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Sub-group Members:  Anna Loup, Avri Doria, Adebunmi Akinbo, Ed Morris, Farzaneh Badii, Herb Waye, Ayaovi Olevie Kouami,

Samantha Eisner, Sivasubramanian Muthusamy.  (9)

Staff:  Bernard Turcotte, Karen Mulberry, Yvette Guigneaux

Apologies:  Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Alan Greenberg

 ** If your name is missing from attendance or apology, please send note to **




I. Introduction, Attendance, Regrets and Statements of Interest

II. CEP: The Basics

III. Discuss: Areas and Topics of Interest

IV. Proposed division of tasks / work plan





(including relevant parts of chat):


 6 Participants at start of call



I. Introduction, Attendance, Regrets and Statements of Interest


 Ed Morris: Present agenda


II. CEP: The Basics


Ed Morris: (presentation of slides)


 III. Discuss: Areas and Topics of Interest


avri doria: I am on the IOT and do not remember any discussion of CEP, but i may have missed it.  will check our doc.


Samantha Eisner: @Avri, I agree we did not discuss CEP on the IOT


Farzaneh Badii: question regarding confidentiality.


Ed Morris: for us to determine do we want disclosure? Should 3rd parties have access to some information?


Farzaneh Badii: Issue parties present all information during mediation - confidentiality would seem sensible.


Ed Morris: we will have to consider this in our work.


Farzaneh Badii: CEP can also prolong the process . it has to be time limited


Sm Eisner: Important to look at the purpose - its about finding out is is there an issue worthy of the IRP.


Farzaneh Badii: agree with SE but the more we talk about it I feel like it is a private negotiation which I do not support especially if the issue is an issue that could affect the entire community - but I may of misunderstood.


Ed Morris: Support that view - part of the confidentiality/transparency issue.


Sam Eisner: EM and FB have touched on an important point of PRIVATE negotiation vs clarification of issues - it is supposed to be about clarification.


Ed Morris: At the outset we may need to clearly set out the objectives of the CEP.


 IV. Proposed division of tasks / work plan


 Ed Morris: use the list to do most of the work.


Farzaneh Badii: Yes.  on the list makes more sense. My bandwidth is full


Farzaneh Badii: can't do more meetings. unless I have them during lunch breaks!


Farzaneh Badii: I’ll help but I have too many pens in my hand can’t have another one


Samantha Eisner: I will send a redline of this section of the Bylaws for the group's convenience


Farzaneh Badii: thanks Sam


Ana Loup do not have a legal background - so can I work on this.


Ed Morris: I can help you with the legal issues but another POV could be great.


Farzaneh Badii: Yes . I can help too . we just need someone to hold the pen


Samantha Eisner: Potential additional point from IOT - looking at experiences of people who did it. We could possibly do the same here?


Ed Morris: great idea - how was it done in IOT?


Sam Eisner: tried to bring people in group - Jones Day recommended some practitioners that were involved. ICANN has listed for the last year all ongoing CEPs - so I could get a compilation of the parties involved as a starting point.


Ed Morris: Great idea? No objections. I will liaise with IRP IOT. AL will look at the Bylaws, FB will look at the procedural. SE will get us the list. Adjourned.


Action Items:


Samantha Eisner to distribute to the group a redline of the relevant sections of the Bylaws as well as a list of parties involved in CEPs.


Ed Morris to liaise with Becky Burr and David McAuley in Hyderabad wrt links between CEP sub-group and IRP-IOT.



Documents Presented

CEP1 Slides - Meeting #1 - 10-26-16.pdf

Chat Transcript

  Yvette Guigneaux:  Welcome all to the Reviewing the CEP Subgroup Meeting #1 | on Wednesday, 26 October @ 13:  00 UTC!

  Yvette Guigneaux:  This meeting will be recorded.    Press *6 to mute and unmute your phone

  Bernard Turcotte support staff:  hi all

  Anna Loup:  hello all

  Farzaneh Badii:  Hi

  Bernard Turcotte support staff:  please mute if not speaking

  Herb Waye Ombuds:  Hello everyone from chilly Canada

  Yvette Guigneaux:  My apologies on the inconvenience Ed - glad you're feeling better

  Farzaneh Badii:  we need to say our regrets in this group? But Je ne regrette rien!

  Yvette Guigneaux:  Will do

  Farzaneh Badii:  Board will amend the rules?

  Yvette Guigneaux:  Ed - there is a question in the chat from Farzaneh

  avri doria:  I am on the IOT and do not remeber any discussion of CEP, but i may have missed it.  will check our doc.

  Samantha Eisner:  @Avri, I agree we did not discuss CEP on the IOT

  Farzaneh Badii:  CEP can also prolong the process . it has to be time limited

  Olévié:  hi frim Accra, Ghana

  Olévié:  hello

  Farzaneh Badii:  Hi Olevie

  Olévié:  Hi Farzi

  Olévié:  Good. i'm connected from a tablet.

  Anna Loup:  Thank you!

  Anna Loup:  +!

  Farzaneh Badii:  Yes.  on the list makes more sense. My bandwidth is full

  Farzaneh Badii:  can't do more meetings. unless I have them during lunch breaks!

  Anna Loup:  its just too early for me to truly productive haha

  Farzaneh Badii:  Ill help but I have too many pens in my hand

  Farzaneh Badii:  can't have another one

  Samantha Eisner:  I will send a redline of this section of the Bylaws for the group's convenience

  Farzaneh Badii:  thanks Sam

  Yvette Guigneaux:  Yes

  Farzaneh Badii:  Yes . I can help too . we just need someone to hold the pen

  Anna Loup:  that would be helpful

  Farzaneh Badii:  I have to leave now sorry. bye all

  Anna Loup:  bye!

  avri doria:  if it is in a drive doc open for comments, will cmment

  Olévié:  bye Farzi

  Anna Loup:  Thanks all!

  Herb Waye Ombuds:  Bye all

  avri doria:  bye

  Sivasubramanian M 2:  thank you

  Olévié:  bye bye