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titleDraft Recommendation 6

That the GNSO record and regularly publish statistics on WG participation (including diversity statistics).

Working Party (initial assessment of feasibility and usefulness): CG: Accept as is.
Staff (initial assessment of feasibility and usefulness):
  •  Accept As-Is
  •  Accept With modification
  •  Reject


MK: accept as-is.

Basis for Assessment: 
Work in Progress:WG attendance recorded and published in WG reports, WG online sign-up tool
Expected Completion Date for Work in Progress: 
Responsibility:WG Support Staff



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Recommendation 6 (Participation and Representation): That the GNSO record and regularly publish statistics on WG participation (including diversity statistics).


Paul Diaz

gTLD Registries Stakeholder Group

(Support) The RySG requests that more information be provided about the type of diversity statistics referred to in this recommendation. If Westlake has specific statistics in mind, they should communicate them; if not, it might be a good idea for the GNSO to form a group to recommend statistics. Given the fluid nature of volunteer availability and interest, it is not clear if aggregated snapshots (measured monthly or quarterly?) would be instructive - unless the goal is to underscore that some issues have limited community interest.


Osvaldo Novoa


(Support) The ISPCP supports the strategy of recording statistics about Working Group participation and notes that some of this data is already collected. However, the ISPCP believes that there needs to be agreement on what statistics are to be collected and regular reviews should be instituted t ensure that those chosen metrics continue to be proper and appropriate. Raw number counts of participation are a start, but do not reflect the diverse character of Working Groups. Agreeing on a common set of metrics on which to report seems to be something that the GNSO could usefully and quickly accomplish.


Stephanie Perrin


We do not want to encourage a punch clock mentality (or reward system, as in 4 above), but statistics would help us track volunteer burnout and allocate resources more fairly.


Greg Shatan


(Not Sure) Greater clarity on this recommendation is necessary since a mechanism already exists to obtain the desired statistics. All Working Group participants are required to submit a Statement of Interest (SOI). The SOI template requires participants to identify their respective stakeholder group, and constituency if applicable. It also requires participants to identify their “declared country of primary residence.” Presumably, a field need only be added corresponding to gender, and aggregate statistics regularly published by ICANN, in order to satisfy this recommendation.


Amr Elsadr


This may be helpful. The raw data required to create these statistics already exists.  Section 4.4.4 on page 44 of the report says: “While, it is recognised that it is not mandatory to have representatives from most if not all Stakeholder Groups and/or Constituencies in a WG, one of the GNSO PDP improvement proposals is to look at “requiring a WG representative from each SG/C to participate including as a silent observer.” To-date little  progress has been made on this initiative. As the GNSO does not collect WG members’ representation data, it is difficult to assess the size of this problem, however we received many comments and saw significant anecdotal
evidence of the lack of progress in this area. At the ICANN 51 meeting, it was reported that staff will review data to identify the make-up of recent WGs.” This statement is inaccurate. All GNSO working group members and their affiliations to SGs/constituencies/ACs/SOs are published on the WG wiki pages with links to their SoIs.


Olivier Crepin-Leblond


(Support) The ALAC believes that this is a key part of ICANN Community accountability. We suggest that the statistics could include not only gender and geographic statistics, but also the statistics reflecting the involvement of GNSO Constituency and other ICANN SO/AC.