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Deck of Cards
REGION: Asia/Australia/Pacific


labelDavid Cake


Dear NCUC members,
1         Why do you want to serve on the EC?
I want to serve on the EC because I believe NCUC needs organisation and strong leadership now more then ever, and I feel I am able to contribute effectively. I think the EC is most effective when it contains a mixture of experience and strong knowledge of ICANN, and fresh ideas, and I believe I can supply significant experience to an EC that otherwise has a number of excellent new voices. 
2         Provide a brief biography of recent experience, associations, and affiliations relevant to serving on the Executive Committee. Describe the relevance of your personal and professional experience to serve on the NCUC Executive Committee, and identify any conflicts of interests you might have.
I’ve served on the EC before, including as interim Chair of NCUC. I’ve also served as an NCUC affiliated NCSG GNSO Councillor for the last four years (two of them as Council Vice-Chair). I also serve as chair of a significant civil society organisation (and representative within ICANN processes), Electronic Frontiers Australia, and in that role I have learnt a lot about organisation and management of volunteer based work on Internet policy. I’ve also served in a number of ICANN policy Working Groups, and I’m currently one of the Vice-Chairs of the Next Generation gTLD Registration Directory Service PDP WG. I come from a technical background, and have a strong understanding of the many complex technical issues involved in ICANN work. I also was selected to represent NCSG in the Civil Society Coordinating Group (CSCG) (along with Robin Gross), which coordinates candidates for civil society positions in various international Internet governance processes. So I have a significant experience in NCUC and NCSG and ICANN generally. 
I do not believe I have any significant conflicts of interest. 
3         The EC performs several functional responsibilities for the Constituency. What level of time commitment can you bring to your EC role on a weekly and overall basis? Describe any concerns or limitations on your ability to attend online meetings of the Executive Committee and ICANN Meetings in person.
I have recently left the position of GNSO Councillor, so that frees up significant time to spend on ICANN volunteer work. I also think there will be useful overlaps between work I perform as Electronic Frontiers Australia chair and the EC work, as they often address similar concerns. 
4         Communication with the membership is critical. How would you keep members apprised of your EC-related activities?
 I will remain an active participant in online discussions in mailing lists, remain accessible for discussion in person at ICANN meetings I am able to attend, 
 However I also think it is crucial that communication with membership is done as an entire EC committee to be effective and efficient. 
5         How do you foresee NCUC’s function, scale, or role changing in the future? What areas of ICANN policy, if any, need more attention and why? Incumbent candidates should answer in a manner that is both backward and forward looking, i.e. taking note of their contributions and work in the previous year.
 In particular I think NCUC will increasingly have to find not only a role coordinating the work NCUC members perform within ICANN, but continue to expand its role reaching out beyond ICANN both to recruit more active members to deal with an increasing policy development workload, and a to explain the work we do and coordinate with work being performed in other parts of the Internet governance world (including at regional and national levels). The EC will have to lead this work. 
NCUC is increasingly being seen as one of the significant parts of the ICANN world for policy work, as ICANN scales up its policy work overall. The EC has to help manage and support our growing number of active policy people, and this means scaling up infrastructure, more effectively using our new resources such as staff support, and talking to ICANN budget processes to get active support we need. 

labelRao Naveed Bin Rais

1.     Why do you want to serve on the EC?


I consider NCUC as the user’s platform in the world of ICANN. It is where the users’ interests are taken into consideration and are protected, in one way or the other, and the EC of NCUC is the right place to make impactful contributions while trying to protect users’ interest. Coming from a developing country with huge population, different cultural sectors and a diverse set of Internet access and usage, I can represent the region in an effective way while trying to raise voice of underprivileged end users of the Internet.


On the other hand, I also want to be at the EC so as to be able to do some meaningful and practical work on the outreach strategies and help in realizing what is being committed normally and is hardly realized. There is a strong need to take advantage of such a strong new membership base that has been added to NCUC in past 2 years or so, and I believe that I can be in a position to do more when at the EC in this regard. In past few months, being the coordinator of NCUC Membership Affairs team, I have been trying to come up with a comprehensive strategy to help engage members, and realized that this process requires continuous effort and commitment from the leadership. I hope to do better with the engagement process while being on the EC.


2.  Provide a brief biography of recent experience, associations, and affiliations relevant to serving on the Executive Committee. Describe the relevance of your personal and professional experience to serve on the NCUC Executive Committee, and identify any conflicts of interests you might have.


I received PhD in Computer Networking with specialization on Internet Naming and Addressing and Communication Architectures from University of Nice, Sophia Antipolis, France, and am currently working as Associate Professor in Computer Engineering Department at Ajman University of Science & Technology, UAE. Moreover, I have been volunteering serving as President of ISOC Islamabad Chapter till earlier this year. Besides, I have been associated with ICANN as fellow and coach (mentor) since ICANN 50 and have got ICANN fellowship for 5 meetings out of the last 7 meetings held (ICANN 50, 52, 53, 54, and 56), while being invited specially to attend ICANN 55 meeting by ICANN to coordinate the fellowship sessions. Since June 2014, I am working with SSR team of ICANN on security-related matters and got trained as a trainer for the Middle-East region from ICANN and NSRC at Dubai in April 2015. On the other hand, I have also got fellowship for ISOC to attend IETF 92 in March 2015, and am contributing at that forum as well.


Being a member of NCUC for two years and an ICANN fellowship coach for 3 ICANN meetings, I have motivated and helped a number of new fellows in joining NCUC, NPOC and NCSG, and an increase of new fellows joining NCUC is quite obvious from the data.


I have no conflict of interest.


3.  The EC performs several functional responsibilities for the Constituency.  What level of time commitment can you bring to your EC role on a weekly and overall basis?  Describe any concerns or limitations on your ability to attend online meetings of the Executive Committee and ICANN Meetings in person. 


Coming from academia, I have more luxury to manage my time depending on the tasks at hand. My employer is quite open in letting me go out to attend meetings in person and it is counted as an “official assignment” in accordance with the university policy. Hence, I don’t have any problem in attending the meetings either in person or online. Being a member of the EC, I can pledge to spend 6-8 hours per week to do assignments related to my responsibility, which may be increased as well depending upon the requirement and urgency of matter at hand.   


4.   Communication with the membership is critical. How would you keep members apprised of your EC-related activities?


Communication with the membership is utterly critical, and this is one of the main motivations behind accepting the nomination to serve at the EC of NCUC. I feel that this is an area which has a lot of margin of improvement in its current form, and realize this even strongly after being associated with NCUC Membership Affairs Team for past one year. I have also prepared a draft document recently in order to propose new strategy for engaging the large membership base of NCUC and the document is still in progress. I believe that there is a strong need of engaging regional members and try to keep them alive in the NCUC processes via extensive engagement sessions, and there should be one of the primary responsibilities of the EC member from each region. Currently, I don’t see regional bonding between NCUC members and this have an effect on the local engagement as well. Secondly, more should be done to engage local communities and making them aware of ICANN processes and in particular what NCUC could do for them. Translation could be done in more languages to increase awareness and this is something I plan to do. As an EC member, I would pay strong attention towards engagement of new members into the NCUC activities in order to utilize their potential and making them comfortable in the community sooner rather than later.


5.   How do you foresee NCUC’s function, scale, or role changing in the future? What areas of ICANN policy, if any, need more attention and why?  


I would urge the constituency to do more towards making new members more engaged in the NCUC activities, possibly via some kind of mentorship program, or coming up with a call for volunteers to do a less important piece of a large task for the new members. Moreover, a proper database with members’ interest and their areas of expertise should be published somewhere on the NCUC’s website so that members can work with each other online or offline more effectively.


As an academic having technical background and involved in users’ interest in local community through ISOC platform, I am more interested in the policies relevant to users’ privacy and security related issues. Moreover, ICANN accountability issues should be more carefully addressed especially post-transition. 

labelElsa Saade


Name: Elsa Saade
Region: Asia Pacific
Gender: Female
Employement: Human Rights Officer at Gulf Center for Human Rights
Conflict of Interest: None

1  Why do you want to serve on the EC?

I want to serve on the EC for different reasons which all build up into a want to commit. The first being my background in human rights work and in civil society engagement in one of the toughest regions. My work can definitely feed into the mission and vision of NCUC. The second reason being, the need for further engagement from the region at ICANN civil society spaces. Having good networks which could help raise awareness to the ones who are not fully aware of ICANN’s spaces and empower those who are in the space already, I also think I could make a difference there. In regards to my own capacity, I have a long way to go at ICANN and this experience will not only allow me to help but also help me grow further in the community with the help of fellow ECs, the chair and the trust of the NCUC if I get voted.


Provide a brief biography of recent experience, associations, and affiliations relevant to serving on the Executive Committee. Describe the relevance of your personal and professional experience to serve on the NCUC Executive Committee, and identify any conflicts of interests you might have.


I am currently human rights officer at Gulf Center for Human Rights, volunteering in different civil society organizations in Lebanon. I do advocacy, capacity building as well as digital rights. I’ve become more engaged in the ICANN community and have taken part in two different working groups: RDS PDP WG and CCWP. I have been more of a remote observant, and take part in the conversation when at ICANN meetings, but with the help of some of the NCUCers and NCSGers I’ve become more confident and will increase my engagement. I’ve taken part in different conferences such as IGF (ISOC Ambassador), RightsCon, Iran Cyber Dialogue, ArabIGF (Beirut twice), Middle East School on Internet Governance, been a fellow to ICANN twice (Dublin and Helsinki), done several digital security trainings and given several of them too, taken part in capacity building for the Women’s Network focusing on digital rights and security, EURODIG (Brussels), etc...

I do have a general understanding of how things work at ICANN as well as particular understanding of some of the technicalities in specific working groups I’ve had the chance to engage with. I have a feel of how the multistakeholder model works, where its drawbacks are and what each stakeholder has to offer or is there to be offered. Together with the skills I’ve acquired through my work experience, I am capable of showcasing good managerial skills as well as good contextual and thematic civil society related skills too.

3  The EC performs several functional responsibilities for the Constituency. What level of time commitment can you bring to your EC role on a weekly and overall basis? Describe any concerns or limitations on your ability to attend online meetings of the Executive Committee and ICANN Meetings in person.

I am willing to be available for 4-6 hours a week. I will surely be able to give more time when certain events are taking place, or when a certain issue arises. Being into outreach already, I think more time would automatically be given to such a task, and the rest would be given whatever time I am left with during the day which would amount to around 6 hours per week. I can surely attend online meetings of the Executive Committee and would try my best to attend ICANN meetings in person when the situation allows.

4 Communication with the membership is critical. How would you keep members apprised of your EC-related activities?

Communication is definitely integral in cases where we meet virtually more than live, and having engaged in several ICANN meetings and having met everyone in person makes things much easier. Also at Gulf Center, all the team is abroad which has given me a sense of how communication should be taken best when team members are not necessarily around. It’s always important to have routine calls and meet in person every once in a while. It is also important to sustain the path and milestones the EC would discuss with the help of the Chair and the community, which would set a clearer way forward, thus decrease the risk of miscommunication and increase motivation.

5  How do you foresee NCUC’s function, scale, or role changing in the future? What areas of ICANN policy, if any, need more attention and why? Incumbent candidates should answer in a manner that is both backward and forward looking, i.e. taking note of their contributions and work in the previous year.

The statements should be relatively concise, e.g. a couple paragraphs per question

NCUC has been a welcoming entity for new voices, and I’ve seen it firsthand. This has lead to an increase in diverse voices within civil society which amplified all calls for rights NCUC has been standing for. I wouldn’t have been able to be nominated for the EC if it weren’t for

 nature of this welcoming entity. I am sure though that so many more voices can be outreached and taken in, so that this nature would carry momentum and eventually increase.


In terms of ICANN policy, I believe discussions are on track but seeing how our capacity as a community varies due to

little time 
we have on our hands
and due to the voluntary nature of this engagement, we need more individuals to engage in a more organized way in order to be more influential. Protecting civil liberties within ICANN is NCUC’s torch and this responsibility is a big one in a scene where other stakeholders don’t necessarily hold the same torch and have more time and more resources to commit to their own incentives within the community. Thus, I’d say going forward, more attention should be given to how to build capacity within the community and how to organize ourselves in a way where our voice would amplify more efficiently.


Thank you for your attention!





 REGION: Europe


Deck of Cards
labelTatiana Tropina


Dear NCUC members,

Please find below my candidate statement. Thank you for taking the time to read it! If you have any further questions, I would be happy to answer either via email or on the call tomorrow.

===Candidate Statement, Tatiana Tropina, nomination: NCUC EC European seat======

Name: Tatiana Tropina, Region of residence: Europe, Gender: Female, Employment: Senior Researcher, Max-Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law, Freiburg, Germany. 

Conflict of interest: No. 

1    Why do you want to serve on the EC?
I want to contribute to the engagement of NCUC members into the ICANN processes and to the administrative functioning of the NCUC; and further effective governance at the NCUC. I believe that for strong representation of the non-commercial users at ICANN we need to ensure NCUC’s transparency, visibility and credibility. I have been actively engaged in NCUC’s activities in the past year, so I believe that the EC position is the next logical level to strengthen my involvement in serving the non-commercial interests.  I would also like to ensure that NCUC members are getting informed about and engaged in ICANN policy processes. 
2    Provide a brief biography of recent experience, associations, and affiliations relevant to serving on the Executive Committee. Describe the relevance of your personal and professional experience to serve on the NCUC Executive Committee, and identify any conflicts of interests you might have.

I am a lawyer by training. I got my legal degree (and later a PhD degree with the thesis on cybercrime) from the Far-Eastern Federal University in Vladivostok, Russia. I also have a master’s degree in ICT policy and management from Strathclyde University Business School in Glasgow, UK. I have been living and working in several countries: Russia, United Kingdom, Switzerland and Germany, and my work experience includes private industry – I worked as a telecom lawyer for several companies in Russia, I have experience in academia, international organisations and private consultancy. I am currently based in Freiburg, Germany and work for Max-Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law. In this capacity, I am involved in different cybersecurity projects, but my interests are much wider because I am trying to approach the issues from a broader perspective of Internet Governance. 

Apart from my main work, I am engaged in different IG-related activities, many of them are on a voluntary basis. I have been involved as a focal point in EuroDIG and SEEDIG processes, I have been a faculty member of the European Summer School on Internet Governance since 2011. I am participate as a trainer in different capacity building programs. I carried out various projects for international organisations such as Word Bank, UNODC, ITU and others. Last but not least, I am actively engaged in some of the ICANN processes: I participated in the CCWG-Accountability Workstream 1 (and currently – WS2), CCWP for Human Rights; I am currently a member of the NCUC Policy Committee. 

3    The EC performs several functional responsibilities for the Constituency. What level of time commitment can you bring to your EC role on a weekly and overall basis? Describe any concerns or limitations on your ability to attend online meetings of the Executive Committee and ICANN Meetings in person.

In the past year, I have been already able to demonstrate my commitment  to NCUC, I work at least several hours a week to fulfil my voluntary commitments to the CCWG-accountablity and other processes. I clearly understand that the EC position will require time and I am willing to make such a commitment, including travelling to the ICANN meetings. I have a flexible work schedule, and my current job allows me to take voluntary obligations. Furthermore, I travel a lot for work and I am very well connected at different IG-related fora in Europe: this will perfectly allow me to carry out the necessary outreach and give NCUC more visibility.  

4    Communication with the membership is critical. How would you keep members apprised of your EC-related activities?
This is an easy question because I don’t have to suggest anything extremely innovative but rather continue the efforts that have been made: the current EC representative for Europe, Farzaneh, established (in my opinion) great channels and patterns for communications with the NCUC members. I will try to further strengthen this: the members can expect quarterly regional reports and reports from the events that NCUC took part in. Furthermore, I will inform NCUC members about different calls for proposals and funding for the European and other IG-related events so we can have more presence and engagement outside of ICANN, too. 

5    How do you foresee NCUC’s function, scale, or role changing in the future? What areas of ICANN policy, if any, need more attention and why? Incumbent candidates should answer in a manner that is both backward and forward looking, i.e. taking note of their contributions and work in the previous year.

In the last couple of years NCUC and its membership have been able to contribute a lot (and substantively!) to different ICANN policy-development processes and also in the process of transition. We have to leverage these achievements, build upon them and strengthen both NCUC “from within” (outreach, transparency, effective governance and more involvement of the current membership in the policy-making) and also in the ICANN and IG context: visibility, credibility, representation of the non-commercial interests at the ICANN. The latter, in my opinion, should focus “policy-wise” on privacy issues, human rights and their consideration in any PDP processes “by default” and the new challenges of the shadow content regulation. Last but not least, I believe NCUC can further contribute into the diversity, gender balance and the greater representation of non-commercial users in ICANN processes. 


Warm regards


labelRaoul Plommer


Raoul Plommer, Europe, male and free as in unemployed; 
I have no conflicts of interest in working with the NCUC..

Hi, my name is Raoul and I'm too honest for my own good.

I've been a member of NCUC for approximately one year now and I have to say that I'm very pleased to have joined. 

First and foremost, It has given me an opportunity to expand my network of people, who fight globally for the same issues as I have done, as a member of the Pirate party, Electronic Frontier Finland and lately Open Knowledge International. 

I woke up politically in 2008, because of internet censorship in Finland. I realised that our government is willingly giving away our hard earned rights and nobody was fighting it visibly. I decided to become a part of resistance that is focused on hanging on to our rights, on-and-offline.

No parliamentary party was arguing against censorship and the Finnish Pirate Party was found a few months after they started using the blocklist in February. Naturally, we copied most of our platform from the Swedish Pirate Party, and were formed to reform laws regarding copyright and patents, to strengthen the individual's right to privacy and freedom of speech and the transparency of governance. 

Sound familiar? Vote for a pirate! 

We are a political movement to disperse power through free information and open governance,  and we believe that people with an access to free communication, culture and knowledge grow and create a more enjoyable and humane society for everyone to live in. I'd say we are anarchists that believe in change through parliamentarism, so not quite the usual suspects.

I am telling you this, because this is pretty much all I do these days. Being a pirate and fighting for human rights makes me happier than anything I've ever done in my life. That is why I am in the NCUC. Why else would one be here? 

I would be highly motivated to excel at my work, was I chosen to become a member of this Executive Committee. Alas, my academic achievements are probably the least impressive of all the people in ICANN, but I'm not going to let that stop me, or even be belittled for it. I have been working to defend these rights and study them at my own discretion and I have drive that academia can't give you. It's made of conviction and fire. I am willing to work tens of hours per month for this position and I will use some of them, to empower all of us.

In the years I've been actually paid for what I do, I've been an accountant, financial analyst, executive secretary or in some other administrative role, so I've been proven to cope with mundane things, too. Lately, I've started designing websites, sold a few and hopefully will eventually be able to get and income from that, based anywhere in the world, with a flexible schedule, to have more freedom for the things I love. But that stage is still some years away.
I feel that I have a different perspective to most other people in the NCUC and I think I could provide some useful insights on making our work more easily approachable as well as making outside people in our networks more aware of what ICANN does and how it affects the whole internet. I excel in putting things in layman's terms, but ICANN is a tough nut to crack. I will need our community's help in doing it.

To my positive surprise, ICANN published an initiative for Open Data while we were in Hyderabad and that will get OKI more interested in joining our work. There are a lot of people and chapters around the world working to advance Open Knowledge and I think their expertise in opening data, would be invaluable to the NCSG. They would also be able to join ICANN meetings relatively easy, for the global nature of their network. I will follow this up persistently in any case.

I'm planning to introduce some new tools for our members' use, that will make it easier for our whole community to know what's going on and what work needs to get done. Such tools could include Slack, Trello and Hackpad and I would also like to apply the NCUC to become a member of TechSoup, that gives licenses to non-commercial entities for free. This would improve our members' capability to work elsewhere, too.

In my eyes, the NCUC does not have even close to it's fair share of the hierarchical power structure within ICANN. A great example of this is our single seat at the Nominating Committee, which wheels a great deal of power in selecting the leaders of the ICANN community, such as seats on the Board and the GNSO. I am set to do something about this deplorable situation and I have already been discussing this with some members of the board as well as other stakeholder groups' leaders even though they must be wondering "who the hell is this guy?" So far, I feel really quite optimistic after the reactions I've had. I'd say more than half of the people weren't even aware of our tiny share (1/7) and I will keep pushing another seat for the NCSG until it's ours.

I have the two most accessible passports in the world, the British and the Finnish, and they each give you access to 176 countries without a visa and I love travelling. I am broke as a joke but not in debt and I will earn my future travel funding through hard work. This much I can promise. You just need to give me this final nudge as validation.





REGION: Africa

Deck of Cards
labelBenjamin Akinmoyeje

Dear NCUC members,


Candidate Statement for the NCUC EC Africa

Name: Benjamin Akinmoyeje - Region: Africa - Gender: Male- Affiliation: Management Sciences for Health

COI: I have no conflict of interest.


1         Why do you want to serve on the EC?

I have chosen to serve on the EC as Africa representative because of the following reasons:


  • Strengthen Outreach strategies to African Academic Institutions, civil societies, non-commercial users, etc. 
  • Simplify policies development process participation for new members
  • Facilitate a workable mentorship programme for existing African non-active/engaging members and new African newcomers.
  • Leverage on all existing Internet Governance opportunities/ platforms/ events to champion the cause NCUC visions and missions within and outside of Africa.
  • Finally I want to serve in order to learn, participate more actively in the NCUC.


2      Provide a brief biography of recent experience, associations, and affiliations relevant to serving on the Executive Committee. Describe the relevance of your personal and professional experience to serve on the NCUC Executive Committee, and identify any conflicts of interests you might have.


I am an IT & ICTD Manager for a non- profit public health organization based in  Nigeria. I work to provide electronic medical record for health facilities supporting people living with HIV/AIDS in low resource communities, NCUC member since ICANN 47

  • member ISOC Nigeria 
  • AFRINIC 19 Fellow
  • ICANN 49 Fellowship Alumni,
  • Member and Alumni Diplo Foundation 
  • CPRSouth 2015 Young Scholar. 
  • Participated in the NetMundial Meeting, Netmundial Initiative in Sao Paolo in 2014. 
  • I am regular participant and stakeholder in the Nigeria Internet Governance forum deliberations and meetings.
  • Alumni of First Summer school of African Internet Governance - AFRISIG
  • I have co-proposed accepted Internet Governance Forum in IGF 2015 and IGF 2016.
  • A member of different ICT for Development academic and research group CPRSOUTH, ICTD Researchers in Africa Network, ICT for Social Innovation ([])

My professional and personal work consistently encourage me seek out ways to look to get the benefit of the Internet to individual users as a tool of development such as education, health, innovation and empowerment. I user open source application to support public health facilities, I carry out research to support ICT for development,  I train health workers and elderly citizens on the use of technologies to achieve more, I advocate for open and transparent pricing and affordable broadband access for all. Recently being an NCUC member on these working groups

  • Membership Engagement Team (NCUC group) 
  • CCWG Accountability
  • GNSO Next-Gen RDS PDP WG


3  The EC performs several functional responsibilities for the Constituency. What level of time commitment can you bring to your EC role on a weekly and overall basis? Describe any concerns or limitations on your ability to attend online meetings of the Executive Committee and ICANN Meetings in person.


As a member of the NCUC EC Africa representative: I can give an average of 4 hours a week. I do not have any limitations to attend only meetings if elected to represent Africa in the EC .

As an individual  I am committed to attending EC and ICANN Meetings as I have shown in the past even with or without travel support, I have full or partial funded my travels to ICANN meetings.



4   Communication with the membership is critical. How would you keep members apprised of your EC-related activities?


As a member EC representing the African region, I will identify the critical  policy issues which are on the table for discussion and simplify it for the understanding of my African audience and newcomers with available channels of communications such as  emails, newsletters, blogs, targeted social media platforms like twitter, Facebook and google hangout. Also working with existing NCUC communications strategies and members reach to advance the work I am doing in the NCUC EC. I hope to drive engagement by linking my activities EC to some of the real life issues and benefits of NCUC activities to the African users , especially on the issues of  Human Rights, Development, Privacy,  and Multilingual Internet.


5        How do you foresee NCUC’s function, scale, or role changing in the future? What areas of ICANN policy, if any, need more attention and why? Incumbent candidates should answer in a manner that is both backward and forward looking, i.e. taking note of their contributions and work in the previous year.


The statements should be relatively concise, e.g. a couple paragraphs per question

Personally, I  see  NCUC’s  function eveolving in the future, as we bring more participation of academia, non-commercial users from developing countries on board. As we connect the next billion to the Internet and NCUC as the home of the non-commercial users ;  needs to attract more members and become stronger advocate for the issues of concerns to the constituent (civil societies communities and individual users) in ICANN policy development and the trending Internet Governance issues. In the face of changing governments and technologies, NCUC roles to protect the interest of the  individual users will certainly have to change and be dynamic especially with the issues of privacy - Africa is seeing the rising cases of revenge porn, government's clamp down on social media, National Internet blackouts, cyber attacks, social media influence in elections, etc. in order to get participation of the silent majority, NCUC must also move to champion education about domain name rights, freedom of speech, etc  of civil societies and other bodies with common interests. NCUC within ICANN will have to form seek collaborations of ICANN constituents who have common goals on different policy issues for the purpose of impact. NCUC with ICANN must support those UN SDG goals that coincides with NCUC mission.


It is with excitement I look forward to serving the NCUC community to engender participation of all diverse groups especially those from developing countries and newcomers to ICANN.



Thank you,

Benjamin Akinmoyeje

labelInes Hfaeidh


Dear NCUC members,
I hope this email finds you well. Please find below my candidate statement hoping for your support.
Name: Ines Hfaiedh, Declared Region of residence: Africa, Gender: Female, Employment: Teacher and Specialist in ICT Implementation in Education, Ministry of National Education, Tunisia.
Conflicts of Interest : None
1 Why do you want to serve on the EC?
I hope to serve on the Executive Committee because I know I have the potential to represent my region in the best way possible, and I am confident that my academic, civil, technical and administrative backgrounds make me a strong asset in a team of ECs. Besides, I am honoured to act as a catalyst for more gender-balance and I am animated by a strong desire to be more actively involved and give from my time in service of NCUC members and the good functioning of their administration. 
2         Provide a brief biography of recent experience, associations, and affiliations relevant to serving on the Executive Committee. Describe the relevance of your personal and professional experience to serve on the NCUC Executive Committee, and identify any conflicts of interests you might have.
I am a teacher, Specialist ICT Implementation in Education Specialist and Internet Policy Analyst with IGMENA under the HIVOS Foundation. I am also an active member in ISOC Tunisia Chapter. Besides, I was honoured to be granted a Fulbright exchange capacity-building opportunity at the Catholic University of America.
I have joined NCUC since ICANN 55 which was my first experience as a Fellow and had the chance to be back as a Coach for ICANN 57. I am also a member in the Middle East and Adjoining Countries Strategy Working Group (MEAC WG).
An ICANN, ISOC and Arab IGF Fellow, I also reported sessions from WSIS2016 with the Geneva Internet Platform and Diplo Foundation. I was a Guest Speaker at the Fourth Edition of the Arab Internet Governance Forum, the International Symposium on ICTs, the Tunisia TESOL National Conference and a delegate representing Tunisia at the MATE International Conference in Morocco. The European Educational Tool Portal has shared my tool of 'Interactive ICT Implementation in Formal and Informal Learning' and selected it for the International Tool Fair in Budapest, Hungary. I also compiled ICT-enhanced lesson plans into a pedagogical paper. 
Two days ago, I was a guest at the World Bank Group Youth Summit on “Rethinking Education for the next Millennium” and in IGF 2016, Mexico, I will be hopefully taking part in three panels including one in which I am the organizer.
3         The EC performs several functional responsibilities for the Constituency. What level of time commitment can you bring to your EC role on a weekly and overall basis? Describe any concerns or limitations on your ability to attend online meetings of the Executive Committee and ICANN Meetings in person.
For the EC responsibilities, and to put it in realistic numbers because I like committing to my words, I can dedicate up to 5 hours a week and will be actively involved in discussions and online meetings and any other task required for the role. Besides, I enjoy some flexibility to attend meetings in person as my employer encourages personal and professional development. This year, I have been able to attend ICANN 55, the Arab IGF, ICANN 58, and will be hopefully attending the Global IGF this coming December.
4         Communication with the membership is critical. How would you keep members apprised of your EC-related activities?
I would keep members up-dated on our EC-related activities through our NCUC mailing list and live tweeting through our Tweeter account as well. I also wish to keep the members apprised on our events through the NCUC blog to which I contributed two blogs so far. Moreover, I would be happy to share opportunities as I have seen other members doing this and I hope this culture of sharing pervades.
5         How do you foresee NCUC’s function, scale, or role changing in the future? What areas of ICANN policy, if any, need more attention and why? Incumbent candidates should answer in a manner that is both backward and forward looking, i.e. taking note of their contributions and work in the previous year.
I sincerely believe that NCUC is and has contributed effectively to the developments we have been witnessing in ICANN’s policy processes, as well as in the IANA transition. That said, I have an inspiration that NCUC steps up to the plate even more in voicing the Non-Commercial Users concerns and defending their interests. 
At ICANN 58, during the NCUC meeting with ICANN board, I have aired my concern of lack of strategy and support to NCUC members to act as multipliers within their respective communities (this must be my teacher and civil society side speaking) and that was brought to the table the following day by the board on the joint meeting, I hope and I am quite confident that my words had an impact and this will allow us a wider role as a constituency.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me by email or ask me tomorrow at the Conf Call and I am looking forward to actively collaborating with all of you.
Kind Regards

labelHago Daffala


Dear NCUC members,

Please find below my candidate statement. 
Thank you 
Name:Hago Dafalla , Region of residence: Africa, Gender :Male, Employment: Lecturer, Zawia University, Computer Department, Libya

Conflict of interest: No. 
e-mail :

1. Why do you want to serve on the EC?
First, in order to represent the best representation of Africa in this position, and secondly in order to serve and possible all stakeholders to exercise good stewardship cemented in human dignity. We need a period of renewal for another blood in the veins of this organization until the election of new people to the benefit of everyone.
To help my continental African and to raise the voice of African in ICANN. To try to support African people in the ICANN community.
2. Provide a brief biography of recent experience, associations, and affiliations relevant to serving on the Executive Committee. Describe the relevance of your personal and professional experience to serve on the NCUC Executive Committee, and identify any conflicts of interests you might have.
I am Electronics Engineer (System Administrator and Network) I completed a Master degree in Computer Engineering and Networks.
MY activities:
I am participating in many activities:
- ICANN Meeting in Cairo, Egypt 2008.
- ICANN Meeting  in Sydney, Australia 2009.
-ICANN Meeting in Belgium.
-ICANN Meeting in Costa Rica.
- I am a Member of Locking of a Domain Name Subject to UDRP Proceedings PDP WG Working Group, ICANN.
- I am a Member of The Inter Register Transfer Policy Part C working Group, ICANN.
- 3rd Euro-Africa Cooperation Forum On ICT Research, Scandic Marina Congress Centre - Helsinki, Finland.
- 2010 Euro-Africa E-Infrastructures Conference, Scandic Marina Congress Centre -Helsinki, Finland.
- 6th  International Conference on ICT for Development, Education and Training, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
- AFRINIC Meetings.
- NomCom 2011m 2012, AfriNic.
- African Peering Coordinate Forum (AFPIF), Peering Coordinators Day, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
- EGM on the Roadmap for Internet Governance in Arab Region,  United Nations House, Beirut, Lebanon.
-  first and second  African Internet Governance Forum.
- First and Second Arab Internet Governance Forum.
- Internet Governance Forum, Bali, Indonesia.
- Arab Multistakeholder Advisory Group (AMAG) for Arab IGF,2014 to 2015.
- Youth IGF Coordinator in Sudan , 2016.
- African Peering Coordinate Forum 2016  (AFPIF) programs Comittee.

I have no conflicts of interest.

3. The EC performs several functional responsibilities for the Constituency.  What  level of time commitment can you bring to your EC role on a weekly and overall basis?  Describe any concerns or limitations on your ability to attend online meetings of the Executive Committee and ICANN Meetings in person. 
I have dedicate about 12 Hours a week and more if there are some more meetings available. I will perform my duties and responsibilities perfectly . Also to increase my contribution in ICANN Meetings in person and online meetings .
4. Communication with the membership is critical. How would you keep members apprised of your EC-related activities?
The Communications for the memberships is very important and it can be available through mailing list and regular announcements.  I will inform NCUC members about different calls for proposals and funding  for the African and other IG-related events in the world.
5. How do you foresee NCUC’s function, scale, or role changing in the future? What areas of ICANN policy, if any, need more attention and why? Incumbent candidates should answer in a manner that is both backward and forward looking, i.e. taking note of their contributions and work in the previous year.

NCUC as a structure provides a platform where civil society in ICANN can articulate the voices and perspectives of no commercial users. It offers representation to civil society or the non profits and humanizes the technical aspects in communicating users rights
I promise to continue to raise issues with NCUC policy and rules. I need to raise the issues in Cyber security, especially in Social Security ( protections of children from the dangers of Internet). We have to continue engaging in the GNSO PDP process.
I shall pressure to see new faces in ICANN Board Members especially in developing countries. 
. NCUC should continue to articulate users rights in all aspects, and raise this voice in ICANN. I humbly request you NCUC members to endorce my candidature by giving me your vote,  and look forward to all of us reinforcing NCUC efforts in ICANN.
More about me see my C.V. attached here

label Latin America/Caribbean

REGION: Latin America/Caribbean

Deck of Cards



labelJoão Carlos Rebello Caribé


My Name is João Carlos Rebello Caribé, I'm from Brazil, LAC Region, Male and I'm a Campaign Manager and founder of Movimento Mega and also independent consultant.  You can check my professional history at LinkedIn[] 

I declare that I don't has any conflict of Interest.


1. Why do you want to serve on the EC?

I want to serve the NCUC in this next and last term to improve their communication, support to new members and accountability. Many hours are invested in debates by discussion groups, webinars, ICANN meetings and other forums and little is recorded and shared to the general public. I intend to understand this process and propose improvements with stakeholders. Also the LAC region has been hampered by having had three meetings recently transferred because of the Zika epidemic, this significantly affects  local engagement, and no matter how good the ICANN compensation program is, it does not replace the intensity and timeliness of a local event . For this reason, I intend to continue working in partnership with the Africa Executive Board, in defense of the interests of the global South, which have different priorities from the other regions, and always in the prioritization of decisions that affect our region.

I want to share my experience in grassroot activism and coordination and motivation of large workgroups and debates as I did in the past when I coordinated a group of 13,000 users of Macromedia, and also as activist and communication professional.

2. Provide a brief biography of recent experience, associations, and affiliations relevant to serving on the Executive Committee. Describe the relevance of your personal and professional experience to serve on the NCUC Executive Committee, and identify any conflicts of interests you might have.

I am the campaign manager and the founder of Movimento Mega <[]>, a Brazilian collective dedicated to internet policy issues at both national and global levels, Counselor representing Latin America & Caribe Civil Society on NETmundial initiative and creator of Terceira Social Crowdvertasing, a crowdsourced advertising and marketing agency to help small NGOs to spread their word.

Formerly self-called "Movimento Mega Não", the Movimento Mega was created to face the crescent internet freedom menaces as well the civil rights and human rights violations in Brazil through authoritarian bill projects in the Brazilian Parliament. In 2009 the “Mega Não” become a powerful platform for mobilization and information against threats to internet freedom, working from public hearings, lectures, interviews, flash mobs to blogging collective.

It was the one of coordinator for the Brazilian Blackout against SOPA on January 18, achieving membership of over 400 sites in Brazil. In 2011, "Mega Não" won the Frida Prize, in "freedoms" category, as a project with a prominent activity in the public and political level to avoid censorship of the Internet. Prize offered by LACNIC, ISOC and IDRC and delivered during the LACNIC XVI in Buenos Aires <[]>. Movimento Mega is also member of ISOC Brazil, The Internet Defense League, Red Latam, Dynamic Coalition on Network Neutrality and the NCSG at ICANN.

My background is in engineering and marketing, currently I work as independent innovation consulting to private sector and on internet policy processes at national and global levels, with special attention on how decisions taken at international arenas such as UN affect national legislation as well everyday people lives. In the last year both myself and my organization have been working on the Internet Governance Forum (IGF), International Telecommunications Union (ITU) and ICANN, particularly in relation to the non commercial users perspective of the ICANN issues. My duties focuses the following activities: to coordinate the overall Movimento Mega's activities; to coordinate the political analyses and online content; to coordinate public hearings and mobilizations; to deliver presentations on internet policy, security, openness and privacy issues at academic and non academic events, congress and meetings. I am also member of Diplo Internet Governance Community.


3. The EC performs several functional responsibilities for the Constituency.  What  level of time commitment can you bring to your EC role on a weekly and overall basis?  Describe any concerns or limitations on your ability to attend online meetings of the Executive Committee and ICANN Meetings in person. 

I  will continued to dedicate at least six hours a week, and more when needed to carry out EC tasks. I'm free to join the calls and/or in person meetings of the EC, when needed. Usually I don't have limitations to attend online or in person, when these are scheduled in timely manner.


4. Communication with the membership is critical. How would you keep members apprised of your EC-related activities?

I intend to use the default channel of communication with members trough regular posts on the lists. Also reaching out to members of NCUC to get their inputs and feedbacks. I participate in multiple lists that discuss IG and policy making, including some of LAC and Brazil region, that I must use to share information and captivate the interest to participate at NCUC. Finally using social media, through private and public spaces, to build interest and capacity building for new actors that has affinity with our constituency agenda.


5. How do you foresee NCUC’s function, scale, or role changing in the future? What areas of ICANN policy, if any, need more attention and why?  

Networking is the key issue to continue strengthening the NCUC, a civil society stakeholder inside ICANN's complex structure, once important strengths of the civil society are directed related to the quantity and quality of capacity building of the citizens in the subjects of our agenda.

Inside the ICANN policy we have to work beyond gTLD's and IANA transition debates too, once the operation of gTLD become ICANN the richest "I"star member and IANA function the most powerful, and is important to discuss now policies and warranties about the use of this budget to forest Internet development focused in principles and objectives which respect the Internet ecosystem and the social development, and specially on LAC region.  



João Carlos R. Caribé

Transdisciplinary Consultant - Wazushi

NETmundial Initiative Counselor

ICANN NCUC Executive Committee member[]


Skype joaocaribe

+55(021) 9 8761 1967

labelRenata Aquino Ribeiro

Hi everyone

As a candidate to NCUC Executive Council for Latin America, I'm sending my statement to the group.

Questions or comments are welcome through the list or to me at

* Candidate Statement *

* Name, declared region of residence, gender and employment; Any conflicts of interest;

Renata Aquino Ribeiro
Resident at LAC, Brazil, Northeast, Ceará, Fortaleza
Researcher - E. I. Collective

No conflicts of interest previously declared. I will hold the commitment to be transparent and declare any which could arise at any occasion.

* Questions:
1 Why do you want to serve on the EC?

Regional engagement of LAC and developing countries underserved and underepresented stakeholders is a basic need for ICANN and NCUC can do it along the tasks of its executive council.

Serving at NCUC will provide an opportunity to help bring these unengaged communities to decision roles in internet governance and tackle gaps in the policy-making process.

2 Provide a brief biography of recent experience, associations, and affiliations relevant to serving on the Executive Committee. Describe the relevance of your personal and professional experience to serve on the NCUC Executive Committee, and identify any conflicts of interests you might have.

All my work, lectures and articles can be found in my blog:

I am an independent researcher and professor at E.I. Collective. We build collaborative books, papers and capacity building projects mainly aimed at teachers in public education and NGOs. I am part of the IGF 2016 MAG – Multistakeholder Advisory Group in the Internet Governance Forum promoted by the United Nations, representing Civil Society. At Internet Freedom Festival 2017, a fellow in the Regions and Groups track. I am a collaborator and was a professor of Federal University of Ceara (UFCE). For the last decade, followed the internet governance debates such as regional IGFs, Brazilian Internet School of Governance 2014 fellow, South School of Internet Governance 2015 fellow and LACRALO ALS Nexti participant 2015 and NCUC participant in ICANN. I am ISOC Brasil contributing member since nov 2015, APC individual member and IETF observer.

I do not currently have any conflict of interests but will hold the commitment to be transparent and disclose any which could arise.

3 The EC performs several functional responsibilities for the Constituency. What level of time commitment can you bring to your EC role on a weekly and overall basis? Describe any concerns or limitations on your ability to attend online meetings of the Executive Committee and ICANN Meetings in person.

I'm available to commit to NCUC EC at least 1hr during business days, 5h weekly. My schedule is flexible so should the need arise to dedicate more time to pre-meeting preparations or other activities, it can also be done. Connectivity is an issue in my region but with a minimum amount of planning I can attend the online meetings as I've done in previous occasions.

My participation in ICANN meetings has been very constant. Since engaging 1st as a fellow in ICANN53, I was also grateful to have partial support from NCUC to ICANN55 and attended as a fellow in ICANN57.

4 Communication with the membership is critical. How would you keep members apprised of your EC-related activities?

My plan for communication with members involves a timely newsletter about actions the regional EC rep is doing can be shared to members. Monthly editions could be the first plan.

Also social media use to share information and showcase members achievements is another path which the group can try. Diagnostics and analysis of comms tools will help improve this work.

5 How do you foresee NCUC’s function, scale, or role changing in the future? What areas of ICANN policy, if any, need more attention and why? Incumbent candidates should answer in a manner that is both backward and forward looking, i.e. taking note of their contributions and work in the previous year.

Civil society in internet governance faces increasingly more challenges and NCUC action encapsulates most of them.

The growth of NCUC membership in LAC can be exponential. Planning this growth and how these members can be more actively engaged are the next steps.

Therefore, outreach, capacity building and improving communications are a few concrete actions to be taken at once. Diagnostics and analysis will again play a part in improving these aspects.

NCUC can improve its links also to civil society organizations and be an increasingly important decisional player in ICANN's global policy development processes. Ideas on how to do this can be discussed with members.

Whichever roads the NCUC collectively decides to follow in PDPs I believe the EC will be ever more supportive and I plan to act on that direction.





labelNorth America

REGION: North America

labelAnna Loup



Here is my candidate statement. I am looking forward to speaking with you!


Candidate Statement Anna Loup, Nominated Position: NCUC EC North American seat

Name: Anna Loup

Region of residence: North America

Employment: PhD Student at the University of Southern California Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism

Conflict of interest: No. 

1.    Why do you want to serve on the EC

The NCUC executive committee is a group of individuals who serve not only as leaders and representatives within the constituency, but also in the broader community. They organize the development of critical comments and are not afraid to ask the difficult questions that allow for a successful multi-stakeholder model of Internet governance. I want to be a part of the EC because I too want to represent the interests of the NCUC community and broader non-commercial user community. 
2    Provide a brief biography of recent experience, associations, and affiliations relevant to serving on the Executive Committee. Describe the relevance of your personal and professional experience to serve on the NCUC Executive Committee, and identify any conflicts of interests you might have.

As an intern at ICANN I learned about the organization ‘from the inside.’ This will benefit the NCUC because as data analyst for the gTLD CCT-metrics collection process, as well as a researcher looking at the security, stability, and resiliency of the new gTLDs, I have a deep understanding of where to find published, but difficult to find, data. This opportunity allowed me to witness, first-hand, some issues with the way things were run and handled.


Further, in 2015, I attended Wolfgang Kleinwächter’s European Summer School on Internet Governance. This experience was inspiring because I was finally able to interreact with members from the community who represent the interests of non-commercial entities. From engaging with other students from around the globe and representatives of the Association for Progressive Communications, among others, I learned that the NCUC was a space in which I could finally do the work I wanted.


Taking this inspiration, I worked with Dr. Nicholas Cull at the University of Southern California to organize the USC Annenberg Spring Institute on Internet Diplomacy. We brought many influential speakers and participants, such as Vint Cerf (Inventor of TCP-IP), Fadi Chehade (ex-ICANN CEO), Fiona Alexander (NTIA), and Khaled Koubaa (ICANN Board member), together for a week of learning and discussion.

Finally, during my time in the NCUC, I have been an active participant in the CEP working group and have worked with the NCUC bylaws committee.

3    The EC performs several functional responsibilities for the Constituency. What level of time commitment can you bring to your EC role on a weekly and overall basis? Describe any concerns or limitations on your ability to attend online meetings of the Executive Committee and ICANN Meetings in person.

As a PhD student whose work is connected to the work of the NCUC, I have a very flexible approach to my availability both weekly and overall, online and offline. I am also committed to traveling not only to NCUC/ ICANN related meetings, but also to smaller conferences where I might be able to recruit new members to the NCUC. For example, as a presenter at the International Studies Association- ICOMM meeting last year, I was present for the NCUC recruitment discussion during the cocktail party. I want to carry on the work being done by Dr. Mueller, and use these academic conferences as one space to connect with new and current members.

4    Communication with the membership is critical. How would you keep members apprised of your EC-related activities?

My first goal is to maintain the current structure of EC updates and communication with members, both returning and new. If it wasn’t for the guidance of the more established members of the Internet Governance community, I would not have been inspired to become a part of the EC and take a leadership role in the NCUC. Building on this, however, I also want to continue outreach at major conferences to new members and returning members. For instance, organizing a meeting of NCUC members at conferences as a way to meet face-to-face and develop new ideas outside of the intersessional and ICANN meetings. These also would serve as excellent opportunities to recruit new members.

5    How do you foresee NCUC’s function, scale, or role changing in the future? What areas of ICANN policy, if any, need more attention and why? Incumbent candidates should answer in a manner that is both backward and forward looking, i.e. taking note of their contributions and work in the previous year.

The NCUC serves as a critical component of the wider community that successfully fights for non-commercial users. One of my goals is to work to engage more young people who are willing to be active participants in policy discussion from North America. I believe that there is a large civil society contingency in North America that would benefit greatly from working with the NCUC because of the collective level of knowledge and experience.

Regarding ICANN policy, more work is needed on rights protections mechanisms, agreements negotiated outside of the multi-stakeholder model (eg. Donuts with MPAA), and how to use proceeds received by ICANN from the auctions of last resort. I want to ensure that human rights are critically examined within each of these issues and beyond as well as communicate issues of importance to North American constituents and the NCUC community as a whole. 





Candidate Statement for the NCUC Chair position 


Name: Farzaneh Badii - Region: Europe- Gender: Female- Affiliation: Associate Researcher at Humbold Institute for Internet and Society


COI: I have no conflict of interest.


Dear NCUC Members,

Last year when I ran for the NCUC Executive Committee (EC) I used the statement template to tell you what I would do for you as the Europe EC rep. This year, my ambitions as the candidate for NCUC Chair go beyond that template. So please accept my apology for this ad hoc statement, but I have big dreams.

The NCUC members and the NCUC mission are the reasons why I am running for the Chair position.  I believe we have great amount of talent and untapped resources within NCUC that can be used to advance the noncommercial users interests at ICANN.  I want to do my best so that you are supported in the voluntary work you do at NCUC.

At NCUC EC, I will strive for utmost transparency and accountability. Building on the legacy of the past chairs and ECs, I will work with the EC members to communicate with you and involve you more in decision making at NCUC.

I will look out for the opportunities to help strengthen the NCUC, make sure we are aware of all the programs available to us.

I will diligently carry out the tasks Bylaws require. As you know, we have been working on new NCUC bylaws for the past year. I promise that none of the procedural rules required to be carried out by EC in accordance to the current or the future Bylaws will go unnoticed. I look forward to working and supporting the regional EC members to achieve our goals and uphold the NCUC values. 

I plan to be engaged with members’ policy activities at ICANN. I think it is important for the EC to understand what the members do and have a deep understanding of policy work at ICANN. The EC’s tasks are mainly administrative but need to have insights into NCUC policy work to have successful outreach and convincing in-reach. That is how we can gain respect from our very active members and encourage others to join.  The new Bylaws propose a Policy Committee (PC) for NCUC. I think that is timely and a good start.  If the Bylaws are adopted, and in case I am elected, with the help of EC members, we will make sure that the PC is operational and well functioning.

In my candidate statement last year, I mentioned several goals and plans. I am glad that I have achieved some of them, such as in-reach and outreach and more effective communication with the members. I want to continue carrying out the promised plans, this time as the Chair of NCUC, working with all of you and the EC members to come up with outreach and in-reach strategies, to achieve gender balance and enhance regional diversity at NCUC and to have a constituency that is empowered and ever more effective at ICANN.

Thank you for reading this statement. I look forward to talking to you and answering your questions  via email and mailing list and  at tomorrow's "meet the candidates" virtual meeting which will be held at 13.00 UTC. 

 Best regards, 




