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  Terri Agnew:Dear all, Welcome to the LACRALO Monthly Teleconference  on Monday, 20th April 2015 at 23:00 UTC

  Terri Agnew:meeting page:

  Silvia Vivanco:Hola a todos

  Carlos Dionisio Aguirre:hola

  Silvia Vivanco:Hola  bienvenidos

  Silvia Vivanco:estamos completando dial  outs

  Aída Noblia:Hola a todos oigo muy mal pero veo

  Silvia Vivanco:Welcome Dev

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Hello everyone

  Aída Noblia:Ahora se oye bien. Gracias

  Carlos Dionisio Aguirre:Estoy en Adobe desde mi teléfono.  aviso X las dudas no se como andará.

  Carlton Samuels:howdy all

  Silvia Vivanco:Welcome Carlton!

  Terri Agnew:Welcome Fatima Cambronero

  Terri Agnew:Welcome Adrian Carballo

  Fatima Cambronero:hello everyone /hola a todos. Thanks @Terri

  Adrian Carballo:Hello everyone

  Terri Agnew:Welcome Lance Hinds

  Lance Hinds:Thanks Terry

  Terri Agnew:Please remember to mute when not speaking

  Terri Agnew:Espacio de Trabajo para América Latina y el Caribe / Latin America & Caribbean Working Space:

  Silvia Vivanco:Stay tuned for the Trivia contest prepared by GSE

  Silvia Vivanco:and LACRALO

  Carlton Samuels:Silvia is up!

  Silvia Vivanco:Yo queria preguntarle a Rodirgo cuando se va a abrir el concurso el trivia

  Silvia Vivanco:ya que quedan solo 2 meses para Buenos Aires

  Silvia Vivanco:Gracias Carlton

  Silvia Vivanco:I wanted to know timeframe to start the trivia

  Silvia Vivanco:contest

  Silvia Vivanco:Second week of May

  Silvia Vivanco:okay understood

  Silvia Vivanco:thank you

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Q: What would be the eligilibilty of persons to enter the trivia contest? Only members from LACRALO? Or to persons who are members of an ALS?

  Silvia Vivanco:ok excellent initiative on the part of GSE

  Silvia Vivanco:open to all community members?

  Carlton Samuels:Can I ask the objective of the trivia contest? Is to gauge interest in LACRALO or in Names and Numbers Policy development?

  Carlton Samuels:Or gin up enthusiasm for LACRALO?

  Carlton Samuels:Thanks Rodrigo

  Terri Agnew:Welcome Alberto Soto

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Thanks Rodrigo

  Terri Agnew:At-Large Review Working Group:

  Silvia Vivanco:La wiki del At Large Review WG esta en la pantalla

  Terri Agnew:Creación de Capacidades WIKI./ Capacity Building WIKI page:

  Silvia Vivanco:los titulos estan en la wiki

  Terri Agnew:Showcase en la página WIKI./ Showcase updates on the WIKI page.:

  Silvia Vivanco:Por favor decir su nombre antes de hablar

  Carlton Samuels:Cann I ask a question on the Review WG?

  Silvia Vivanco:para el recording

  Alejandro Pisanty:Abrir la participación de posibles ponentes de las actividades propuestas por Carlos Aguirre parecería deseable.

  Carlton Samuels:Is this a closed group and what is the agenda?

  Carlos Dionisio Aguirre:sorry my mic doesnt work

  Silvia Vivanco:Alberto/Humberto preguntas de Carlton y de Alejandro por favor

  Terri Agnew:@Carlos, I have private chatted you

  Carlton Samuels:Is there space for crowdsourcing an At-Large Review agenda?

  Carlos Dionisio Aguirre:@alex si la participación es posible coordinando esto

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:I think Carlton is referring to the At-Large Review

  Carlton Samuels:@Alberto: You misunderstand my question

  Carlton Samuels:I was talking about the At-Large Review Working Group!

  Silvia Vivanco: yes

  Silvia Vivanco:thisone

  Carlton Samuels:@Silvia: Yes, that one

  Aída Noblia:Es sobre otro grupo que habla Carlton me parece , el grupo de Revisión

  Silvia Vivanco:yes corrected

  Silvia Vivanco:so far here you see the members:

  Carlton Samuels:@Alberto: I'm not asking for myself. I followed the link and saw a Working Party defined.

  Silvia Vivanco:Carlton see bacckground info:

  Carlton Samuels:I just wanted to know if the Working Party - whith 2 representatives from LACRALO - to be expanded. Especially when the work agenda is defined

  Silvia Vivanco:Please note that whomever is selected as the WG member will need to have a knowledgeable background on the previous ALAC Review as well as the RALO and ALS activities in their region.

  Alejandro Pisanty:Gracias Carlos

  Aída Noblia:Es el grupo del que habló Holly Reich? yo me había propuesto para trabjar en [el

  Silvia Vivanco:si ese es Aida

  Silvia Vivanco:Holly hablo de eso

  Fatima Cambronero:I am also member of this group

  Silvia Vivanco:Holly Raiche, the Chair of the At-Large Review Working Party, asked the Chairs of the RALOs to either confirm their participation in the Working Party or identify a member from their RALO.

  Aída Noblia:Ella envió un mail hace una semana o más pero no he tenido más noticias al respecto

  Alejandro Pisanty:confirmo intención de participar en GT de At Large Review y en el de convenio con LACNIC

  Fatima Cambronero:Alberto, yo me uní en Singapur a ese grupo

  Alejandro Pisanty:como se acordó la reunión anterior

  Carlton Samuels:@Silvia: Thanks. I see the modality - survey - and a frame of the preparatory questions.  We would expect the survey instrument to be circulated and discussed before adoption

  Silvia Vivanco:LACRALO (ALAC) Fatima Cambronero   LACRALO (RALO) Aida Noblia  are already noted

  Terri Agnew:Working Party Members:

  Silvia Vivanco:correct Carlton

  Aída Noblia: Holly pedía temas de interés para la región,

  Silvia Vivanco:Alberto crees que se firme ese MOU para Buenos Aires?

  Silvia Vivanco:cuando seria la firma>

  Terri Agnew:Mou LACNIC LACRALO :

  Alejandro Pisanty:Silvia, atenta súplica de no intervenir en asuntos de la comunidad; vamos al paso que podemos. Alberto está conduciendo bien el WG y los tiempos serán los de la comunidad.

  Alejandro Pisanty:Con Alberto de acuerdo, lo que se pueda.

  Silvia Vivanco:Estimado Alejandro, la pregunta va dirigida a monitorear avances y si es necesario implementar  la logistica de la firma, fotografo para el evento de firma

  Carlton Samuels:@MOU: I find the delay to sign really intriguing.  I would urge it is signed. LACNIC has done very useful work to advance the agenda for Internet development.  They have gone and executed projects that address immediate concerns of Internet users in the region and deserve encouragement to continue.

  Silvia Vivanco:etc

  Terri Agnew:6a Propuesta de procedimiento de LACRALO para la elaboración, emisión y publicación de Declaraciones./ LACRALO's proposed procedures for the creation, issuance and  publication of statements.:

  Alejandro Pisanty:Silvia, ¿cuánto tiempo de anticipación se necesita para inscribir en el presupuesto la solicitud de asistencia del fotógrafo? Todo lo que mencionas son incentivos de staff, no de la comunidad

  Alberto Soto:Carlton, I have every intention of trying to be signed in Buenos Aires

  Carlos Dionisio Aguirre:Otra vez se pospone este informe

  Silvia Vivanco:a veces hemos tenido algunos invonvenientes para conseguir fotografo oficial, para pedirle a staff que filme el evento, etcc

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Look forward to seeing the translated versions before the webinar/conference call to review/discuss the proposals

  Silvia Vivanco:cuanto antes mejor en casos de logistica (por experiencia pasada)

  Terri Agnew:Propuesta de programa de reclutamiento de nuevas ALSs./ Proposal to recruit new  ALSs.

  Terri Agnew:Propuesta sobe métricas./  Metrics Proposal.

  Silvia Vivanco:Metrics document is already posted and translated into EN

  Silvia Vivanco:and the changes can be seen

  Carlton Samuels:@Dev: Yes. Our Guyanese and Trinidadian ALS deserve to know what is included; the two English-speaking LACRALO memebrs covered by LACNIC

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:I think its too much to review/discuss all three proposals in one webinar

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:@Carlton, indeed, but I was referring to the updates to the proposals re: metrics, operating principles, etc

  Carlton Samuels:@Dev: Of course, that goes without saying. We CANNOT proceed without official translations of  these fundamental documents.

  Carlton Samuels:Could the link to the updated docs be posted here?

  Humberto Carrasco:metrics is official

  Terri Agnew:Propuesta sobe métricas./  Metrics Proposal.

  Silvia Vivanco: - this is METRICS

  Silvia Vivanco:Metrics is ready and translated

  Terri Agnew:Transicion  IANA:

  Terri Agnew:Showcase en la página WIKI./ Showcase updates on the WIKI page.:

  Carlton Samuels:So here's a metric as proposed "2) ALS's who are unable to attend a monthly meeting or assembly are suggested to send an email to LACRALO's Secretariat and mailing list informing the situation. This will be construed as participation."

  Carlton Samuels:Really!!!!

  Silvia Vivanco:Fue en el 2013 la reunion

  Silvia Vivanco:si es el doble

  Carlton Samuels:Participation to what objective?

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:The metrics and other proposals has never been formally discussed on any call - its only been through detailed comments on the wiki - the other two : Proposal of LACRALO Procedure for the Preparation, Issuance and Publication of Statements at and NEW ALS ENGAGEMENT PROGRAM PROPOSAL at haven't been updated in incorporate the comments recieved

  Carlton Samuels:Here's another one "3) Members belonging to certified LACRALO ALS's who participate in ALAC and/or ICANN working groups in their personal capacity are suggested to send a brief monthly report on such activity in order to add their participation to the metrics.".

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:@Carlton - what's worse is that the voting is included as participation - so nothing will really change

  Carlton Samuels:Really now?  You create a higher burden of proof of participation in this case than a membeer who dind't show for a meeting!!!

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:since a problem is that many, many ALS vote for positions but aren't involved in At-Large WGs

  Silvia Vivanco:El presupuesto actual es 2,700 $ de ICANN

  Silvia Vivanco:se necesita sponsors 

  Carlton Samuels:I now make this pronouncement:  I cannot and will not connive at error.  Consider this Metric thing DOA!

  Aída Noblia:Parece razonable buscar algo afueri es cerca del Sheraton mejor. Creo que debe haber cerca.

  Terri Agnew:Welcome Diego Acosta Bastidas

  Diego Acosta Bastidas:Thanks Terri

  Alejandro Pisanty:Dev, Carlton and Roosevelt should put forward a proposal for accountability that is an alternate, satisfying the objections expressed

  Alejandro Pisanty:BUT accountability among ourselves must ensue soon

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Well the comments were made to the wiki - but its seems it wasn't taken into account

  Alejandro Pisanty:Dev, comments are silver, proposed alternate language is gold. let´s see it

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:But I can repeat it here for the record : Voting in elections should NOT be counted as a measure of an ALS' engagement or participation. The problem in LACRALO today is that many ALSes do not participate in any At-Large activity (LACRALO calls, At-Large WGs, ALAC calls, comments on wiki, emails to the LACRALO lists) except when voting for persons as representatives. This makes consensus decisions by LACRALO difficult because of a lack of quorum on conference calls and places a strain on the few volunteers from the region actively involved in the various At-Large activities. As it is now, all ALSes in LACRALO measured with the metric of having voted in elections will qualify as being active. And this is wrong. Voting in elections as a metric should be removed from this proposal.

  Alejandro Pisanty:make a quick tabulation and send it to the wiki and to the mailing list; let's get this done over with OR conclude that we can't and leave it behind unsolved

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Re: point 6 - saying things like the member will be unable to join other ICANN AC/SOs can't be practically enforced and this part should be dropped. This would in fact, make LACRALO unattractive to be involved in.

  Carlton Samuels:We accept that there will be a delay in the moderator responding to the chat stream. And that is why I resolved to take the floor.  

  Silvia Vivanco:Si claro pedimos detalles

  Alejandro Pisanty:Dev, tabulate, publish, facilitate discussion. Otherwise it reads like holding fast to the hand brakes.

  Carlton Samuels:We must be careful not to disenfranchise anyone because of the mode of communicating!

  Carlton Samuels:Especially when  someone has proposed non-appearance as participation!!

  Silvia Vivanco:gracias  a todos  por su  participacion! 

  Silvia Vivanco:Thank you all for your participation!

  Humberto Carrasco:Thank you very much

  Aída Noblia:Saludos a todos

  Diego Acosta Bastidas:Gracias a todos.

  Alejandro Pisanty:Saludos a todas/os

  Carlton Samuels:Tahnsk all

  Fatima Cambronero:thanks all /gracias a todos Bye

  Alejandro Pisanty:buen trabajo Alberto y Humberto, gracias

  Silvia Vivanco:Have  a good  evening all and thank you

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Take care all