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06:00 PDT, 09:00 EDT, 14:00 London, 15:00 CEST, 21:00 Singapore

Proposed Agenda –


1  Roll Call / SOI


2   Principles derived from review of public comments 


  • Review draft text on ‘diversity’ for inclusion in the charter (utilising references to existing ICANN documents and bylaws)


3   Briefing note on fiduciary and legal constraint:


  • Update from Sam on modifications to briefing note based on DT input
  • EM to revert on (a) advice from board colleagues or external advisors on what constraints (audit or tax) on the use of proceeds might be or (b) to what extent does ICANN's mission constrain the use of funds


4    Review revised draft charter (see latest version attached as circulated earlier today by Erika)


5   Confirm schedule going forward: 9 June no meeting, 16 June 13.00 UTC (90 or 120 minutes), 23 June 21.00 UTC (if required) 



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