue to focus on the org as an effective support system for the multi-stakehoder, bottom up model

  Jordan Carter: it doesn't feel like where we are across the organisation as a whole at all points, today

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): Nice words Patrick

  Jordan Carter: <what Patrick said> through championing a culture that supports high performance, transparency, openness and accountability.

  Patrick Dodson: i rather like the last recommendations as it is - it is a clear goal, and the org can identify mechanisms to enhance or create to achieve that goal.

  Patrick Dodson: -re:  Pam's comment - is this more about contracts language, rather than staff accountability?

  Pam Little: Not really Patrick

  Patrick Dodson: so perhaps the recommendation could request that ICANN evaluates its SLAs to ensure they have clear accountability mechanisms (like response times, etc)

  Jordan Carter: i like the last rec as it is for that reason too Patrick, seems like the issue that Pam raises is another issue

  Patrick Dodson: and that it could be its own reccomendation

  Jordan Carter: yeah sorry Avri

  Jordan Carter: the underlying point seems to be one about mutuality, is it Pam?

  Jordan Carter: ICANN expects people to meet reasonable times, people should expect ICANN to meet reasonable times too?

  Jordan Carter: people = contracted parties, community participants, etc etc

  Pam Little: @Jordan, that's the gist of it.

  Pam Little: Will do, Avri.

  Jordan Carter: do you want / we need more discusssion of the recommendations?

  Jordan Carter: v happy to take a pass and add to stuff once you've sketched it out : )

  Patrick Dodson: i think shorter version and separate addendum is easier for community to review.

  Patrick Dodson: yes, two docs.

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): Fine

  Jordan Carter: i agree - makes it simpler read and feel less hard )even tho there is the same amount of material)

  Jordan Carter: i would love us to get this to the plenary at the Face to Face

  Jordan Carter: I think 7 June is the last full CCWG before that

  Jordan Carter: (so the deadline for that is about to pass)

  Jordan Carter: to plenary for us, we'll know after tomorrow what the deadline is

  Patrick Dodson: we have two more meetings, june 7 and 13.

  Jordan Carter: ah ok thanks Patrick, my mistake

  Jordan Carter: F2F can be a first reading

  Patrick Dodson: those could be the two reading, and then face to face could be first reading

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): We could commit  to do that

  Jordan Carter: all that needs to happen then is that this group has two meetings in time for the plenary deadline. I think that 13 June thing would be OK, but will confirm

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): and make sure it is on the F2F AGenda

  Patrick Dodson: I will circle with co-chairs to make sure we are on the schedule and can make the deadline.

  Yvette Guigneaux: Sorry, was saying about a hand up but you go it

  Yvette Guigneaux: *got it

  Patrick Dodson: 25 june

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): OK thanks everyone... bye for now then...

  Jordan Carter: thanks Avri!

  Patrick Dodson: good call Avir. Bye all!

  Klaus Stoll: Thanks All