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The process begins this coming Monday, 26 October.  The timetable will be as follows:


26 Oct. - 8 Nov.:  Nominations submitted to ncuc-discuss  
9-22 November:    Candidates submit statements to ncuc-discuss 


7 December:  Results announced


During the first two-week period, any member can self-nominate or nominate any other member (usually best to check with them first).  During the second two-week period, nominees must notify colleagues via the mail list whether they accept the nomination, and if they do, submit a candidate statement (see below).  At the beginning of the third two-week period, ballots will be emailed by ICANN staff, and voting will occur on a secure website.  Staff will then run the tally software and announce the vote, and the new EC will be set up soon thereafter.

III.  Participation 

As you know, in accordance with its Charter, NCSG’s chair does a formal "check-in” procedure (probably necessary in the SG context), and members who do not reply in time to multiple email promptings become ineligible to vote in the election cycle.   

In contrast, NCUC’s Bylaws don’t require a formal check-in, and we have never done one.  Whether in the future we might want to move in this direction has been discussed in the EC before and might merit consideration again (there are pluses and minuses to it), but for now we will stick with our simplified traditional approach.  Everyone who’s a member as of 30 days before the election (i.e. now) is eligible to vote, and the results in contested cases are based on simple majorities irrespective of what percentage of members “turns out” to vote.  
That said, we obviously must have your correct current email address in our data base in order for staff to send you a ballot.  So within the next couple weeks, Maryam Bakoshi will send mail to every address in our data base asking for a reply email confirming that it is the valid address for the individual member or organizational representative listed at  Please make sure that her message does not get lost in a spam filter.  Her address  While you’re at it, you might want to double check that you are correctly listed on the members page as well.


IV.  Candidate Statements
