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Marika Konings

 Congratulatory messages from the GNSO Council leadership have been sent to the successful nominees, and ICANN staff from the Multistakeholder Strategy & Strategic Initiatives (MSSI) department are expected to follow up with them as well as notify the unsuccessful candidates.


Entry Date (E)


Target Date (T)

Action Item

Responsible Council Member


Responsible Staff member


Additional Notes

ICANN58 Meeting Planning





  •  Council to finalize proposed block schedule for GNSO sessions (see draft circulated ICANN58 GNSO Block Schedule)
  •  Council to work with SG/C leaders to consider SG/C requests for meeting slots in view of the block GNSO schedule, prior to sending block schedule back to ICANN Meetings Team.

    Council leadership to suggest adding session on data privacy to Day 3 schedule


    Council leadership to review current GNSO block schedule, to identify possible slots in which to invite GDD staff, CEO Goran Marby, and CFO Xavier Calvez (including possibly as part of the Council’s Public Meeting on Wednesday 15 March 2017.


    Council and GNSO community to be mindful of the difficulties of minimizing conflicts when requesting sessions for future ICANN meetings


    Councilors to identify remaining major conflicts as soon as possible as the aim is to circulate a final GNSO schedule as much in advance as is feasible

James Bladel

Heather Forrest

Donna Austin


de saint gery

Marika Konings


Outstanding IGO/INGO PDP RecommendationsInformal Council Prep session





This topic continues to be discussed with the Board and the GAC. A final Proposal from the IGO Small Group was submitted to the GAC and the GNSO on 4 October 2016, which was referenced in the GAC Communique from Hyderabad.

  •  Council to finalize response to Board letter on IGO/Red Cross protections (note: this may be covered by the Council’s response to the GAC Communique)
  •  Council to discuss the Board proposal outlined by Bruce Tonkin at the second Hyderabad Public Forum
  •   Staff to confirm availability of Thomas Rickert (Chair, original IGO-INGO PDP), and Philiip Corwin and Petter Rindforth (Co-Chairs, IGO-INGO Curative Rights PDP), to serve as GNSO representatives (along with GNSO Council leadership and the GNSO Liaison to the GAC) for the facilitated discussion
  •  Subject to their confirmation, Thomas, Phil, Petter and Carlos to be added by staff to the new Board-GAC-GNSO Representatives’ Discussion Group (IN PROCESS)Staff to send links to the new Discussion Group to Council mailing list
  •  Staff to notify the GAC and Board members of the Discussion Group, and Bruce Tonkin (facilitator) of GNSO appointments
  •  Staff to invite Bruce Tonkin to the next GNSO Council meeting (no longer needed)



  •   Informal Council session before the Council Public Meeting at ICANN58 to remain open to Councilors and invitees only (Stakeholder Group and Constituency leaders), but will be recorded
  •  Council to continue discussing whether to change this arrangement for future ICANN meetings

James Bladel

Heather Forrest

Donna AustinThomas Rickert


Mary Wong

In June 2014, the NGPC wrote to the GNSO Council noting that the NGPC was considering available options to reconcile the differences at issue, and giving the GNSO an opportunity to consider modifying those aspects of its approved policy recommendations that are inconsistent with GAC advice in accordance with the process in the GNSO's PDP Manual. Several letters were exchanged between the NGPC and the Council up to January 2015.

In late 2014, a small group of IGO, Board and GAC representatives was formed to work on the initial NGPC proposal (from March 2014), to develop a concrete proposal for consideration by the GAC and the GNSO. The final Small Group Proposal was sent to the GAC and the GNSO in early October 2016. The GAC advice in its Hyderabad Communique requested that this Proposal form the starting point of further discussions.

The GAC and GNSO are expected to commence the proposed facilitated discussions, with Bruce Tonkin as the designated facilitator, at the latest in Copenhagen at ICANN58 in March 2017.

de saint gery

Marika Konings


Appointment of New GNSO Co-Chair for the Cross Community Working Group on New gTLD Auction Proceeds




  •   Council leadership to issue a Call for Volunteers
  •  Councilors to work with their Stakeholder Groups and Constituencies to identify possible candidates for consideration as soon as possible.

 James Bladel

Heather Forrest

Donna Austin

Marika Konings

Mary Wong

PDP Improvements



The GNSO Council directs staff to move ahead with the identified next steps including:

  •  Integrating the inclusion of the proposed PDP Charter as part of the Preliminary Issue Report
  •  Development of draft guidelines for the use and application for face-to-face facilitated PDP WG meetings for Council review and adoption,
  •  Developing a survey to assess the familiarity that the community has with the different newcomer and training tools as well as their perceived usefulness Survey results were reviewed during meeting at ICANN57 and staff will move forward with the implementation of the recommendations.


Next Steps on Proposed Modifications to the Procedure to Address WHOIS Conflicts with National Law





  •  Discussions to continue with Stephanie and other interested Councilors as well as affected parties (e.g. Registries, Registrars) to discuss path forward and rework motion language
  •  ICANN policy staff to communicate results of motion to GDD colleagues.
  •  GDD staff to report back to the Council within 45 days, with a projected timeline, the requested feasibility assessment, and a draft Charter for the next review of the Procedure, which is to commence no later than 1 October 2017
  •  ICANN policy staff to inform the Next Generation RDS Policy Development Process Working Group of the IAG Final Report (including minority views)

Stephanie Perrin
A revised motion has been submitted for Council consideration at the 16 February 2017 meeting.

Approval of Appointment of an Interim GNSO Representative to the Empowered Community Administration




  •  Three months after completion and adoption of DT report, GNSO to finalize decision on appointment of GNSO representative to the EC Administration
  •  Council to finalize chartering of the new GNSO Standing Selection Committee at the earliest opportunity
  •  Council to request the new SSC to consider appointing a permanent GNSO Representative to the EC Administration as one of its first tasks, and, amongst others, also to consider whether it will be necessary for the appointee to be a member of the GNSO Council



Julie Hedlund

de saint gery

Drafting work remains ongoing; the DT is scheduled to meet at ICANN58. The Council has been asked to confirm that its interim appointment to the EC Administration continues until drafting work is complete.

GNSO Response to the GAC Communique






    Council to consider whether it will be possible (and desirable) to aim to have future responses completed before the Board and GAC have their post-ICANN Meeting call to discuss the Communique



Marika Konings

Council chairs to suggest to the Council that a standing group of Council volunteers (possibly coordinated by the then-current GNSO liaison to the GAC) be tasked with drafting an initial response immediately upon the conclusion of each ICANN meeting, with the initial draft to be circulated to the Council within a certain period thereafter.

Selection of GNSO representatives to SSR RTRT, creation of Selection Standing Committee (SSC)




 16 Feb  (T)

  •  Policy staff to notify candidates selected (including alternates) and send names to ICANN’s Multi-Stakeholder Strategy & Strategic Initiatives (MSSI) Department staff supporting the SSR-2 RT
  •  Council to review process for selection of RT representatives, particularly the ability of candidates to be endorsed by more than one SO/AC, and not just those applicants that sought a particular SO/AC’s endorsement
  •  Council leadership, Susan Kawaguchi and Ed Morris to continue work on finalizing proposal regarding selection process for RT and other GNSO appointments for Council consideration
  •  Council to continue discussion on the mailing list, with a view toward agreement on a final version of the Charter for voting on at the next Council meeting, which will take place on 15 March at ICANN58 in Copenhagen
  •  ICANN staff to prepare placeholder motion to allow for consideration of charter and/or formation of SSC at ICANN58

Susan Kawaguchi

Edward Morris

James Bladel

Donna Austin

Heather Forrest

Julie Hedlund

Mary Wong

Marika Konings

The GNSO Council is scheduled to discuss a proposed Charter for a new GNSO Standing Selection Committee at its 16 February meeting.

Selection of GNSO Nominees for the Second Registration Directory Service (formerly WHOIS) Review Team




  •   If the proposed GNSO Standing Selection Committee (SSC) is not chartered at ICANN58 or otherwise in time to conduct this selection process, the small group of Councilors that proposed the slate of GNSO nominees for the upcoming Security, Stability and Resiliency Review Team (with Philip Corwin standing in for Susan Kawaguchi) is to review the candidates seeking GNSO endorsement for this Review and propose a slate of GNSO nominees to the Council, based on the criteria and process currently contained in the draft GNSO SSC Charter

Edward Morris

James Bladel

Donna Austin

Heather Forrest

Julie Hedlund

Mary Wong

Marika Konings


Letter from Thick WHOIS Implementation Review Team on Privacy Issues relating to Implementation of the Thick WHOIS Consensus Policy Recommendations




  •  Staff to post legal review document referred to in the letter to the Council mailing list
  •  Following receipt of the legal review document, Erika Mann and Michele Neylon to work with staff to develop possible responses to the IRT letter for the Council’s consideration, based on further legal developments relating to the topics noted in the letter
  •  Council to continue discussion on the mailing list, to see if there is a need to respond to the IRT
  •  Staff to share IRT letter with RDS WG leadership as the subject concerns all registries and registrars using a thick model and is not limited to the specific issue of transition from thin to thick WHOIS
  •  Council to review draft request from Councilor Erika Mann, and submit comments to the mailing list including further details on which questions an updated legal review is expected to address as well as who would be the audience for this updated legal review.

 Erika Mann

Michele Neylon

Marika Konings

Mary Wong

Councilor Erika Mann has circulated a draft request to the Council mailing list concerning a request for ICANN Legal to update the legal review memorandum.

Proposal to Limit the Scope of the Upcoming Third Accountability and Transparency Review




  •  ICANN policy staff to draft a note for circulation to the Council list for approval, addressed to the CCWG-Accountability co-chairs and ICANN staff responsible for supporting the ATRT-3, to include a recommendation that in developing its scope of work the ATRT-3 Review Team should consider the work being done within Work Stream 2 of the CCWG-Accountability, and aim to avoid overlap as far as possible

 Marika Konings

Mary Wong


Outstanding IGO/INGO PDP Recommendations





This topic continues to be discussed with the Board and the GAC. A final Proposal from the IGO Small Group was submitted to the GAC and the GNSO on 4 October 2016, which was referenced in the GAC Communique from Hyderabad.

  •  Council to finalize response to Board letter on IGO/Red Cross protections (note: this may be covered by the Council’s response to the GAC Communique)
  •  Council to discuss the Board proposal outlined by Bruce Tonkin at the second Hyderabad Public Forum
  •   Staff to confirm availability of Thomas Rickert (Chair, original IGO-INGO PDP), and Philiip Corwin and Petter Rindforth (Co-Chairs, IGO-INGO Curative Rights PDP), to serve as GNSO representatives (along with GNSO Council leadership and the GNSO Liaison to the GAC) for the facilitated discussion
  •  Staff to notify the GAC and Board members of the Discussion Group, and Bruce Tonkin (facilitator) of GNSO appointments

Thomas Rickert


Mary Wong

In June 2014, the NGPC wrote to the GNSO Council noting that the NGPC was considering available options to reconcile the differences at issue, and giving the GNSO an opportunity to consider modifying those aspects of its approved policy recommendations that are inconsistent with GAC advice in accordance with the process in the GNSO's PDP Manual. Several letters were exchanged between the NGPC and the Council up to January 2015.

In late 2014, a small group of IGO, Board and GAC representatives was formed to work on the initial NGPC proposal (from March 2014), to develop a concrete proposal for consideration by the GAC and the GNSO. The final Small Group Proposal was sent to the GAC and the GNSO in early October 2016. The GAC advice in its Hyderabad Communique requested that this Proposal form the starting point of further discussions.

The GAC and GNSO are expected to commence the proposed facilitated discussions, with Bruce Tonkin as the designated facilitator, at the latest in Copenhagen at ICANN58 in March 2017.

PDP Improvements




The GNSO Council directs staff to move ahead with the identified next steps including:

  •  Integrating the inclusion of the proposed PDP Charter as part of the Preliminary Issue Report
  •  Development of draft guidelines for the use and application for face-to-face facilitated PDP WG meetings for Council review and adoption,


Marika Konings


Community Budget Requests for Financial Year 2018




  •  Council leadership to work with staff to develop possible draft proposals for Council consideration
 Council chair to submit two requests from the Council to ICANN Finance by the deadline (10 February).