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  1. Welcome, Attendance, Apologies  5 mins
  2. Updates.  (30 mins)
    1. Activities since our last F2F Meeting in Singapore Feb 10th At-Large Accessibility Working Group 2015.02.10 - Singapore

      Recordings and Transcriptions in all languages are available at:  ; AC Chat Transcript:  EN  & Action Items: Not recorded

    2. Review of Accessibility in ICANN -  Stocktake survey on ICANN’s actions on accessibility for people with disability in ICANN policy and processes  (drafted by Gunela Astbrink)
       see Accessibility WG - SINGAPORE 2015 WORK  and Survey <insert link>   (based on this text by Glenn McKnight) 

    3. Accessibility Tools Wiki Page  see Accessibility Tools 

    4. Specifics - 
      1. Web Site(s) 
      2. Publication and outreach materials
      3. Policy Activities
      4. Meetings
        1.  Location, Building services and Physical aspects  - noting the change to the Register for Attendance at ICANN Public meetings template  for BA and Dublin meetings now in place, what follow up action(s) will be expected.
        2. Use of facilitation tools in communications ( Captioning , Language Services,  tools for mobile  low bandwidth access etc., )

  3. Discussion of progressing our 'Primary Objectives' for the Task  Force. 10  -15 mins  –  (see table)
    1. Building a culture of accessibility.  Including any review and discussion of materials and information sent to the list.
    2. Ensuring minimal barriers to participation and engagement with ICANN processes and practices.

  4. AOB

  5. Next meeting 
      1. May date and time (noting the need to accommodate time zones of  all TF Members more effectively) 
      2. BA F2F (more detailed planning of Agenda will be scheduled during the May Meeting of the TF) 
