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  1. Analysis Group Economic Studies 
    1. Analysis Group, Phase I Assessment of the Competitive Effects Associated with the New gTLD Program (September 2015),
    2. Analysis Group, Phase II Assessment of the Competitive Effects Associated with the New gTLD Program (October 2016),
      1. Registry market segmentation analysis
      2. Analysis Group responses to questions from CCTRT on Phase 2 Assessment 

  2. Nielsen Consumer Surveys
    1. Nielsen, ICANN Global Consumer Research (April 2015),
    2. Nielsen, ICANN Global Consumer Research Wave 2 (June 2016),

  3. Nielsen Registrant Surveys 
    1. Nielsen, ICANN Global Registrant Survey (September 2015),
    2. Nielsen, ICANN Global Registrant Survey Wave 2 (August 2016),
      1. Nielsen responses to questions from CCTRT on Registrant Survey Wave 2 (September 2016) 

  4. Nielsen, ICANN Application Process Survey (December 2016),
    1. Application Process Data Tables
    2. Nielsen Application Process Survey Findings slides (2016)

  5. AM Global Consulting, New gTLDs and the Global South: Understanding Limited Global South Demand in the Most Recent New gTLD Round and Options Going Forward (October 2016),

  6. ICANN Operations and Policy Research, New gTLD Program Safeguards Against DNS Abuse: Revised Report (July 2016),
    1. Key contract provisions pertaining to abuse 
  7. ICANN, Program Implementation Reviews Report (January 2016), 
    1. Report of public comments on the Program Implementation Reviews Report
  8. ICANN, Rights Protection Mechanisms Review: Revised Report (September 2015),

  9. CCT Metrics Page (regularly updated metrics recommended by Implementation Advisory Group (IAG) on CCT metrics and adopted by Board)
    1. Board resolution: Recommendations for the Collection of Metrics for the New gTLD Program to Support the future AoC Review on Competition, Consumer Trust and Consumer Choice (12 February 2015)
    2. IAG-CCT Final Report (26 September 2014) and revised Combined Advice from GNSO and ALAC on metrics (10 September 2014)
    3. Interim Recommendations from the IAG-CCT (4 March 2014)
    4. Implementation Advisory Group for Competition, Consumer Trust and Consumer Choice (IAG-CCT) Wiki (2013-2014)
    5. Board Resolution on the Collection of Benchmarking Metrics for the New gTLD Program to Support the future AoC Review on Competition, Consumer Trust and Choice (27 March 2014)
    6. Board resolution evaluating suggested GNSO and ALAC metrics for CCT review (18 July 2013)
    7. CCT Metrics collection memo
    8. Remaining metrics for discussion

  10. Consumer Awareness of New gTLDs: Highlights and Links (review of existing research) 

  11. GAC Top 30 Category 1 Strings with Public Interest Commitments (PICs) 

  12. Zooknic ccTLD data (As of Dec. 2015)


  13. Zooknic ccTLD data (as of Mar 2016)

  14. LAC TLD market shares, concentration ratios and HHIs (March 2017)
  15. New gTLD Registrations/Registries/Registrars Research

    1. gTLD registrations spreadsheet
    2. New gTLD registrations available in COM
    3. New gTLD Registrations of Brand TLD TM Strings 10-18-16
    4. Basic Market Share Calculations (Project 1) - 8.25.2016
    5. Basic Registry Market Structure Calculations (Project 2) - 9.7.2016
    6. gTLD Registry Price Analysis (Project 3) - 8.25.2016
    7. Registrar Competition within Registries (Project 4) - 9.11.2016
    8. Registry Market Segmentation Analysis (Project5)_8.25.2016
    9. Registrar Count Analyses (Project 6) - 9.30.2016
    10. Existing registrations in COM against new gTLDs
    11. Registry Service Providers (RSPs) by gTLD Registrations
    12. Registry Service Providers by Jurisdiction and ICANN Regions (24 May 2017)
    13. List of Registry Agreement assignments

  16. (3 March 2017): Parking Analysis of Legacy gTLDs (30 May 2017): Parking Definitions

  17. LAC concentration ratios and HHIs (country-specific registration data for gTLDs in the LAC region from the LAC Marketplace Study, combined with ccTLD data from Zooknic)

  18. INTA New gTLD Cost Impact Survey (April 2017)


  1. Ben Edelman, “Registrations in Open ccTLDs,” last modified 22 July 2002,
  2. M.L. Katz and C. Shapiro, “Systems Competition and Network Effects,” 8 Journal of Economic Perspectives 93 (1994)
  3. H. Leibenstein, “Bandwagon, Snob, and Veblen Effects in the Theory of Consumers’ Demand,” 64 Quarterly Journal of Economics 183 (1950)
  4. T. Halvorson, M.F. Der, I. Foster, S. Savage, L.K. Saul, and G.M. Voelker, “From .academy to .zone: An Analysis of the New TLD Land Rush"
  5. R.D. Willig, “Merger Analysis, Industrial Organization Theory, and Merger Analysis, Brookings Papers on Economic Activity (Microeconomics), M.N. Bailey and C. Winston, eds., 1991, p. 310.
  6. Latin American and Caribbean DNS Marketplace Study
  7. P.A. Pautler, “Evidence on Mergers and Acquisitions,” The Antitrust Bulletin, 2003
  8. Market Structure: Theory and Evidence,” in Handbook of Industrial Organization, Vol. III, M. Armstrong and R.H. Porter (Editors), North-Holland, 2007
  9. T.F. Bresnahan, “Empirical Studies of Industries with Market Power,” Handbook of Industrial Organization, Vol. II, R. Schmalensee and R.D. Willig (Editors), North-Holland, 1989
  10. Coates, IV, John C. and Hubbard, R. Glenn, Competition in the Mutual Fund Industry: Evidence and Implications for Policy (August 2007). Harvard Law and Economics Discussion Paper No. 592
  11. P.M Parker and L.-H. Roller, “Collusive Conduct in Duopolies: Multimarket Contact and Cross-ownership in the Mobile Telephone Industry,” RAND Journal of Economics, 1997
  12. J. Hausman, “Mobile Telephone,” in M.E
  13. Cave, S.K. Majumdar, and I. Vogelsang (editors), Handbook of Telecommunications Economics, Volume I, Elsevier, 2002
  14. T. Penard, “Competition and Strategy on the Mobile Telephone Market: a Look at the GSM Business Model in France,” Communications and Strategies, 2002
  15. Horizontal Merger Guidelines, Issued: August 19, 2010, pp. 18-19
  16. T. Halvorson, J. Szurdi, G. Maier, M. Felegyhazi, C. Kreibich, N. Weaver, K. Levchenko, and V. Paxon, “The BIZ Top-Level Domain: Ten Years Later,” in N. Taft and F. Ricciato (Eds.): PAM 2012, LNCS 7192, pp. 221-230, 2012, p. 228
