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What is this about?

The Bylaws Implementation Drafting Team (DT) was created in part to provide the GNSO Council with a draft implementation plan for any necessary updates to the GNSO Operating Procedures, or possibly the Bylaws as they relate to the GNSO, arising as a result of the revised ICANN Bylaws that were adopted in May. The Council has requested that this DT submit the proposed implementation plan by 30 September (see see for  for the full Council resolution).
Although the DT will be working to a tight timeline, please note that the implementation plan for the Council is not intended to include specific language for new or amended rules and procedures. Drafting of these new or amended processes will therefore likely begin only after completion and approval of the implementation plan.  The understanding is that the initial task of the DT will be to identify and agree on what new or additional obligations the GNSO now has as a result of the revised Bylaws. Following that initial task, the DT should then see , but later extended that timeline.  Following that initial task, the DT will now determine what (if any) existing GNSO processes can be used to address that new or additional obligation, and if there are none, whether an existing process can be modified or if a new process needs to be created. Staff anticipates that these points will be highlighted in the implementation plan, which will also contain proposed timelines for developing and adopting any amendments or new processes.

Why is this important?

The DT will, as directed by the GNSO Council, identify all the new or additional rights and responsibilities that the GNSO has under the revised Bylaws, including but not limited to participation of the GNSO within the Empowered Community, and to develop new or modified structures and procedures (as necessary) to fully implement these new or additional rights and responsibilities.

What is the current status of the project?

To assist in the DT’s initial work, staff prepared the attached a table that we was distributed to the GNSO Council for its information just before the Helsinki meeting. We prepared the table to facilitate the and to the DT. Staff has continued to refine the table and to produce analysis concerning areas where changes may need to be made to the GNSO Operating Procedures or Bylaws. The initial staff table can be found on the GNSO website at

What are the Expected next steps?

The DT is considering possible updates to the GNSO Operating Procedures, or the Bylaws.

How can I get involved?

Follow the work of the DT during ICANN58 and subsequently at the links below.


On 30 June 2016 the GNSO Council approved the creation of a DT that was to work with ICANN staff to “fully identify all the new or additional rights and responsibilities that the GNSO has under the revised Bylaws, including but not limited to participation of the GNSO within the Empowered Community, and to develop new or modified structures and procedures (as necessary) to fully implement these new or additional rights and responsibilities”.  In creating the DT, the GNSO Council requested that the DT provide the GNSO Council with an implementation plan “which will have the consensus of the Drafting Team, including any recommendations for needed further changes to ICANN Bylaws and/or GNSO Operating Procedures to enable effective GNSO participation in ICANN activities under the revised ICANN Bylaws, not later than 30 September 2016”.  After the GNSO Counci provided the DT with an extension, the DT submitted its Final Report to the GNSO Council on 12 October 2016 ( GNSO’s implementation of the new Bylaws, and welcome your feedback, corrections and updates. Of course, the DT should not feel constrained to use or rely solely on the staff table, but we hope that it is a helpful starting point at least. The staff table can also be downloaded from the GNSO website at, along with a Minority Statement ( The GNSO Council accepted the report on 01 December 2016 (

Staff responsible: Julie Hedlund, Marika Konings, and Mary Wong

The following members have volunteered for the DT:
Representing the Registries SG: David Maher
Representing the Registrars SG: Darcy Southwell
Representing the Business Constituency: Steve DelBianco
Representing the IPC: Steve Metalitz
Representing the ISPCPC: Malcolm Hutty
Representing the NCSG: Farzaneh Badii, Amr Elsadr, Matthew Shears
NCA Nominee: Edward Morris