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Deck of Cards
idVice Chair
labelPoncelet Ileleji

Dear Colleagues,

Good day, after a lot of self reflection over the last couple of weeks I have decided to self nominate myself for the position of NPOC vice Chair.

As my organization was one of the few organizations that joined NPOC at its creation, prior to me not seeking election for the position of Secretary two years ago, a position I held and also served  the Program committee, I have in my own little way contributed to NPOC through outreach especially within my continent whereby a lot of organizations have joined NPOC through my reach out to them. 

I have served and represented NPOC within the ICANN Meeting Strategic working group and ICANN Academy to name a few, I took part in the ICANN first African strategy outreach in Addis Ababa and I am active within the ICANN African community and contribute in my own way to the Policy discuss on NPOC and NCSG.  I am presently an adviser to our Gambian Government representation to GAC, and participated fully within Civil Society at the WCIT 12.  I am the country resource person for IGF in the Gambia representing the West African IGF and also take part actively in our African IGF.  I have also represented NPOC and spoke at the Global IGF in Baku.

My reason after been out of the EXCOM for two years plus was to take a break and decide if I decided to seek a position within NPOC I should come back well refreshed, and it's based on this I have decided to put in my nomination.  One of my highlight of serving NPOC previously was in the development of the NPOC Strategy document under the tenure-ship of  our Late chair Alain Berranger of blessed memory. 

I still belief in us revisiting our strategy as we move ahead and us having an effective outline plan in coordinating our activities with more  effective collaboration with our sister constituency the NCUC as we both share similarities within what we do ours been very more centric per our objective as an organization based constituency serving Not for profits interest.  It's also paramount we engage our members directly through an outreach programme based on regional base, so we know our members better, sometimes monthly calls for all to join might not be effective based on time zones and other commitments, but through NPOC having a regional focal point to reach out members within a region that can be helpful, just a thought.

I count on members if you feel my candidature will serve own collective interest to endorse my nomination based on my statements. 

Wishing you all the best in your numerous endeavours.


Kind Regards

