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Sub-group Members: Asha Hemrajani, Avri Doria, Herb Waye, Sebastien Bachollet

StaffKaren Mulberry, Nathalie Vergnolle, Laena Rahim, Lars Hoffmann, Yvette Guigneaux

Apologies:  Cheryl Langdon-Orr

** If your name is missing from attendance or apology, please send note to **




  • Update on RFP
  • Update on work w/Diversity Team
  • Update on work w/Transparency Team

Notes  (including relevant parts of chat):

Apologies for not having sent an agenda ahead of this call.

Would like to use this call to get following updates:

  • Update on RFP
  • Update on work w/ Diversity team
  • Update on work w/ Transparency team

Update on RFP (Lars)

  • 7 proposals received, from 4 continents
  • ICANN staff is going to do a preliminary scoring this week, and will present score cards in the next meeting of the subgroup, ie next Monday, Feb 13.
  • Lars will confirm this week the kind of elements that can be shared with the subgroup at this point.
  • Asha Hemrajani: I understand that the target date for selection of vendor is Feb 20. Just wanted to check if there is any possibility for delay? 
  • Sebastien: at this point, no reason for delay.

Update on work w/ Diversity team

  • Diversity group is interested in our proposal but want to give it more thoughts
  • Asha Hemrajani: Just wanted to ask - just wanted to get a feel - does everyone agree to having diversity disputes or monitoring etc under the ombuds function?
  • Sebastien: our proposal was to have the office of diversity hosted within the Ombuds office.

Update on work w/ Transparency team

  • Had some exchanges with the rapporteur
  • The Transparency report will be presented to the Plenary
  • Herb had raised concerns regarding potential conflicts regarding confidentiality
  • Sebastien suggests that these elements be documented, so that the subgroup can take them on as necessary.
  • avri doria: has the reporting strucnture for the ombuds changed.  does the office report to the legal team?
  • Sebatien: the Ombuds office reports to the board
  • Asha Hemrajani: Yes the ombuds function still reports into the board, selection by the BGC


Staff accountability:

  • avri doria: the question that may come out of the staff acct is whether the ombuds can take issues from the staff.
  • Asha Hemrajani: Good point Avri
  • Sebastien: this point is already in our report, and I will try to attend the staff acct subgroup meeting
  • Herb: if a issue arises in the community, the ombuds can look into it

·  Sebastien: suggest we add it as a topic for discussion in a meeting with the staff acct subg

Documents Presented


Chat Transcript

  Yvette Guigneaux: (2/5/2017 20:33) Welcome all to the Ombudsman Subgroup Meeting #16  |  6 February @ 05:00 UTC!

  Herb Waye Ombuds: (20:57) Good middle of the night all :-)

  avri doria: (21:00) am i the only one w/o sound at the moment?

  avri doria: (21:01) yes

  avri doria: (21:01) jut therre was a long silence

  avri doria: (21:01) thanks was just checking

  Asha Hemrajani: (21:05) Sorry to be late

  Asha Hemrajani: (21:06) Just landed in Singapore

  Asha Hemrajani: (21:10) Just wanted to ask - just wanted to get a feel - does everyone agree to having diversity disputes or monitoring etc under the ombuds function?

  avri doria: (21:13) has the reporting strucnture for the ombuds changed.  does the office report to the legal team?

  Asha Hemrajani: (21:13) Seb, my question is in in the chat now.  Sorry I am in a noisy place and my voice is quite hoarse.

  Asha Hemrajani: (21:16) @seb thanks - I just wanted to get a feel that people in this subgroup support this?

  Herb Waye Ombuds: (21:16) Avri, I report to the Board, nothing has changed

  avri doria: (21:17) thanks

  Asha Hemrajani: (21:17) Yes the ombuds function still reports into the board, selection by the BGC

  avri doria: (21:17) ok, i thought it was being reorged.  my mistake

  avri doria: (21:17) i thought they were both going to report to the legal officer.  as i said, i misunderstood

  avri doria: (21:18) the question that may come out of the staff acct is whether the ombuds can take issues from the staff.

  Asha Hemrajani: (21:19) Good point Avri

  avri doria: (21:19) staff acct has not made a recommendation we do not know if it is even possible.

  Herb Waye Ombuds: (21:19) Depends on the issue Avri

  avri doria: (21:19) thanks.  happpy to have you join

  Asha Hemrajani: (21:20) Herb, what is your perspective?

  avri doria: (21:21) in the community or in the organizaton?

  Herb Waye Ombuds: (21:21) In the community

  avri doria: (21:22) ok

  Herb Waye Ombuds: (21:22) Staff intenally have their own processes

  avri doria: (21:22) so for org issues they need the hotline

  Herb Waye Ombuds: (21:22) that is an option yes

  Asha Hemrajani: (21:23) I have one more question

  Asha Hemrajani: (21:23) I understand that the target date for selection of vendor is Feb 20.

  Asha Hemrajani: (21:24) Just wanted to check if there is any possibility for delay?  Can wait for update next week, but wanted to check if we know right now if there is anything that could delay that

  Asha Hemrajani: (21:24) Ok that is good to hear

  Herb Waye Ombuds: (21:25) I am hoping the reveiwer will be able to make it to Copenhagen

  Asha Hemrajani: (21:25) Yes that would be good Herb.  That's why I was asking cause Copenhagen is soon upon us.

  Herb Waye Ombuds: (21:25) Merci Sebastien

  avri doria: (21:25) thanks, bye

  Herb Waye Ombuds: (21:25) agree Asha

  Asha Hemrajani: (21:26) Thanks all,  Bye!

  Herb Waye Ombuds: (21:26) night all