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- Membership diversity can bring talent
- Knowledge of local communities
- Knowledge of possible outreach efforts
- First hand involvement of members in Internet Governance activities unrelated to ICANN and domain names
- At Large Outreach is a pillar of ICANN's strategic influence in Internet governance
- At Large Strategy is bottom-up and reflects consensus of many stakeholders
- Current structure and processes in place to avoid capture
- Commercial as well as individual interests are not taken into account
- The fact that all of the RALOs are involved is an asset.
- We can bring our differing backgrounds and experiences to bear on the planning process and readily share these electronically
- International reach
- important number of stakeholders
- A core part of the original ICANN vision
- Multi-stakeholder bottom-up system of governance transcending beyond operational domain name issues
- At Large is ICANN's conscience


- Lack of clear overall strategy for At Large
- Lack of established feedback loop from ICANN
- Lack of roadmap and scenarios for the future of At Large
- At Large is not being used enough as a strategic resource by ICANN
- Public Participation does not appear to be related to At Large, neither by staff, nor by the Board (public participation committee)
- Translation delays
- Lack of clear strategic targets for the whole At-Large community (ALSes, RALOs, and ALAC)
- Lack of consultation and coordination between RALOs
- Lack of understanding with the ICANN Strategy team
- Limited number of language translations 


- Ability to feed local and global issues in ICANN strategy
- Very powerful communication channel
- Useful tool for ICANN outreach (when you insert changes, plz make sure it is not duplicate)
- Local ALS can help for local events (liaison with local stakeholders)
(when you insert changes, plz make sure it is not duplicate)
- Developing countries and emerging economies provide lots of prospects 

- Lack of funding limits outreach
- Lack of volunteers reduces time spent on strategic issues
- Loss of ICANN credibility if At Large does not grow
- If bottom-up process is broken or At Large strategy is not considered:
         1. Loss of local support
         2. Loss of stakeholder input
- ICANN's control by Government led agencies
- Another agency similar to ICANN
- International pressure limits ICANN's revenue







- Membership diversity can bring talent
Local knowledge brings unbiased view of operations:
    1.Lower costs of implementation
    2.alerting ICANN to another angle
- Local knowledge
       Grass root input
       RALO involvement is an asset.  
- We can bring our differing backgrounds and experiences to bear on the planning process and readily share these electronically (rewrite according to strategic process)
- On the ground workable and well defined actions 

- Slow reaction from At Large
- At Large Maturity still not completely achieved
- Public Participation does not appear to be related to At Large, neither by staff, nor by the Board (public participation committee)
- At Large comments appear not to be taken seriously enough by the ICANN Board & Staff, although they are the result of consensus based processes
- Translation delays
- Actions proposed by At-Large are not considered by ICANN


- Strengthen Maturity of At Large through establishment of improved processes
- Use At Large as a powerful communication channel
- Local ALS can help for local events (logistics with local stakeholders)
- "At Large is ICANN's conscience"
- Operating plan is requisite tool is a useful tool for a well prepared budget
- Ability to convey ICANN message locally
- Public participation in operarional planning of ICANN
- At large comments to be considered by the ICANN Board and Staff being the results of concensus based processes 
- Actions to be proposed by At-Large should be considered by ICANN


- Lack of means
- Less operational exposure 
- Llack of volunteers Threats                                                                            
- Lack of means translates to less membership volunteers, leading to less operational exposure and utility
- Less operational exposure leads to At Large being less useful
- Scope of action is reduced with a lack of volunteers
- If At Large output is felt as being disreguarded by ICANN in general (Board, Finance, Staff, etc.), volunteers will lose interest and output will fall
- Top Down culture in parts of ICANN is a serious threat. Those endulging in Top Down have completely misunderstood the direction that the organisation is taking
- The culture of stakeholder preference within ICANN
